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  1. The overwhelming view of Trump within the Republican Party is he is incompetent, unprepared for the Office and a genuine danger to the future military direction of the United States because of his interest in abandoning NATO and US historic Allies. But the alternative is Hillary, and so GOP voters have to decide:
    1. My conscience tells me my authenticity, my character and my commitment to being a Conservative Republican are at stake, and I could keep that by voting for the only Conservative in the race: Gary Johnson, Libertarian
    2. Or, I could just sell my soul…and vote for Trump.

    Ted Cruz made it clear last night that major, huge, significant chunks of the Republican Party are thinking:
    “I have to vote my conscience.” He said, “Vote your conscience.” Trump’s name didn’t come up.

    • Well, that’s a BIG problem.
      You know what we need? We need Pressanykey to do some short, vacuous “CCO Tweets” with a link attached to them. C’mon Press. Load us up!! Give us some Cheerleader “CCO Tweets” Press!!

      • I can not find a place to insert them because of the mile long list of interference posts. It is rather humorous though watching you and others posit your bankrupt ideas, and then attempt to cloak them in a shield.

        Your partner Ted Cruz tried out your line on the convention last night and he was promptly shouted down. Sour grapes Ted, we were told, was despised by you establishment chamber types long before this presidential election cycle started. I can see why.

        You are beating your head against a stone wall Wayne. Trump WILL be your next president, and some time after that Bill and Hillary WILL be indicted for the crimes they were given a pass on while this election cycle was playing out.

        • Trump has the angry white racist vote on lockdown, we agree. Can you tell me what other demo he can win? The angry white vote isn’t enough to win the white house. I really don’t like Hillary but I don’t know what makes you so sure Trump will win.

    • It’s a little sad to see folks had by an obvious con, even when they asked for it. The Republican party is stuck with him. Watch them twist, watch them turn. This born-on-third-baser has zero experience in governing or honest dealing. Apparently never troubled himself much with thinking about international relations, except as they’d relate to Melania or other business deals.

      The convention has been a joke so far, most notable for those who have boycotted it. If they turn Orange loose tonight and let him say what he really thinks it’ll be a fitting end to what has essentially been an ego-driven family affair.

      Cruz showed more nerve last night than I thought he had. Even brought his nutso purported dad with him to rub it in. The national Republican party is in shambles. The clowns have taken over the circus, it was inevitable.

  2. Cruz has a backbone and showed it once again. “The Pledge” was signed with the assumption that normal rules of engagement would apply. It is amazing that Trump would expect an endorsement after personally attacking Heidi Cruz and accusing the senior Cruz of plotting the assassination of JFK. What a circus this has been!
    Pence didn’t get his time in the spotlight, and he should get used to it. It’s what he earned with his hypocrisy. Three weeks ago, he was sharply critical of Trump, according to “insiders” in Indy.
    Today is the day the anti-Trumpers are supposed to deliver their rebuke to the nominee. It will be hard to top Cruz, though.

    • Paul Manafort and his bunch are claiming they got a copy of Rafael’s speech in advance. No followup as to why they still gave him the stage to insult Orange. Very little room for the truth when these huge egos start sparring.

      I suspect they are lying, that what they got to look at, if anything, was not what Cruz delivered. They were expecting an endorsement or Rump wouldn’t have shown up at the end of Raf’s speech. They got a deserved dose of payback on a bigger stage than Orange had when he insulted his lovely wife Heidi Ho Cruz and his crazy dad, Lee Harvey Cruz.

      Cruz bet it all on Trump losing the election to The Beast. If he caves now he loses either way.

      • Cruz knows TRUMP CAN’T WIN OHIO.
        And the the GOP Candidate (rented by Trump this time) has never, NEVER ever, ever never, never ever, ever never…never ever won the Presidency without winning the State of Ohio.

        John Kasich, all quiet and peaceful-like….owns Donald Trump.

        This is all about ONE THING for Trump now:
        “Build the Trump Brand” until he loses in the fall election. No Ohio.
        Sorry Press.

        • At some point……Metrics take over this thing.

          Trump’s reality TV star bluster is fun to watch, but the numbers have taken over now.

        • Although tempting, saying that’s why Trump went relatively easy on Kasich in the primaries would be giving him too much credit. It was becasuse Kasich never polled out of low single digits and despite Orange’s trashy little attempts to bring Kasich down in the gutter with him, he just wouldn’t come. Wouldn’t take the bait. Kasich would have made a great nominee.

          Alienating the governor of Ohio is political suicide for a Republican candidate. It’ll just give him someone else to blame when they rouse the Orange GasBag from his satin sandwich of troubled slumber on Nov. 9th.

          • Trump’s reported pursuit of Kasich as a running mate appears to have been pretty much a strong-arm attempt gone very, very wrong. I think even Trump knows how screwed he is without Ohio. Kasich is a decent man who I agree with on very few things, but I wouldn’t fear him as a President. Trump scares me to death.

    • Haters?
      Man, that’s the pot calling the kettle black.
      …you can’t invert this Press.
      Trump’s whole candidacy is based on demonizing immigrants, black Americans, Mexicans and actual conservatives.
      And you? You are a Cheerleader Press.

  3. Trump had to literally embrace Pence after his speech to calm him down.

    Somewhat reminiscent of Dan Quayle flapping his arms in lieu of substance. Had the press saying he should have taken a Quaylelude.

    Scowlin’ Mad is having buyee’s remorse. Wasn’t counting on having to follow Rafael’s masterful performance. The Republican party is now further cleaved, not by Joni Ernst but by the Candadian Rafael Cruz.

    • Posted by a woman who believes all cops are racist thugs and no police shooting of a black man in history has ever been legally and morally justified?

        • Of course I know that, LKB.

          But aren’t you painting with an equally broad brush when you imply that there are people ‘who believe all cops are heroes and all black men they shoot deserve it’? I defy you to find any thinking person who believes ALL cops are heroes or EVERY black man shot by a police officer had it coming.

          That said, you can probably, with absolutely no difficulty at all, post hundreds of links detailing bad PD conduct, including unjustified shootings. Per DOJ statistics, in 2011 (the most recent data year available) there were around 63,000,000 interactions between the public and LEO’s. This includes everything from a person waving an officer down for directions, to a person on the phone screaming for help because their spouse is beating the hell out of them, to a cop pulling somebody over for a speeding ticket. If only 1/10th of one percent of those interactions had terrible results because the police officer did a terrible job, that’s 63,000 ‘bad cop’ stories ([63,000,000 x .01] x 0.1) = 63,000)

          My point? Your delight in pointing out what appears to be an extreme cases of PD screwup brings nothing to the table (with the possible exception of stoking anti-police sentiment), because any reasonable person knows these cases exist. So, here’s a serious question for you – – what is YOUR point in linking this story?

          • I linked it because it is amazing. It’s one thing to hand somebody a pricing gun and turn them loose in a grocery store and he does an unacceptable job. It is quite another thing to turn someone loose with a real gun and have them do an unacceptable job.
            There is a difference in a “bad job” and an unacceptable job, too. In most lines of work, people do not cover-up for their co-workers inadequate performance. In police work, however, they often do. The work our LEO’s do is too important for that kind of culture.
            I think you are really flattering LEOs with your guestimate of 1/10th of 1% of LEO encounters being negative. I expect it is more like 10%.
            And yes, there are people who believe that LEOs are always right, especially if the dispute is with a person of color. Those people are called racists.

          • @LKB

            “I linked it because it is amazing.”

            Really? You find it ‘amazing’ that out of millions and millions of police encounters involving millions and millions of individual, fallible human beings, that occasionally there is a monumental screwup? Or that horrible things can happen through absolutely no fault of the person on the wrong end of a police officer’s gun? That’s ‘amazing’? Nope, not even a little bit. It’s entirely predictable. Still tragic, but entirely predictable. It’s likewise not ‘amazing’ that planes still crash, buildings catch on fire, or people die during routine medical procedures. Tragic, not ‘amazing’. Something we must work extremely hard to eliminate, but be realistic enough to understand that it is probably going to happen occasionally no matter how hard we strive for perfection.

            As far as the 1/10th of 1% number, it was not intended to be my actual take on how often police officers have horribly negative interactions with the public Rather, it was intended to show that, given the massive number of PD/citizen interactions in this country, even an unrealistically small screwup rate would result in a huge number of problem interactions. You guess a 10% negative rate, but reread what I wrote. I didn’t say a ‘negative interaction’, because it’s been my experience that even clear cut cases usually involve at least a 50% ‘negative’ interaction – – a guy using his wife as a punching bag is going to go get arrested and go to jail. That’s s pretty negative for him, not so much for his abused spouse. 1/2 of the parties involved just had a ‘negative interaction’ with law enforcement.

            I meant an interaction where there was a completely unjustified and TERRIBLE result (like loss of life/limb/freedom) because a police officer screwed things up so badly. Histrionics aside, that makes up an extremely small percentage of LE encounters in this country.

            BTW, if you’re linking Bad Cop articles to try and impress upon bona fide racists the errors of their thinking, you can probably save the virtual ink. A link isn’t going to do change a horse of that color.

        • Sure he/she knew it and wouldn’t have posted the tripe at 2:58 p.m. if you would have let the lies pass without comment. He/she defended the unconscionable Tamir Rice shooting, I think blaming it on the dispatcher or whatever their cover story for the killing of that 12 year old child was. That’s really about all you need to know about this person, besides that tactical, tough sounding screen names might well have some correlation with throwing up ridiculous statistics.

          • I am thrilled you think I have a tough, tactical sounding screen name. That was TOTALLY my intent. I was going to call myself ‘Toughy McTactical’ but have a soft spot for the phonetic alphabet… 🙂

          • Therapist – “Sir, why did you shoot me?”

            Police officer – “I don’t know.”

            Maybe going through the officer’s mind was he wanted to make sure, like they have a right to do, that he returned home that night.

            But so did the therapist.

            When my son graduated from the police academy at Plainfield, I’ll never forget the seasoned veteran congratulating his class but added this, “You have been given an extraordinary amount of power. Our jails are full. Use it with subdued discretion.”

            “Subdued discretion” – Maybe the officer in this case just needed a better instructor.

            It will always amaze me how 2% can give 98% a bad reputation whether it be police officers, black people, Muslims, Priests etc., but why people just don’t seem to want to hear the 98% good that happens from these same groups on a daily basis is what’s missing.

            The 24/7 news cycle has something to do with it but it also has to do with human nature.

            Which evidently is still evolving.


          • By the way, even a filthy, stinking racist should admit the officer was wrong this time.

            Or at least for evolutions sake, I would hope….

  4. The real democrat party, as opposed to the media created one, will be exposed to the public Friday in a documentary released to the movie houses. The ones who will be most shocked about the contents of the documentary will be those who have for decades succumbed to the media propaganda about the democrat party.


    The light has been shined on the truth about those running the democrat party, and it was long overdue.

    • ….Sarah Palin always published books, t-shirts, coffee mugs and TV shows surrounding her Candidacy.
      The whole Tea Party Conspiracy media empire exploits people like you w/ silly, little crap like this cause “they know you will buy tickets.”
      Buy your ticket and go Press.
      This stuff exploits you: It is red meat for bony dogs…..
      You’ll get something to chew on (at movie theater prices, of course)

      • It is difficult for people to admit they have been taken in, the expansion of outlets for the research of data by those who are inclined to do the research, has forever changed the landscape for the media elite and their handlers. Exposure is happening in both parties. I view it as a good thing because TRUTH has no agenda. Some interesting times are ahead of us.

    • 10:33 a.m. a reply to Don’s 10:28 a.m.. My inability to hit the reply button messed up what would have been 5 very orderly and cascading stairsteps of grave importance. In any event, good one at 10:26 a.m. Press.

      • Damn. It’d have been a 6 stepper with Laura’s 11:40 a.m. Well, I’ve single-handedly got a 3ie going.

        • If you put ’em all, Republicans and Democrats, in a big sack with no party labels and all their various ‘evolving’ positions in the mix it would be very hard and maybe impossible to sort them out.

  5. Breaking news: Supposed Melania Trump speech writer that took fall for plagiarism fiasco is a fake person, kind of like when Trump used a fake name to talk to a reporter in the early 90s.

  6. Imagine the comments from PAK or sharpie if half black Obama had 5 children by 3 different women.

  7. BREAKING NEWS: Sex-hound Roger Ailes is out at Fox News. Rupert Murdoch is taking over, as he apparently doesn’t trust his sons to keep the spin going. Fox on-air personalities have been given the opportunity to be released from their contracts if they wish to leave with the old horn-dog.

    • 1. I’m sure Rupert Murdoch is a figure-head. The Sons run this thing. (And like Ivanka Trump, they don’t believe all the ignorant crap coming out of Sean Hannity’s mouth either, but I am quite certain, they do intend to continue to be the Media Network of the GOP – just not Sean Hannity’s GOP.
      2. On air Sean Hannity is free to take a pay cut and stay, I’m sure the Murdoch Sons think.
      3. O’Reilly will stay. He has no other platform to reinforce his position in the market.
      4. M. Kelly is staying, you can be quite sure. She is the face of the Murdoch Son’s Fox News.
      5. This Fox News Network will remain conservative on economic affairs, but will begin spreading inclusivity just as the US Chamber of Commerce has. The GOP is a friend to US Business, and so is Fox News.
      6. Trump? He’s only gonna get lip service from now on…..until he loses in the Fall.
      7. Fox will then reinforce it’s brand and aggregate all of the anti-President Hillary Clinton Network.
      8. And…Fox will start calling Trump (as Bandana says) the orange-hair-nest clown buffoon. Trump will become the new “Dick Morris.”
      9. In case you didn’t notice: What I am really pointing out here….is the Murdoch boys are gonna write off the old-angry-white-men audience…..and start moving forward. Those guys are done….after Trump loses.

      • The real Wayne Parke was quoted in the CP this morning as saying meeting Hannity was (so far) the highlight of his time at the convention.

        • BANDANA:
          Oh, he was. Sean was fantastic, in person, soft spoken, and a terrific dresser. We only see him above the waist, but he has these wonderful set of skin tight red leather pants that he wears, and they look adorable. What most people don’t know about Sean Hannity is that he’s gay. His partner was there with him, an slender Honduran gentleman with beautiful pink highlights in his hair.

          • Hey Press…..thought you would love that “on the floor” report from the RNC today.

          • Signing off from Cleveland w/ Sean before the Speech:

            When criminals in this world appear
            And break the laws that they should fear
            And frighten all who see or hear
            The cry goes up both far and near
            For Wayne! Wayne! Wayne! Wayne!

            Speed of lightning, roar of thunder
            Fighting all who rob or plunder
            Wayne! Wayne!

            Reporting from the Republican National Convention…
            Not bird nor frog nor even a plane, it’s just little ole me, Wayne.

          • I knew there was a reason. I’m just glad the Real Wayne Parke is having a good time in Cleveland.

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