Ivy Tech Southwest Joins Network of Colleges Recognizing the Fallen


For the fourth year, Ivy Tech Community College Southwest has joined the Remembrance Day National Roll Call project to honor American service men and women in hosting simultaneous ceremonies across the nation.

On Veterans Day, Friday, Nov. 11, campus and community volunteers at 85 colleges and universities in 33 states across the nation will recognize the names of fallen.  Each campus has organized its own ceremony to recognize those who have served, are serving, and those who died in service to the nation.  All participating campuses will observe a simultaneous nationwide minute of silence at 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (1 p.m. on the Evansville campus (Central Time).

The Remembrance Day National Roll Call is sponsored nationally by the Veterans Knowledge Community of NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. NASPA is a 12,000-member association for the advancement, health, and sustainability of the student affairs professionals. The Veterans Knowledge Community (VKC) mission is to advocate for best practices to help student veterans’ transition to college and succeed. The National Roll Call began in 2011 to mark the 10th anniversary of the post 9-11 conflicts.

Dr. Brett Morris, a retired Army officer and the National Roll Call coordinator, said, “We want to rally campus communities across the nation to send a message to the troops currently serving – that we, as a national body of students, have not forgotten their sacrifices, or those of their fallen brethren.”

For information about the Ivy Tech Community College Southwest Roll Call event, contact Kurt Harris at kaharris@ivytech.edu. Or Clifton Mominee at cmominee1@ivytech.edu.  To see a list of participating schools, visit va.eku.edu/rollcall.