IS IT TRUE: Part 2 September 12, 2011


IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer’s call for attention to be paid to the rubble pile in the 600 block of East Franklin Street has borne some fruit?…that we have learned that 2nd Ward City Councilwoman Missy Mosby has taken the initiative to report this dangerous mess to the proper authorities?…that for Councilwoman Mosby to go outside of her ward to report a problem indicates clearly the goodwill that she feels for the entire City of Evansville?…that we encourage 3rd Ward City Council candidates Stephanie Brinkerhoff Riley and Alan Leibundguth to get on the bandwagon to force the City of Evansville to get this mess cleaned up?…that we expect that outgoing City Councilwoman Wendy Bredhold should take an interest in forcing this issue?…that the current at-large members of the Evansville City Council Curt John, Don Walker, and Dr. H. Dan Adams have an obligation to carry this torch and that the six people seeking this at-large seats are not worthy of consideration if they do not show some interest in cleaning this unfenced and dangerous corner that is frequented by children?

IS IT TRUE that we are still somewhat dumbfounded by the fact that hundreds of tickets to the Bob Seger concert are available through online ticket outlets a full week before they have been offered to the public?…that the seats offered are good seats but are offered at high premiums to the $70 that the public’s seats are reported to be priced at?…that we would like to say that we are shocked and amazed that inside deals have happened for the first act in the Ford Center but we cannot tell a lie?…that inside deals and behind closed door arrangements have been a way of life in Evansville lately and that the premature allocation of some of the best seats in the Ford Center’s first event just serves as one of the final insults to the people of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that there has been much discussion about how signing Project Labor Agreements (PLA’s) help a large construction project?…that there are indeed some advantages that PLA’s offer such as no-strike clauses, access to adequate skilled labor, cost certainty, and protection against having illegal workers on the job?…that these advantages in large cities where published prevailing wages are really the going rates essentially come at no or little additional cost?…that Evansville is not New York City or San Francisco and that to get these advantages we do indeed pay a premium?…that if Evansville is more like Denver, New Orleans, or Orlando than it is like New York City then having a PLA in place for a major project can be expected to add about 7% to the cost of the project?…that being the case the new Ford Center most likely cost about $9 Million more than it would have without a PLA?…that the pending new downtown Convention Hotel which has a PLA condition in the RFP will cost about $2.5 Million due to that contractual requirement?…that the best way to manage any project on budget and on time is to quote it HIGH AND LONG?

IS IT TRUE that we are eagerly anticipating some word (any word) to be released to the public about the findings and leanings of the vetting of the proposals that were submitted to build and operate a new downtown Convention Hotel?

IS IT TRUE that a novel idea came to the CCO today?…that this novel idea is “IS IT TRUE – The Book”?…that we are all ears and if there is an indication of demand that we a pretty well positioned to have a late 2011 publication date?…that we would like to hear from you?…that the pricing that we have been advised to consider are $12.50 for a pdf style downloadable e-book or $25.00 for a hardback?…that if we can reach a critical mass of early commitments this will happen?


  1. 1) Way to go, Missy Mosby. CCO should make her an honorary mole; and

    2) Book ’em, Dan-O ! (hardback please)

  2. I would assume that Missy has taken to reading the CCO everyday, like Mr Friend, Mr Grafton, Mr Walters, and Mr Adams surly does each and every day. (and of course our mayor and his minions)

    She’s in good company, maybe there is hope for her….


  3. Went down to Civic Center this morning to pay water bill. Saw Rick Davis outside building filming political commercial on county time. If he is fortunate enough to be elected mayor, wonder how much city’s time he will be spent campaigning for next higher political office? Also wonder what message he sends youth about work ethics?

  4. Agreed about Missy Mosby. Her voice really seems to be growing lately. Good luck to Councilwoman Mosby in November!

  5. What evidence is there that officials associated with the arena had involvement with current online tickets? Accusations of back door dealing or other improprieties is pretty strong. Don’t most of those brokers acquire their tickets through the use of automated computer programs that purchase massive amounts of tickets right after the box office opens to the public?

  6. Joellen, exactly right. Unless it’s sale of suite tickets that go with the suites, brokers buy big when the tickets go on sale both online and with people in line. Where did the tickets come from they are selling all over the internet? None of the tickets appear to be in the cheap seats. VenuWorks give aways to friends? Who knows, wish they would explain. Something doesn’t add up big time here. Maybe a CCO FOI request will solve the mystery unless the ERC and VenuWorks offered a believable explanation = truth.

  7. After eight years of blatant corruption there are still naive souls in Evansville who refuse to accept underhanded Democratic Party dealing? Like H. Rap Brown said, “You are either a part of the solution or you’re part of the problem!”

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