Home Community News Libertarian Party of Vanderburgh County Commends City Councilwoman

Libertarian Party of Vanderburgh County Commends City Councilwoman


Libertarian Logo The Libertarian Party of Vanderburgh County commends city councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley for releasing details of a state of audit this week of the city’s 2012 operations. We express great disappointment with Mayor Winnecke and his administration team for failing to present the findings earlier.

LPVC Chairman Bart Gadau released the following comment:

“Meetings regarding city business must be open to public. The results of the audit do not place our city in a flattering light and begs the question if Mayor Winnecke has simply played politics by holding back these findings. The fact that the audit took place months ago and the Mayor’s office has not discussed the results publicly is very troubling. It is truly disturbing how complacent our community has become, especially with regards to matters of government transparency.”

“The Libertarian Party advocates for smaller government because of issues like this. If our local officials are not capable of managing something as simple as their books, how can we count on them to effectively manage important issues such as our dilapidated sewer system, neglected roads, parks, and buildings? This audit is a clear message that government has gotten so large and cumbersome that it cannot maintain itself effectively or efficiently. Kudos to Councilwoman Brinkerhoff-Riley for bringing this issue to light.”


  1. Bravo, County Libertarians! We have too few good people who are willing to serve in local government to be concerned with what their party identification is. If this area is to survive, we all have to stand behind those who stand behind the community.

  2. It is a criminal offense to secretly tape a conversation in Indiana. It is also a federal offense to make such a recording without notifying all parties. It is permissible to OPENLY record a public meeting if notice of such recording is given 24 hours in advance. This wasn’t a public meeting, the recording was done surreptitiously, and no notice was given. That makes it a criminal act. I find it very disappointing that Libertarians would condone illegal actions.

    • I think you need to review Indiana laws regarding recording devices. If it is your intention to frighten people into not taping public meetings, that is wrong. The 24 hour rule applies to the Indiana Supreme Court. If you attend a public meeting (i.e., a meeting of a governmental body required to be open to the public by law) in Indiana, the presiding body may not prohibit you from making a sound recording. See Ind. Code § 5-14-1.5-3(a).

    • You are simply wrong Bill. Indiana is a single consent state for recording and in the case of Riley her participation in the meeting was sufficient to clear that hurdle. You might want to try this newfangled tool called Google. It should only take you about 3 minutes to learn about this if you know what you are doing.

      • I wonder if in her new role as Recorder-at-Large, and considering her recent declaration as a Republican voter, whether SBR will start attending and recording those Republican women’s caucuses at the Evansville Country Club. If so, those audio files should really stir some controversy during the upcoming election season!

    • Sorry Bill, but your so full of it your breath stinks!
      Only thing left for you to do now is to go kiss the king’s ring and get your pat on the head,–“good boy”.

      • It looks like ol’ Bill just dropped off this huge load of fertilizer and left, or else he isn’t capable of saying “I’m wrong, sorry.”

  3. Did you fail to run your accounting systems in parallel?

    Did you lack the competence to implement the exact same software thousands of other city and county governments implemented successfully?

    Did you make random unsupported adjustments(plug and chug) to your bank accounts in order to make them appear to be balanced?

    Did you fail to make even simple bank reconciliations like payroll acounts balance.

    Do you need nasty audit results with auditor’s qualifications and adverse opinions whitewashed?

    Then we’re the organization for you!

    Call us today!!

    Our motto: The rules don’t apply to us or our clients.

  4. We certainly need more accountability at all levels of government. Why would they be worried about a recording of the meeting being released unless they have something to hide?

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