Whats on your mind today?

Todays “READER FORUM” question is: ” Who do you think is the most effective Evansville City Council member?We urge you to take time and click the section we have reserved for the daily recaps of the activities of our local Law Enforcement professionals. This section is located on the upper right side of our publication.

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Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that any member of the media should be allowed to ask any question concerning city business during any official city council meeting


    • Eviltaxpayer

      Thanks for your suggestion. Just made the correction.

      We want to thank you for reading the City County Observer and your input.


  1. By far, Missy Mosby, as president, is the most “effective” member of the city council. The effects of her bad leadership will be felt for many years to come. If the question posed is who we feel is the member trying best to work for the citizens of Evansville, I would have to vote for Elpers.

    • In deed, at this juncture Mr. Elpers seems to be the only one voicing concerns ..and he should. In the upcoming budget cycle, if and when Ms. Hargis, CPA finally determines that Russ & Co. has spent the advancement from Tropicanna totaling 12.5 mil and failed to properly fund the Hospitalization Fund = 7.5 million and took 3.4 mil from the Water & Sewer Utility and failed to pay 8.1 million of vendors excluding medical bills and using bond funds to shear up increasing deficits, Mr. Elpers will probably be the lone Wolf in the woods. Of course, Butterfly McGinn does even know what planet he resides and Hargis is in fear of losing donors from Mrs. Mayor’s friend list. Let’s hope that Elpers father-in-law stops discouraging his questioning.

      • Mr. Elpers will be on the receiving end of an intimidation conversation soon. Been there, heard that. How he reacts when the machine tries to “talk some sense into his head” will be interesting. Will he keep asking the tough questions or will they scare him silence?

        • My bet is if he wants those annual gifts keep on coming, a coming to Jesus meeting is in the offing.

  2. panic sheer panic a fire in fact is burning in the presidency why because they are coming they are coming krauthammer on fox news here’s what so odd about it this is about according to the deputy attorney general something that occurred on July the 5th so we start out with something that is not believable if that was so offensive to trump what you would have done during the transition is you would have spoken to Comey and said were going to let you go that is when a president could very easily make a decision to have a change that’s not unprecedented to fire him summarily in the middle of may for something that happened in July is indicative of panic and bigger problems the timing of this is clear trump knows they are coming

    • Is there a levy for penguins, bike paths and other such essential local government follies?

      • Its all right there in the $70. million General Fund levy. With more “additional appropriations” to come, no doubt. Redistribution of income………its a beautiful thing if you are on the receiving end.

        • Do not take my word for it, as it will only take you a couple of minutes to add up the total for the budgets represented in the DLGF document. I just totaled the millions and the thousands, and dropped anything else. The total I got was $252,063,000. That is right, over $252 million will be taken from the taxpayers of Vanderburgh County for 2017. That is a minimum number, the actual number will be even higher!

      • Emperor penguins carry their own taxing authority. Not sure if Winnecke is going the Emperor route or not but he should. They are pretty fair hockey players too, when in full waddle.

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