Dr. Dan Adams

FROM: George Lumley
Evansville In.
October 2, 2015.

TO: Dr. H. Dan Adams, President
City of Evansville City Council

Dear Dr. Adams

I am writing to you today to address a problem that I discovered with the City of Evansville finances.
There has been a lot of commotion in the news lately about loaning funds from the Riverboat Fund to
the operating funds. Now these funds will be paid back to the Riverboat fund and don’t represent an
expenditure for operations. The problem that I brought to the attention of the council was the actual
expenditure of Riverboat Funds for operating expenses that will never be returned to the Riverboat
fund. You may consider this petty or insignificant; however, it is hundreds of thousands of dollars and
people I talk with do not think it is petty.
I have had no response from any sitting council member and nothing was mentioned at the last Council
Meeting. Was the concern over loaning or expending funds from the Riverboat fund just a political ploy
or a genuine concern about how that money is spent? I presented a number of regular operation
expenses paid and currently being paid with those funds ranging from swimming pool inspections to
garbage hauling.

As Council president, do you know of any action, or are you planning any action about this actual
expenditure and apparent covert transfer of operational expenditures to the Riverboat fund?

I plan to campaign heavily starting Monday. What follow up are you planning if any with the
information I brought to the council? I need to know whether to justify retaining of any of the at large
candidates or pursue a “re-elect no one” Lets fix this problem approach?

Thanks you
George Lumley
Concerned Citizen


  1. I watched this meeting. He never offered any documentation of his claims while at the podium. Now these people are supposed to have remembered them and pursued a remedy based on his word alone. His follow up is essentially “What have you done about my undocumented claims I made 18 days ago?” and “If you don’t do something about my undocumented claims, I’ll tell the world not to vote for you.” Not exactly an example of finessing collaboration out of a public official. Coures called him a bully a month or so ago, and I agree. Either give people the information they need to help you or shut up.

    • How would you know what George Lumley has been doing on a daily basis, or who he has been corresponding with in local government? We have not seen any coverage in your stellar product concerning Lumley’s efforts.

      If you had been doing your JOB you would have run up the red flag when DMD created Evansville Brownfields, not wait until HUD issued their directive:

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      EVANSVILLE, Ind. (AP) – Federal officials have warned Evansville that it can’t keep holding on to properties that it purchased with federal funds that were intended to redevelop brownfields.

      Brownfields are properties whose redevelopment is hindered by industrial pollution or other environmental issues. But officials say the problem is that the city has been acquiring increasing amounts of property without doing either one, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has warned the city about keeping the properties, the Evansville Courier & Press reported ( ).

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Your newspaper is nothing but an establishment rag, and if this city finally is forced to file for protection from its creditors, your newspaper will be largely responsible.

  2. Dr. Adams was promised a position at the new downtown IU Med school. He’s just another cog in the machine, looking out for himself first. He couldn’t care less about city services.

    • Dr. Adams is in his mid to late 70’s. He’s not getting “a position at the new downtown IU Med School.” He’s already a guest lecturer at the IU Med School located at USI. He’s been retired for decades. At his stage in life, it’s about legacy, not money. The teaching model at the new medical school is his legacy, along with Dr. Becker’s. He doesn’t need anything more. Dr. Adams was critical of the administration when it was Weinzapfel, and it was very unpopular. He has treated his two mayors the same, and he started when there was no support on city council.

      • In total agreement with you “Really?” and believe that much of what Dan Adams has done for Evansville and the city council has gone under the radar of the citizens especially those who’s main pleasure seems to be to bitch and moan about that which they know very little. I do know that this city council gig is not part time for him. He treats it as a full time job and is up very early in the AM answering emails and reading to stay current with the city. the state and the country. Often emails I have received from him ( and he does always answer my emails even when we disagree) are from 5:00 AM. I think that we should stop “grading” our council members on how perfect we think they are according to each of our individual definitions of perfection and start being a little more realistic and legally informed. How would each of us do serving on the city council with our knowledge, education, and backgrounds? Think about it. What must happen is that all citizens must work together as we expect the elected officials to work together for the common good.

  3. This is no doubt a genuine concern to Mr. Lumley, but a snarky letter with a thinly veiled threat at the end of it is not a good way to get anybody onboard with addressing it. I’ve had lots of interaction with Councilman Adams concerning FD issues, and he’s always been accessible, engaged, and willing to help if a cogent case is made.

  4. Tim, if you watched the meeting you should have seen me hold each document up as I spoke about it. No one asked for these document. No one contacted me. The vendor and amounts would be all they needed to ask the mayor or his staff for an explanation. I spoke this information and it was entered into the public record. You and Coures see me as a bully. Great, my tactics are working. I do not collaborate (conspire) with others or finesse (kiss Axx).

    DeltaBravo, Why should I have to “get anyone on-board” on this issue. The council is the fiscal body just as you are or might be a fireman. If there is a fire do the victims have to get you on-board for you to take action? I did not stand before them asking for a hand out – I was demanding they do their job. The only reason you “thought” there was a “thinly veiled” threat at the end was because you did not see the Email that introduced the letter. It made it clear.

    Ms. Crosley, I cant disagree with you. I received a response from Dr. Adams at 4:30 AM from yesterdays email. As you said, he always responds whether he agrees or not. It is also obvious that he puts in a lot of behind the scenes effort that we may not realize. If I was looking for a friend or business associate I would be knocking on Dr. Adams door. I would even consider him a viable candidate for Mayor.

    Sometimes there is a difference in what people consider the common good.

    I will never be politically correct. Every time I try I I just make things worse. The editor gave me some “gourmet” chili the other day. Supposedly made with homegrown tomatoes, the best kidney beans, and ground filet mignon. A couple of days later my wife prompted me to tell him how good it was so I did. I told him it was a little strong but after I added a quart of tomato juice some pinto beans and a little pork sausage for fat it was delicious.

    • George. This is what I meant when I advised you to prepare for the slings and arrows sure to come your way. Not only will “city hall” not co-operate with you, some posters here imply you are making it all up.

  5. For the 8 years of his mayoral administration Jonathan Weinzapfel had this:

    hanging over his head.

    What did he decide to do? What were his priorities as mayor? A new exhibit at the zoo? A new downtown arena? Incentive programs for corporate cronies to move from one downtown location to another, American General, Vectren, Old National Bank, Hilliard Lyons? Burkhardt Road TIF District?

    It is fairly apparent that business was taken care of in those 8 years. Public health and a clean river had to wait. All the while the mayor was using water & sewer funds to pay operating expenses for the city, which included all the above projects and more.

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