IS IT TRUE that Finance Chairman Dan McGinn asked City Council attorney to draft an ordinance that would reduce the Homestead Property Tax Credit from 8 percent to 6 percent for 2017? …the self proclaimed 1st Ward fiscal conservative McGinn also announced he wants to see the Homestead Property Tax Credit depleted by 2 percent every year “until it’s all gone.”? Â …we wonder if the homeowners of Evansville are going to allow McGinn,, the Mayor and City Council to take our Homestead Property Tax Credit from us?
IS IT TRUE at the last City Council meeting Finance Chairman Dan McGinn stated that the current budget problems were caused by the spending practices of City Council over the last 12 years? …wasn’t Mr. McGinn a member of the Evansville City Council for 5 out of the last 12 years?  …it looks like by Mr. McGinn’s own admission that he has been a part of the major deficit spending practices of City Council?
IS IT TRUE we wonder when Councilman McGinn was the Zoo Director did he ever experience any unexpected cost overruns on budgeted items or on capital projects?
IS IT TRUE we hear that Vanderburgh County Council members will determine that there will not be any increases in the Employee Health Care costs for 2017?  …they originally budgeted for a 12-percent increase in the 2017 Employee Health Care costs?  …the reason why County Council were able to achieve the no increases in Employee Health Care costs for 2017 is because they aren’t self insured like the City of Evansville?
IS IT TRUE it’s alleged that Missy Mosby had big rats run between her toes while doing some City Council duties somewhere in the 2nd Ward? Â …Ms. Mosby wouldn’t have this problem if she would take a bag of Dry Ice with her while doing her 2nd Ward Council duties?
IS IT TRUE that Chicago also has a major rat problem? Â …that Chicago has unleashed a chilling killer for the war against urban rats? Â …the new weapon is Dry Ice? …Dry Ice is deadly to small animals if inhaled in high concentrations? Â …once inhaled the rats become asphyxiated decompose on site? Â …its alleged that burrows in Chicago that are using Dry Ice are seeing about a 60% reduction in the rat population?
IS IT TRUE that At-Large City Councilwoman Michelle Mercer has learned a new word? Â …the word is CONSTITUENTS? Â ...we wonder who she picked this word up from?
IS IT TRUE a CCO poster named DarkLight posted the following comment we feel worth reposting?  …DarkLight said:  “The city needs to get serious about reducing expenses with creative solutions. Eliminating the Homestead credit and increasing the county option income tax is a simplistic solution to rising costs. How about reducing the expenses”?  …he also said: “The city’s health insurance plan should align with comparable plans in the public and private sector where cadillac plans were phased out long ago. Deductibles and co-pays need to balance the excessive health care subsidy that has grown without check”?  …can you believe that he also stated that  “Pass an incremental cost increase on to city employees rather than incremental tax increases to the average taxpayer who has no say on decreasing the exponential costs in city government. Finally, eliminate health insurance coverage for part time employees, i.e., city council, et. al”  …we think this post make a heck of lot of sense?
.IS IT TRUEÂ Government works best when their elected officials go on vacation?
IS IT TRUE we searched the 2017 proposed City budget breakdown to see what the  free City/County Employee Health Clinic actually costs the taxpayers?  …we are told by a credible source that this alleged free clinic costs the taxpayers of Vanderburgh County well over a million dollars a year? …it looks like former Mayor Weinzapfel’s prediction that this free clinic would save taxpayers many millions of dollars over the years is totally incorrect?
IS IT TRUEÂ the Vanderburgh County Township trustees are asking for the burial costs to be increased from $2,000 to $3,000 for 2017? Â …the Township Trustees claim that the reason for the big increase is that local funeral homes have asked for this big increase this year is to provide burial assistance to those who financially can’t afford to do so? Â …we wonder when was the last time our elected officials did an audit on this fund?
IS IT TRUE last week 3rd Ward City Councilwoman Anna Hargis CPA recently contacted former City Councilman John Friend CPA to ask him to explain to her  a few items in the proposed 2017 budget? …Mr. Friend CPA explained to Ms. Hargis that the Employee Health Care costs are going to be catastrophic to the 2017 budget and she went into panic mode? …it’s obvious that the most qualify person on Council that can figure out the extremely complicated information listed in the draft of the proposed 2017 city budget is Anne Hargis CPA?  …we hope that Ms Hargis will come forward with reasonable, creative and obtainable ways to attack the major deficit spending practices of past and present city council?  …its time for Finance Chairman McGinn to stop his meat as approach to cutting the 2017 budget and let Ms. Hargis give her opinions how to address impending budget crisis in a well thought out manner?
EDITOR FOOTNOTE: “IS IT TRUE†will be posted on this coming Wednesday or Friday?
Todays READERS POLL question is: Do you agree with Dan McGinn, Mayor and City Council that they should  reduce the Homestead Property Tax Credit from 8 percent to 6 percent for 2017?
Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS†and “LOCAL SPORTS†posted in our sections.
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Very disappointed that Mr. McGinn would seek to phase out the homestead exemption. He should be fighting for the voters, not hosing them. This is the kind of behavior we’d expect from Democrats like Mosby and Weaver, not a Republican.
The jokes on you. In this town I found out a long long time ago that the GOP and Dem Party Leaders are much closer socially than you think. There is more of a gab between social status clicks than there is between GOP and DEM party objectives. The rich stick together with each other like Gorilla Glue. They could care less about the poor people of this city. Which is why you see all the money going to the downtown area and not other places that really need the money.
Black voters turning to Trump. Hillary losing more ground than the Italian Army.
Wishful thinking. The only black man that will be voting for Donald Trump are far and few between. Most won’t even bother to vote. And the rest will be smh at Donald Trump and calling him a Cracker.
If you really think that by going to visit a black church one time that it will get Donald Black Votes then you are really sadly mistaken. You can’t undo years of neglect with one church appearance right before the elections and think that will fool the people of the black community or any other race of people. That is what is wrong with politicians to day. They think that they are smarter then the average joe citizen and they are not.
The Blacks will not forgive all the LIES that Donald is telling or that he told in the past. Those lies all add up and people are taking notes.
Donald lied about Obama’s legitimacy of being a US Citizen when he sent out his dog whistle about Obama’s Birth place. Donald Questions Obama’s (First Black President of the USA) right to be able to even run for the Presidency when he knew full well that Obama was legit and born in the USA in the Great State of Hawaii to an American Citizen, Obama’s mother. You really think that he blacks will vote for Trump? You need to really rethink your thoughts. The blacks will vote for Hillary 1000 to 999.
Dr. Dan, You have correctly diagnosed the city’s financial aliment as “spending.” However, your cure of increasing revenue is like treating a morbidly obese person with a higher calorie diet. The fat lady is not singing, she’s croaking. Push yourself away from the tax table. Perhaps the CC needs to enroll in Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University and learn how money works and debt destroys.
Nearly 20 percent of the 4,600 Syrian refugees already brought to the United States were settled in the New York-New Jersey area, site of weekend bombings that reportedly could be a dry run of future terror attacks. Several governors have tried to refuse the refugees, concerned that the United Nations vetting process is flawed and lets terrorists slip in. The Washington Post earlier this year detailed how the Islamic State infiltrates refugees. Obama is in New York to address the United Nations and urge more international aid to the refugees. He also plans to call on the United States to accept 110,000 more refugees — including Syrians — next year, after he leaves the presidency.
Stick to the topic(s) of today’s Is It True.
This NY City/New Jersey Terrorist came from Afghanistan not Syria. Do we still have US troops fighting in Afghanistan to keep them over there? IE we want to fight them over seas not over hear. I guess that doesn’t work does it. The reason we keep getting attacked is because we have US Troops over in the Middle East. We have guns like Donald John Trump telling people that we should kill the relatives of the terrorists and bomb the hell out of them all. And then he goes around and tells people that they hate us because of our freedoms. We should not be free to terrorist the entire middle east with our jets and bombs. But that’s exactly what we have done. We went into Saudi Arabia after 911 at the request of the Saudi King to protect them as Saddam was massing his republican guard troops on the Saudi Boarder after Saddam invaded Kuwait. That’s what caused Bin Laden and his Al Queda followers to start attacking the USA. First it was the bombs planted in the basement of the world trade centers and then it was the 911 attacks. All were instigated by the USA sending troops into Saudi Arabia. We Gave Arms to Saddam so he could fight the Iranians and now we are empowering the Iranians to help them control Iraq and fight the Sunni Muslims of Saddam’s old tribe.
All we do is sell arms to both sides over the years and interfere with their lives for the last 40 or 50 years since the end of WWI. And we think that they are the bad guys.
If they came over here like we are over there and bombed our cities and gave money to our neighbors to attack us we would all be up in arms more than we are now.
We are not well liked in the Rest of the World due to our misadventures in other nations. We act like we own the entire Ocean too. Which is causing other countries to spend more money to challenge our US Navy on the High Seas. Russia, China and other’s like North Korea and India are arming themselves with more powerful nuclear submarine that can send nuclear arms missiles to the USA anytime they like.
And now you guys want to elect a guy like Donald John Trump as the President? He would get us into a shooting war with Russia, China and North Korea all at the same time and get us all killed by causing WWIII.
sorry, here is the working link
The story is here today. Starting at about 22 seconds into this video it is apparent that this lady is a body double for Hillary Clinton. She is way to thin, to spry, does not walk like Hillary, her hair is shorter, and she is not wearing the same ear rings that Hillary had on at the memorial event she attended shortly before.
Look for yourself. If she would try to pull this over on the American people, what might she try to do if she were elected president? The video speaks for itself.
Where did the thunder thighs go?
Thanks for the laugh, PAK!
The laugh is that it took her 4 days to recover, but shortly after the event she was springing around on the sidewalk outside Chelsea’s apartment? I don’t think so. The double was sent out to to cover what was actually going on inside the apartment, and so people wouldn’t freak when she didn’t show up for the next 4 days.
ha ha. You’re way too much man. You should see a doctor perhaps. Body Doubles and conspiracy theories. You are losing it man.
Stick to the topic(s) of today’s Is It True.
Jon Web did a great story today on the Miller Electro Plating Site that is still sitting there without a fence around it. I thought at first I was reading the CCO today when I read Jon’s article in the Evansville Courier and Press online edition.
What is going on there is just fine with the Mayor, but he thinks we need an extra dog park and penguins at the zoo to improve the “quality of life” here. I wonder how he arrived at that conclusion.
Without jobs quality of life issues are wasteful. You do not build a swimming pool in the backyard when you have sht coming up in the frontyard.
Beautifully stated!
IS IT TRUE the Vanderburgh County Township trustees are asking for the burial costs to be increased from $2,000 to $3,000 for 2017?
What are we getting for this price? That is pretty cheap for a burial. The cheapest burial I ever paid for was $5000 that was for a rented casket and cremation.
Here’s Nate Silver’s latest update.
Keep posting daily please. I like checking in with 538. It is way closer than I expected. About four weeks ago Trump had an under 10% probability but it is now above 40%. It really gets interesting if Johnson can win in his home state of New Mexico.
This is what RCP has up now. You’re right about New Mexico, but I don’t think Johnson will carry it.
Here’s the latest from 538 It is close, but I had expected it to tighten up. I’m curious to see what things look like by Thursday, when we’ll be seeing the effects of Trump’s bad day on Friday.
nate silver has been wrong about Mr.Trump from the start of the primaries…………………….Mr.Trump True American 2016 and beyond………..liberalism is without a doubt a mental disorder……………
The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud who had pending deportation orders, according to an internal Homeland Security audit released Monday. Mistakenly awarding citizenship to someone ordered deported can have serious consequences because U.S. citizens can typically apply for and receive security clearances or take security-sensitive jobs. At least three of the immigrants-turned-citizens were able to acquire aviation or transportation worker credentials, granting them access to secure areas in airports or maritime facilities and vessels. Their credentials were revoked after they were identified as having been granted citizenship improperly, Roth said in his report. A fourth person is now a law enforcement officer.
A fourth person is now a law enforcement officer.
In response to ever increasing National security threats from ISIS, Muslim jihadists and the Iranian Navy, the Obama/Hillary Administration took the bold step of sending an all-Navy message on Tuesday that all sailors are now required to undergo transgender behavioral education by July 2017.
This is interesting reading.
Would dry ice clear the rats in room 301?
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