“IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Wednesday

Todays READERS POLL question is:Would you support a Trump and Pence ticket for President and Vice President of the United States?

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    Don Becker
    Jul 4, 2016 at 12:57 pm

    Seriously, you’re posting THIS VIDEO? Lee Greenwood “God Bless the U.S.A.?”
    “And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today..“

    Then……September 11th, America is attacked. Greenwood? Still singing. Fighting? Nope. Collecting royalties? Of course!!

    Hey Greenwood!! There was your chance! Pick up a gun and hop to it! Plane leaves from over there. Get the f’ over there! What? Put your money where you’re mouth is, you hypocrite! What? What? What’s that? Oh, you’ve got another gig in Branson. O.K., I’m sorry, yeah.”

    Toby Keith, Lee Greenwood, Darrell Worley….or whatever his name is……people that cheer this trash on remind me of the Donald Trump and Sarah Palin book, t-shirt and TV show fans of these people.
    Low-intellect people…sorry ’bout telling the truth.
    (Thanks to David Cross.)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    And Becker’s preference?:


    Which, BTW, the left has managed to scrub the original video from the internet! How in the hell did they get that done?

  2. Syrian refugees admitted to U.S. more than DOUBLED in June; however only 0.3 percent were Christians. Syria was 10% Christian pre-war for you liberals that love quotas. By the way 99.2% admitted into the U.S. were Sunni Muslims, the sect that spawned ISIS. What could possibly go wrong with this Obama-Hillary immigration policy? Absolutely crazy disregard for our National security by these leftists.


  3. Great show at the river front last night. Nice breeze, cooler temps, big crowds who were (mostly) well-behaved. Kudos to all the public and private entities who organized to make the show a success!

  4. “Don Becker
    Jul 4, 2016 at 12:57 pm

    Seriously, you’re posting THIS VIDEO? Lee Greenwood “God Bless the U.S.A.?”
    “And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today..“

    Then……September 11th, America is attacked. Greenwood? Still singing. Fighting? Nope. Collecting royalties? Of course!!

    Hey Greenwood!! There was your chance! Pick up a gun and hop to it! Plane leaves from over there. Get the f’ over there! What? Put your money where you’re mouth is, you hypocrite! What? What? What’s that? Oh, you’ve got another gig in Branson. O.K., I’m sorry, yeah.”

    Uh. Lee Greenwood was 60 years old when the twin towers came crashing down. Not much use in an infantry unit, and too old to enlist anyway.

    I get Don’s bigger point, though. The hawks had 15 solid years to enlist or have their kiddos enlist with a near guarantee that if they choose a combat arms MOS they would almost certainly get a chance to WHOOP ASS FOR ‘MURICA!!!!!! in real life, on a real 360 range against (mostly) real bad guys. Most didn’t take that opportunity, but many profited in other ways…

    • Wondering if there has been any of those “hawks” since Teddy Roosevelt during the “Great War” whose kiddos’
      did not have a “office desk” during a active war?

      Also wondering what the stats are for that new classification of “people”(business) that may had joined the active military operations? Oh wait, silly question! Since globalization, their is no national allegiance for them, except to “$”.

  5. FBI Director Comey on the ginned up ‘scandal’ regarding the Hildebeast’s emails: ‘No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case’.

    • If you throw your vote away on a third party, you might as well. I don’t want to vote for Hillary, but we can’t take a chance on a President Trump. Remember Ralph Nader?

  6. I watched the news conference and have read a couple of articles. Here it is in a nutshell. Evidence was discovered to support the assertion that criminal acts happened. Evidence proved that Hillary did not speak the truth to the American people about her emails. Evidence supports the assertion that classified government documents may have been lost forever due to routine purging of old data on a private set of servers. It is apparent that the Clinton State Department was careless and clueless about the handling of classified information.

    In spite of all of this evidence it is not established that Hillary and her cohorts had the presence of mind to know this so “willful breaking of these laws” has a very low probability of being proved so she avoids prosecution.

    Hillary’s clueless digitally illiterate Grandma defense, coupled with her underlings case of mass amnesia has allowed her to avoid accountability. Now we sadly have to choose between a “reckless, clueless, lying” candidate and “Biff from Back to the Future” for president of the USA. Costa Rica is looking better every day.

    • Joe, the Wonderlic Test is which candidate is most likely to appoint Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch to the US Supreme Court to help complete the leftist fundamental transformation of America. Obama could have a life-time term to legislate from the Bench. I vote Biff.

    • So much for the theory that any email can be retrieved by one means or another. FBI Director James Comey stated that Hillary’s lawyers had disposed of her so called “personal” emails in such a manner that they can not be retrieved.

      As for her law firm, damn. you can not buy that kind of advertising……I bet the phones are ringing off the hook there with potential clients.

  7. I think without a doubt now, that the majority of Americans believe that the Clintons are above the law. If she were to be elected President, she would not be a President at all, being “above” the law she would be a Dictator in every sense of the word.

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