Luke Messer Blames Broken U.S. Senate for Failure to Pass Pro Life Legislation

Luke Messer blamed a broken U.S. Senate today for failing to pass pro-life legislation that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
The late-term abortion ban sponsored by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) died in the Senate today, after failing to reach the 60-vote filibuster threshold required to bring the legislation to a vote.
“I was proud to support this common-sense, pro-life legislation in the House, and am disappointed the Senate once again failed to deliver,” Messer said. “This legislation would have saved lives, and it’s unacceptable that the broken filibuster rule is the only reason this bill won’t become law. The U.S. Senate is broken. Hundreds of conservative bills are passing the House, only to die in the Senate. We can do better.”
Messer voted to pass the 20-week abortion ban in the House back in October. The U.S. is one of only seven countries, including China and North Korea, that still allows late-term abortions, when it’s proven an unborn child can feel pain.
Messer has called for an end to the filibuster that allows the liberal minority in the Senate to block the President’s agenda.
Messer also called out Senator Joe Donnelly today for his lack of leadership to get this pro-life legislation passed.
“Time and again the U.S. Senate is failing to deliver, and Joe Donnelly is part of the problem,” Messer said. “Frankly, Joe Donnelly is hiding behind his vote. The truth is that Joe Donnelly supports Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and the rest of his Democratic colleagues who killed this bill today. Hoosiers deserve a Senator who votes with us 100 percent of the time, not just when it’s politically convenient. I will continue to fight for pro-life policy because all human life has dignity and should be protected.”
Donnelly claims he is pro-life, but in 2014 Donnelly received a 100% rating from NARAL ProChoice America, and he’s voted to allow federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
Messer’s recently launched his 3-step reform plan to fix the broken U.S. Senate. It includes 1) ending the filibuster 2) speeding up the Presidential confirmation process and 3) imposing term limits.


  1. Perhaps if people like Messer would stop trying to force others to subscribe to his religious mythology by creating laws that are not needed, he wouldn’t be so disappointed. Stay out of women’s wombs unless you plan to pay for the 18 years of costs incurred due to your distorted mythological vision of what is “moral or ethical”.

  2. There are no reasons why my tax dollars should go to Planned Parenthood. I do not believe in killing a baby from inside the mother’s womb. If you believe in it, then you pay for the 58 million babies that have been murdered by the term abortion since Roe vs. Wade. It isn’t about religion, it is about one’s morals. Perhaps if you were to watch an abortion, at any stage, especially the last, you might change your views on abortion.

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