IS IT TRUE? September 6, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? September 6, 2011

IS IT TRUE that a quick search of the rates offered at some Hyatt Place hotels across the country in medium sized cities opened our eyes to the pricing that can be gotten for such rooms in comparable places?…that the rates that that follow were the best prices obtained in a search for rooms on the travel website…that rooms in the Boston suburb of Medford, MA start at $93.00?…that rooms in the Phoenix suburb of Mesa, AZ start at $75.00?…that rooms in Orlando start at $75.00?…that rooms in Raleigh, NC start at $71.00?…that rooms in Topeka, KS start at $89.00?…that rooms at the new Hyatt Place adjacent to the Indianapolis Airport are available for $89.00 on nearly every night that was checked?…that the highest quote that we found for any Hyatt Place was for a room in Louisville for $132.00 on a day when Churchill Downs in running, UL has a home football game, and the Idea Festival is going on?…that the same room can be had for $89.00 on most days?

IS IT TRUE that the survey of 200 people that was being done by GAGE to help Evansville find its identity should be available soon?…that we just can’t wait to see what those tax dollars have taught us about who we are as a people?…that we were reminded yesterday of something that we are as a people and that would be a group that loves to eat?…that there are only 27 days until the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival?…that as eating goes here is a tip for those who like wine and BLT’s?…that Sangiovese complements a BLT perfectly?

IS IT TRUE that this rapid weather change will be giving us all an opportunity to save some significant money on the next couple of month’s Vectren bills?…that with days and nights like this week’s forecast and typical autumn are from a temperature perspective there is no reason at all to have either heating or cooling on until the nights dip into the 40’s which sometimes does not happen until late November?…that the next two months is a great time to find out exactly what it cost to do the basics like heating water, powering appliances, and keeping the lights on?…that we encourage each and every one of our readers to take advantage of this opportunity to save a couple of hundred bucks this fall to make up for the expensive hot summer?

IS IT TRUE that tonight is expected to bring us the official adjournment of the joint meeting of the Evansville City Council and the Vanderburgh County Commissioners?…that tonight’s meeting starts a 30 day window of opportunity to review the consolidation plan and to make your concerns or support known to our elected officials?…that all indications are that this plan which will be proceeding to a referendum in 2012 unless changes are initiated in the next 30 days in its present form is very much a “trust us, we will find the cost savings later” version of what could have been if the committee members would have worn their “big boy pants” when putting the plan together?…that the tangible cost savings that are absolutely identified and in the plan are 3 less elected officials and a $30,000 raise for the Mayor?…that these bold and courageous moves will save each resident of Vanderburgh County about 40 cents per year?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer will be announcing the date for a PUBLIC POLICY FORUM this week?…that this forum will be an opportunity for businesses and citizens to express their opinions to the candidates for office on what they think should be done from a policy perspective to make Evansville a better place to live?…that 5 tables for 10 were secured based on word of mouth only in 2 hours last Friday?


    • Feeling a little cryptic today Jack. I think we get your drift that “discussions” are happening this morning. We are all ears.

    • Jack, McNeely?

      I wonder if Jack is at war with the son of BLEEPS, locally? I wonder if any enterprising journalists would ask him to comment for the local news?

      I wonder if Labor’s new found political war positioning nationally is more than coincidentally lined up with the new PAC for “mainstream democrats”, locally?

  1. The Tea Party can rant and rave all they want. The Republicans in Congress can stomp their feet and work against everything Obama proposes. The Union bosses can rail against Republicans until hell freezes over. But the people of America will vote based on the same ideals they always base their votes on.

    Quoted from

    “The Keys to the White House consist of 13 true-false questions that gauge the performance and strength of the incumbent presidential party. Each key is phrased so that an answer of true always favors re-election of the incumbent party. When five or fewer keys are false or turned against the party holding the White House, that party wins another term in office. When six or more are false, the challenging party wins.

    “The following 10 keys currently favor the incumbent Democratic Party.

    “- The lack of any likely nomination challenge to President Obama secures Incumbent Party Contest Key 2.

    “- Obama’s nomination locks up Incumbency Key 3.

    “- The absence of any likely third-party challenger with chances of winning at least 5 percent of the vote gives the Democrats the third-party Key 4.

    “- The economy will probably be in the recovery stage in 2012, gaining short-term economy Key 5.

    “- The enactment of the health care bill secures policy change Key 7.

    “- The absence of sustained, violent upheavals like those of the 1960s avoids loss of the social unrest Key 8.

    “- The lack of a major presidential scandal averts the loss of scandal Key 9.

    “- The president has not suffered a major foreign policy or military failure, comparable to Pearl Harbor or losing the Vietnam War, keeping foreign/military failure Key 10 in line.

    “- The elimination of bin Laden secures foreign/military success Key 11.

    “- The lack of a potentially charismatic challenger keeps Democrats from losing the challenger charisma/hero Key 13.

    The following three keys now count against the incumbent party:

    “- The party’s losses in the 2010 midterm elections cost it mandate Key 1.

    “- The weak economy during Obama’s first year in office portends the loss of long-term economy Key 6.

    “- Obama has not quite regained the magic of his campaign, and now falls just short of gaining the incumbent charisma/hero Key 12.

    “The winning of Key 11 thus strengthens my early prediction that the president will secure re-election in 2012. Only a historically unprecedented reversal of fortune could alter the verdict of the keys.”

  2. Soon2B
    Isn’t it amazing how people see things differently? I humbly disagree and offer my grades!
    Key 1) Lost is an understatement. Point to Republicans.
    Keys 2 & 3) These are essentially duplicates of each other, assuming there is no challenger that’s one point not two and it’s unearned to boot! Point to Democrats; but not two, it’s not vote counting time in Chicagoland!
    Key 4) It’s too early to say there will be no third party, but when you’re grasping for straws… No points issued.
    Key 5) Wasn’t last summer recovery summer? From where I sit, sadly it’s a long shot there will be enough recovery to earn Key 5. You say we will probably be in recovery, still nothing to point at to positively show growth coming. Point to Republicans.
    Key 6) First year in office? After adding Billions and Billions (Carl Sagan) to the deficit, years 2 & 3 haven’t been so good & year 4 ouch! Point to Republicans
    Key 7) Are you kidding me! The more we learn what is being pushed down our throats the further away Key 7 is and it’s already gone! Point to Republicans.
    Key 8) The way the Tea Party is being treated it will only get stronger, violence is not needed nor will it come from them, only concerned citizens will need open their eyes and become involved rather than grumble to themselves and stay in the background. Again nothing to point at positively, only hope. Point to Republicans.
    Key 9) Congrats he win’s one by his actions or should I say his inaction? But let’s look to the past; what would a Democrat President need to do for it to be a scandal? Point to Democrats.
    Key 10) Getting Osoma Bin Laden may save this, but today’s news notes only 3,000 troops to remain in Iraq by the end of 2012. We are all ready to reduce our forces but that’s almost 27,000 less than the recommendations, we don’t want to throw it all away! This might help the very liberal base but not the middle…Key 10 iffy I’ll be generous and give a half point.
    Key 11) Here you go again double counting, another half point.
    Keys 12 & 13) Again these are duplicates of each other and it’s too early, but with 3 plus years of the Presidents “off the cuff” speaking we all know when he’s not reading the Teleprompters he’s not charismatic either. No points issued.
    My score: 3 Un-issued points, 3 Democrat points, 5 Republican points & 2 tossed out as duplicates.

    • Let me repost it this way. Allan Lichtman developed his system to predict the success of presidential incumbents in 1981, and published his formula in The Keys to the White House. Lichtman says if the party holding the Whitehouse scores 7 or more of the 13 key questions (yes or no answers only) in favor of the incumbent party, that party will continue to hold the White House with the incumbent president in the upcoming election. Lichtman claims his system has accurately predicted the winner in the past seven presidential elections in a row. Here’s how Allan Lichtman scores the Democrat White House at this time and using his “13 keys to the White House.” The following are his words and his scores, not mine or yours:
      1) Incumbent party picks up seats in preceding mid-term. Point Republicans.
      2) There is no serious challenger for the incumbent party nomination. Point Obama.
      3) The incumbent party candidate is the sitting president. Point Obama.
      4) There is no significant third party challenger. Point Obama.
      5) The economy is not in a recession during the election campaign. Push (Lichtman declares this one “undecided.”)
      6) Real per capita economic growth during the past term is at least equal to mean growth during the previous two terms. Point Republicans.
      7) The incumbent administration pushes through major national policy changes. Point Obama.
      8) There is no sustained social unrest during the previous term. Point Obama.
      9) The incumbent administration has no major scandals. Point Obama.
      10) The incumbent administration suffers no major foreign/military affairs failure. Point Obama.
      11) The incumbent administration achieves a major success in foreign/military affairs. Point Obama.
      12) The incumbent party candidate is charismatic. Point Republicans.
      13) The challenging party candidate is not charismatic or a national hero. Point Obama.
      This is Lichtman’s system, not mine, not yours, but his. And so far it’s worked 7 out of the 7 most recent presidential elections.

      • Here is an article from Atlanta Journal that says Obama can’t lose according to Lichtman’s formula:

        Here’s an article from Business Insider that sees it the opposite way:

        I just posted the information. I have my own way to predict whether Obama will win or lose, and it doesn’t take me 13 points of reference to determine! So, you can continue to find fault with the fact that I posted the info. Or you can find fault with Lichtman. I don’t really give a damn either way.

        But just to get your dander up again, I’ll post an ultra liberal source for you to enjoy!

      • Ridiculous.

        #2. There are serious challengers… (Generic Republican has been polling above specific Republican for a while now?)
        #4. Not yet. (Trump, Paul… etc?)
        #5. How much you wanna bet? (We’re on the cusp, aren’t we?)
        #7. Yea, they pushed it through, over Christmas weekend – before reading the BLEEPING thing! (Nobody wants or likes it or the repercussions of it.)
        #8. Peaceful unrest, but unrest… (Hello, Tea Party!)
        #9. None covered by the mainstream media anyway… (Is the birth certificate going to be challenged before the reelection in some states?)
        #10. Letting Seal Team 6 get blown out of the sky? Technically not participating in the Lybia raid, but taking credit at every positive turn? Continued death tolls? The hypocrisy here is thick & nasty?
        #11. What is it, a – mission accomplished?
        #13. If you say so…

  3. Soon2B my dander is not up, I was noting how folks see the same thing differently, I am familiar with the Lichtman system but many of the answers are still in what and how one perceives things. You like the outcome so you write about it. We both offer opinions as do others on this site which makes it so readable from this we all learn, or hopefully we do. Post as many links as you wish I for one read them, even the wacky ones.

  4. It seems as if the socialists among us have come unhinged…

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