We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE the City-County Observer has always strived to serve as a “Community Watchdog” by sounding the alarm when our citizen’s rights are in danger of being violated by large Corporations, Federal, State, and Local Governmental agencies as well as elected or appointed officials?
 IS IT TRUE we realize that a community can have no greater ambassador of goodwill than one which keeps its citizens informed about the accomplishments, failures, and triumphs of individuals, the business community, places of worship, hospitals and community groups, educational institutions and elected and appointed officials?
IS IT TRUE we been told that the recent announcement by the CEO of  “Visit Evansville” that he not going to renew his employment contract has caused a major influx of local individuals that want to replace him?  …this is definitely a developing story?
IS IT TRUE that the “VISIT EVANSVILLE” group decided to move from their riverside office to the downtown Firth Third office building because of major flooding and sewer issues at the Pagoda?  …we are told by reliable sources that the Evansville Parks And Recreation Department have decided to move their offices in the Pagoda after it undergoes some extensive renovations?
IS IT TRUE the stark reality is that newspapers across the country are victims of large investment groups that have cut talented writers and reporters from their employment, alienated advertisers, and produced irrelevant biased narratives?…at this rate, there will only be a handful of newspapers still in print in the United States in 10 years?
IS IT TRUE many people feel that one of the key focuses of a local newspaper should be to keep local government accountable to the taxpayers.
IS IT TRUE that It’s no secret local news coverage has been in sharp decline for many years? …the decline is due in large part to the massive changes that developed in consumer buying habits and the burgeoning power of social media conglomerates?
IS IT TRUE that many people feel that community journalism is a vital part of our local democratic infrastructure, and it’s too important to be left in the hands of media conglomerates or out-of-state owners?
IS IT TRUE we been told that a majority of online content we consume on the Internet is controlled by large conglomerates such as Comcast, ATT, Verizon”?
IS IT TRUE that Alabama’s death rate have out numbers the birth rate in 2020?
IS IT TRUE as the pandemic took hold, major U.S. health insurance companies declared they would cover 100% of the costs for covid treatment, waiving co-pays and expensive deductibles for hospital stays that frequently range into the hundreds of thousands of dollars?
IS IT TRUE we are told that the days of  insurance companies providing full COVID-19 medical coverage may be over? …that some medical insurers are restoring deductibles and co-pays, leaving patients with big hospital bills?
IS IT TRUE that poor strategic student recruiting planning, inept money management practices, catering to large donors, and forgetting that smaller donors are causing Universities serious financial challenges?  …because private not-for-University administrators are focusing more on athletics and less on academics, not hiring competent teaching staff, plus using a poorly designed website for fundraising activities have caused private not-for-profit Universities throughout America unexpected financial problems?
IS IT TRUE this progress is attributed in whole to the massive creation of wealth that widespread industrialization and the information age have made possible?…the very wealth that drives the resentment between the 1% and the 99% what generated the resources to reduce poverty?
IS IT TRUE we hope in the future that PPP money will be allocated to deserving For-Profit businesses and Not-For-Profits organizations only
IS IT TRUE that we wonder if any of the Evansville City Council members or any of the members of Mayor Winnecke Administration would sign a personal loan agreement without knowing the exact interest rate of the loan?
IS IT TRUE If you’re fortunate enough to live in Vermont or New Mexico their state mandates require insurance companies to cover 100% of treatment for COVID-19?
IS IT TRUE is being reported by CBS News that modern farming methods means more supermarkets chicken meat have white stripes?  …CBS also reported that white stripes in chicken meat are considered to be pockets of fat?  …that Americans eat more chicken than anyone else in the world?
IS IT TRUE starting in 2022 City and County governments will not have the additional funding sources to pay for budget increases because of the COVID-19 virus panidenic?
IS IT TRUE if your looking down-home place to find an incredible tasting thick T-BONE STEAK or a scrumptious 2 inch PORK CROP please take a short drive to Oakland City, Ind and visit TAYLOR-TWO Restaurant?  …the service is top notch and the prices are extremely affordable?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty?
IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?
Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Are you planning to get a COVID-19 booster shot when it comes available?

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