Magical Mystery Tour: A Tribute to the McCurdy’s Magical Mystery Developer



  1. So… interesting would it be if the Magical Mystery Developer was…..Kunkel!


    • When the Nutty Nutbag tour bus finally unloads the ERC board members at the new McCurdy Mental Rehab Home and things return to near normal, somebody call White Lodging back.

    • That would be a very manipulative move if it were done just to keep the McCurdy from being made into a hotel that may compete with their Sheraton, Hyatt, or whatever. If that turns out to be the case and Kunkel bails out the ERC and the dude from Indy they should be given no more than six months to submit plans and show the money.

        • No way man. Those sumbitches won’t pay. Maybe they will hire me to paint the new hotel for $45 per hour to cover the chicken. The Evansville Democrats would not know an honest transaction if it hit them straight in the face.

          • Maybe you can enter a successful bid to cater on campus when the ERC converts the McCurdy into a mental health facility for retiring (voluntarily and forced) city politicians and former board members. You already know they love your chicken!

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