Law Enforcement Offers Advice on How to Drink Responsibly During New Years


Law Enforcement Offers Advice on How to Drink Responsibly During New Years

Many people will take part in some type of celebration to ring in 2019 and alcohol is often a part of those celebrations. While law enforcement is aware people will be drinking, they say that increases the awareness of those who are going out to celebrate.

“For some reason, most people are more responsible on New Year’s eve I think its basically because their awareness level is so much higher. So for that reason we really have very few problems on new years eve,” said Indiana State Trooper Todd Ringle. He says they do expect to encounter people who made the choice to drink and drive.

“You know last year during the new years eve and the first part of the new years day statewide we had 50 crashes that were alcohol-related from those crashes 17 people were injured but we didn’t have any fatalities,” said Ringle.

Bars in the Tri-State like Lamasco are taking precaution when it comes to those coming out on new years eve with the intention of indulging in drinking.

“We’re just gonna be extra diligent on what we are serving people, we’ll be paying closer attention. People may have gone out to dinner and started celebrating a little early, so they may have had a couple of drinks before they came here,” said Lamasco Manager Chris Passage.

“If you know you are gonna be drinking make sure you have a plan before you take that first drink. right now we have uber, lift…Logan’s Promise which is a great organization that if you call them they will come to wherever you’re at. They will make sure you get home safe, so there’s a lot of different options for people to do. There is no reason for anyone to drink and drive,” said Ringle.