Contacts: Krista Lockyear, Co-Chair
Jeff Mulzer, Co-Chair


EVANSVILLE, Ind. (September 23, 2011) – The Jobs for Southwestern Indiana Political Action Committee (JPAC) announced their endorsements today for the elections of Mayor of Evansville and Evansville City Council.

JPAC is endorsing the following candidates based on their support of The Chamber’s top priorities:

Mayor: Lloyd Winnecke
“Lloyd has experience as a public official and as a business manager; he has proven executive skills and has been a leader in the government consolidation process,” stated JPAC Co-Chair Jeff Mulzer.

City Council, 2nd Ward: Missy Mosby
“We are encouraged by Missy’s passion for public service, her hands-on commitment to her constituents and her accomplishments, especially bringing about extensive sewer upgrades in the 2nd ward,” Mulzer stated.

City Council, 3rd Ward: Alan Leibundguth
“Alan brings a unique skill set with his long and significant record of military service and his business education (MBA),” Mulzer stated.

City Council, 5th Ward: John Friend
“John understands the need to streamline local government, particularly the construction-permitting process to encourage business expansion, and he brings no-nonsense financial skills from his experience as a CPA,” stated JPAC Co-Chair Krista Lockyear.

City Council, 6th Ward: Shaun Short
“Shaun has a strong accounting background. As a newcomer, he has a good understanding of the issues facing the City that the Council will need to address during his term,” Mulzer stated.

City Council, At-Large: Bill Kramer
“Bill is a business owner that is actively involved with non-profits. He will bring his business sense to bear on Council issues,” Mulzer stated.

City Council, At-Large: Michelle Mercer
“Michelle has demonstrated a commitment to quality of life issues that will make Evansville a healthier community, and an ability to work within budgets to accomplish goals, while maintaining fiscal responsibility,” stated Lockyear.

City Council, At-Large: Conor O’Daniel
“Conor has a good grasp of how government operates and where improvements can be made; his extensive experience as an attorney provides him with skills that will serve the Council well,” stated Lockyear.

During this election cycle, The Chamber surveyed candidates for city office. The video-taped interviews can be viewed at

The Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana created JPAC in 1996 as a separate organization to support pro-business candidates for local and state offices. JPAC is an 11-person, bi-partisan board co-chaired by a republican and a democrat who serve on The Chamber’s Board of Directors.


  1. It is not hard to understand that an organization that loves Weinzapfel would love Winnecke, as they are one and the same. To endorse someone who has never created a job in her life in the 2nd Ward over someone who is a member of their organization and a local business owner who employs several people only shows how out of touch this organization is. It will also be interesting as to how many of their endorsed candidates will win in the fall. Not many.

  2. This list of endorsements is clearly making the statement that “The Status Quo Must NEVER GO”.

    This is the best list of a group of people who will keep things the same that could possibly have been put together.

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