On October 14th and 15th, twelve detectives from the Indiana State Police and nine crime scene investigators, also from the Indiana State Police, participated in a forensic gunshot wound evaluation program. The training was part of a 40 hour educational course including a two day practicum, in which the officers observed scenario re-enactments, learned about gunshot trajectory and impact analysis, evidence collection, and wound feature identification.

The training course was the first of its kind here in the United States and designed to help support new standards that will protect justice and save taxpayer dollars. In addition, the course will help support transparency and objectivity in cases involving violent crime and gunshot evidence. The program’s content was developed by renowned forensic science expert, Dr. Bill Smock.

Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter stated, “This training will enhance the Department’s statewide capabilities as it pertains to investigating and processing crime scenes involving the use of firearms. Additionally, it will be the first step in developing an advanced group of ISP personnel who are trained in investigating the many facets of use of force incidents. The personnel selected represent the Criminal Investigation Division and the Laboratory Division and were selected based on their experience and capabilities. By selecting detectives and crime scene investigators geographically from around the state, this will not only provide for a timely response to incidents, but will give the Department highly trained personnel throughout the state, which will enhance the overall investigative product for the communities in which they serve.”