IS IT TRUE September 6, 2013 Part 2 “Hold Firm Christy, Right is Right”


Gillenwater & Winnecke

IS IT TRUE September 6, 2013 Part 2

IS IT TRUE that our mole hotline, our phones, and our emails has been busy this morning with comments regarding the statement published by the President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana, Christy Gillenwater about the “leaderless ghost town” status of downtown Evansville?…there is overwhelming support and agreement for her statement among those who have contacted the CCO?…the dominant comment has been that MS. Gillenwater “gets it” in a way that only someone who has spent time outside of Evansville can and that her candor is a breath of fresh air from an otherwise dusty shelf of drones who lead cheer for the “ghost town”?…we encourage her to keep telling the truth as she sees it no matter how much pressure she may have put on her to retract or restate the words that have already been published in the C of C newsletter for an upcoming issue of the Evansville Business Journal?

IS IT TRUE that a few of our Civic Center moles have informed us that Ms. Gillenwater has already been to the Mayor’s office for a discussion about her choice of words?…our moles furthermore tell us that she has been openly encouraged or even subliminally threatened unless a retraction or shall we say “clarification” is issued?…when the next issue of the EBJ comes out with her monthly message we shall know if the propaganda spin machine was successful in their quest to craft her message from her own words to words that serve them better?

IS IT TRUE that insofar as we are aware the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana is an independent entity with no public financing that hires its personnel without answering to any Mayor of Evansville?…any propagandizing or sanitizing of her message should be between her and her board of directors?…while we realize that her board of directors does include several members of the Evansville Regional Business Commission and Mr. Ed Hafer who also serves as Mayor Winnecke’s appointment to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission the mission of any Chamber of Commerce will necessarily not always be in lock step with local government?…if the cross pollination between the Office of the Mayor and the CCSWIN is no thick as to corrupt the “profitable business” mission of the chamber it may just be time to shuffle that board?

IS IT TRUE we look forward to more dialog from Christy Gillenwater regarding her honest observation of the “leaderless ghost town”, and encourage her to never back down no matter what the machine throws at her?…she sounds like the kind of young educated professional who may become instrumental in reversing this “leaderless ghost town” if the self-proclaimed leaders of the good old boy network will let her?


  1. It was nice knowing you, Christy.
    Bye bye.
    The “beautiful people” who run this town won’t put up with you bashing their golden boy.

  2. Stick by your guns Ms. Gillenwater.

    I agree with the CCO that you work for your Board of Directors and not the Mayor.

    Your Board need to tell the Mayor to kiss off.

  3. Can’t read this month issue of the EBJ to see how Carol M. and the Mayor re-wrote Gillenwaters letter.

    If they force her to re-write her letter she should resign her position with the Chamber and sue both the Chamber and the City for political tampering.

  4. (wolf whistle) (wolf whistle)

    Wow, who is that Hottie ?????

    I’m talking about the short guy on the left, who are YOU talkin’ about ?

  5. We have been following (lead/forced) to follow the ERBC’s plans for some time now. We expect Ms. Gillenwater to be crucified by Mr Pate’s C&P real soon!

  6. Big shout out of thanks to Cass Herrington of WNIN’s “The Trend” for mentioning our planned protest the day of the Hotel vote and for keeping up with this story of the taxpayer-funded hotel. We love the show. Keep up the great work!

    David Coker makes some great points in this show about Evansville’s lack of inventiveness and innovation and its need for a strategic plan. He hits the nail on the head in saying that what a lot of us would like to see is a return to private sector solutions; he also hit the nail on the head in pointing out that in order to get back to that, we need a strategic, long-term plan.

    Great show. Well worth a listen.

    …also, very cool to hear Amy Word talk about the history of Lamasco Bar and Grill and Franklin Street. Cool chick. Great bar.

  7. Brad: Thanks for the link. The whole problem with the inventiveness is the access to what needs an innovative input.
    I have worked and thrived in the area of innovation and the profit from that through productive concepts that step forward in offering solutions to certain human needs problems.
    Business commerce today is constantly moving foreword on the subject. You as an city must enhanced things you already have as an community in its infrastructure and civil life qualities.
    The transportation infrastructure in the city is archaic in useful commerce as it stands today. The areas utilities are kind of an run as needed patch type application. Catch up to it as you can stuff.
    You really should have an nice downtown area that thrives through its presentation of concept.
    You at one time did have that.
    The referral of an Ghost town is what would come to mind in overall commerce generated by the amount of available frontage on the main streets there.
    Evansville has an lot of unused commercial properties around the whole area,not just main street.
    I must agree Main has no real customer throughput of design at present. That is solvable with an fresh input from real innovative commerce planning.
    The streets applications of the 70’s through the 90’s see to its demise.
    An ole main street merchant I knew well, once told me there was an idea in the post WWII years to make the parking free and build some parking garage’s within an block to make throughput access flourish into the next century.
    Might be they were right aye? Evansville’s powers then didn’t think so, and followed with the shopping centers with parking lots into the then “outskirts” and suburbs.
    I think he told me about an civic center round about plan that would have keep up an through put concept for main street vendors and other commercial institutions. They didn’t do that either.
    The bell tolled for business and commerce downtown somewhat.
    So the plan for downtown should be an blend. I would say,an innovative one.
    I think its achievable and can be successfully applied even with some nearby hotels.
    He believed and lived the concept that all the Downtown merchants should support each other in order to support Downtown business. When they stopped doing that the commerce,business and profits slowed and stopped as predicted.
    I must say I.T. capable organizations will overrun the needs for business conventions on the scale that they were ten years ago,that’s just the national trending so Evansville doesn’t really have much input there.
    Things like the Sci/Fi convention thing they just pulled off in Indy are the new normal for those expectations.
    Your best shot at the area destination attraction’s is an advanced infrastructure that can thrive in cooperation the areas advanced educational institutions.
    You build that. Have the Arts and Entertainment to occupy the student populations free time and you will have an successful concept downtown.
    Do not harass them while they seek those things,however maintain an safe healthy environment for living.
    Something else the ole guy told me..”You market the next greatest toy you will have your first million”.

    Its about the marketing,innovate something that can build an needed new market.
    “Its an river of education out there on the Main.”

  8. Hey, what’s new, even McGladrey re-wrote their opinion about Mark Rolley’s performanc. Remember, Winnecke’s eleven hour renewal of the Information Technology’s five contract, the organization that is keeping the lights on in regards to the city’s computers, move over Tom Bodett, the motel 6 guy, now we have two fellowers keeping the lights on, but, only one Mayor who seems to be manipulating the news and report content. Thank God for the CCO, without you, this fair city might as well be renamed the “Peoples’ Republic of Evansville” shame on you, Courier & Press. Remember one thing, freedom is a very thin veneer and freedom of speech is not necessarily a God given rights, on the world standards and with this endowed right, comes grave responsibilities, one most certain is informing the electorate of the good and bad deeds of their elected officials. Seemingly, climbing in bed with any politician who is attempting to conceal an agenda or who’s performance is not in the public interest will eventually lead to the lost of expression, so, please do not be irresponsible of the truth.

  9. I recently asked someone from Owensboro how they were able to invent, design build and pay for civic improvements in a relatively short time.

    He said it was because the various individuals involved were willing to cooperate.

    Compare that to Evansville. Here we continually have competing EGOS.

    Just a hint. That hint to Hafer, Winnecke, Wheinzapfel, Warren, Gillenwater, Friend, Robinson et al.

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