Less Regulation, More Recycling


This year’s gathering of the General Assembly is nearing the halfway point.  Lawmakers are dedicating many hours in session debating policies, listening to testimonies from fellow Hoosiers and voting on proposals for new laws. While the hours can be long, the outcome of enacting new laws to keep Indiana moving forward is always worth the time commitment.

All legislative proposals authored by members of the House of Representatives must be heard in their assigned committee by Thursday, Jan. 28. If a bill isn’t heard in committee before that date, it can no longer be considered for a new law this year. Those bills that are heard and approved by committee members can move forward in the process and considered by all 100 House members.

One of my proposals, House Bill (HB) 1053, is progressing through the legislative process. If enacted into law, this proposal would ensure uniform guidelines for “auxiliary containers” like grocery bags, cups and bottles while supporting vital recycling programs.

Currently, there are units of government considering taxing or banning recyclable containers like grocery bags and soda cans. My proposal will streamline the regulation of packaged goods, so every unit of government is uniform with state policy.

In addition, HB 1053 would promote keeping our environment clean by encouraging all packaging material to be recycled at local recycling plants. Recycling is important because it helps protect the environment, cut down on waste placed in our landfills and preserves natural resources for future generations. Because of the many benefits of recycling, it’s vital we develop a system that fosters participation, which can more easily be established if we work together as a state to develop guidelines on the tax placed on these auxiliary containers.

After being supported by the House Committee on Government on Regulatory Reform, my bill can now be considered by all members of the House. As this bill moves through the process, please contact me at (317) 232-9833 or through email at h75@iga.in.gov. To watch committee meetings and session hearings online, visit www.iga.in.gov.