Ben Trockman To Run For The 1St Ward Evansville City Council Seat


 It’s with incredible pride and enthusiasm that I announce my intention to run for City Council to represent Evansville’s First Ward! #BT4EVV #RockwithTrock #Strive2Thrive

I have an immense passion for our community, especially the east side, where I have called home my entire life. The First Ward is where I created all of my childhood memories: from learning how to drive on the back streets of Brookshire and Lakeside Terrace (sorry, neighbors) to my baseball days at Plaza Park, to detailing my dirtbike in the front yard, these were the best of days!

It’s my desire to play an intricate role in the continued development of our city: I believe there is no better platform to do so then as your City Councilman, representative of the First Ward.

As your Councilman, I will promise to operate with unparalleled honesty, and always welcome constituents (my friends and family) to approach me, at any time, with concerns and feedback.

I believe we stand at a unique time in our history as a city. We have unparalleled enthusiasm and commitment from a new generation of leaders. With your support, I hope to join the “official” list of humble Councilman, who will help guide our community to the next generation of greatness.

We have a long journey ahead of us, until election day in November 2019, but with your support, your enthusiasm, and your honest feedback, I believe we can reach our dreams!. #Strive2Thrive

In the next few weeks and months, there will be ample opportunity for you to provide feedback, and support in a variety of different ways. Those details will come soon, and I will share ASAP.

What can you do now? See below, the event “Ben files for City Council, First Ward” and JOIN ME as I file for election at the Election Office in the Civic Center on Wednesday, January 30 at 2 PM. #RockwithTrock

Lastly, if you feel the urge to make a contribution to my campaign (thank you) please make your check out to “Trockman for Evansville” and send to my Treasurer, Mary Allen at 44 Washington Ave. 47713.

With any questions, please feel free to reach me at

Thank you for your support in the past, and for your support in the future. #Forward

Together, we will #Strive2Thrive and continually make #eisforeveryone!

Your friend,

Ben Trockman