IS IT TRUE? PART 2 May 17, 2011


IS IT TRUE? PART 2 May 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission was requested and approved spending $15,000 for the purpose of paying attorneys to negotiate with the Evansville Icemen to be the “official” hockey team of the new Evansville Arena?…that Arena project manager John Kish testified before the Redevelopment Commission that negotiating a lease with the Evansville Icemen was taking much longer than expected and that many 10 hour days have been spent attempting to reach an acceptable lease to both parties?…that at the customary legal rate of $150 per hour that the $15,000 which was approved will not pay for very many more 10 hour meetings if several lawyers are involved on behalf of the Arena?…that Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel announced the awarding of the home ice to the Evansville Icemen back in 2010 and announced that the Icemen were expected to bring over 100,000 people per year to the Arena?

IS IT TRUE that the Icemen played 31 home games at Swonder last year sometimes drawing capacity crowds of over 1,500 but usually drawing crowds in the 1,000 to 1,200 range?…that the Icemen drew something like 35,000 people to Swonder last year?…that some of the away games in places like Fort Wayne and Colorado that have long established hockey followings actually drew between 5,000 and 9,000 fans?…that with patience and a winning team that we agree with Mayor Weinzapfel’s assertion that the Icemen can average over 3,000 fans per game in the new Evansville Arena?…that we encourage the negotiators to take it easy on the Icemen and craft a contract that will allow them to prosper in the first few years with a 1,000 member fan base and to share the rewards as the quality of hockey played and the attendance increases?…that one of the largest reasons touted to build the Evansville Arena was the potential for hockey to prosper in Evansville?…that up front is not the place to hobble the Icemen with an oppressive contract?…that the Arena needs the Icemen more than the Icemen need the Arena?…that tearing down the Swonder Ice Rink is not an option to be considered to remove the competition with the Arena?

IS IT TRUE that if Evansville can (and it can) support two ice hockey stadiums then Evansville most certainly should be able to find a way to utilize two basketball stadiums?…that afterall this is Indiana and not Canada?…that good minds in search of profits or even feeble minds in search of utilizing Roberts Stadium can find a solution to keep it functional and to perform financially as well as the new Arena?…that a new Arena without a hockey deal would splatter egg on lots of faces?

IS IT TRUE that the United States of America has hit its credit limit?…that maybe we should say our credit limit?…that treasury secretary Timothy Geithner has immediately halted further investments in two civil service retirement and disability funds to keep the day to day operation of the government from needing to borrow further to pay the bills?…that this move keeps the government afloat until August 2nd?…that it is reported that the United States is now borrowing 40% of every dollar that it spends?…that we do not even profess to know what the right balance is but that we are certain that 40% is too much?…that the home town equivalent would be a family earning $60,000 spending all that it makes and then spending an additional $40,000 on credit every year to meet day to day living expenses?…that this is not any more sustainable for a government than it is for a family?…that as our grandparents used to say “the chickens have come home to roost”?…that we wonder just what the limit of borrowing for state and local governments is limited by?…that several local officials have been seeking that answer for about a year now and it is not so easy to find?


  1. Is the ERC the unofficial slush fund for the area? The City attorneys could have negotiated this simple contract at zero cost to the taxpayers.

  2. Hey,

    It takes a lot of legal scheming for a formerly independent private sector business… To become, effectively, a wholly owned subsidiary to a group of unelected power brokers that plan and run our lives from top to bottom.

    It sometimes takes significant time to infuse a “private” business with the “required government vision” it takes to succeed in todays world. (

    I wonder if part of this delay is due to some of the lingering questions from the SMG/Venuworks, “deal”?

    I’m reminded of the presidential debate this weekend around Newt and “radical change”.

  3. Can someone please suggest the ERC negotiate terms for an arena lease BEFORE they “select” the next professional team. Might be a good idea.

    • Didn’t the Blue cats get the stiff arm?

      Wasn’t the lack of involvement way back in the planning process part of the reason they…

      • Bluecats had about 2,000 or so people that went to games. It was not enough to make a successful franchise so they folded. They never grew because they did not attract good enough talent to win consistently. Winners sell tickets, losers attract hard core fans and nothing else. The Bluecats, Icemen, Aces, Eagles, or whomever wins 80% of their games will sell lots of tickets at Roberts, the new Arena, or at some farmers barn. The venue does not matter, wins put butts in seats. Losers will not be bailed out by an expensive building in the long run. Evansville’s teams need to be winners for a successful sporting venue.

        • You might find a consecutive 5 year period for any team in any league, where wins are hard to come by – therefore permanently labeled, “losers”? (Examples: Colts & Pacers)

          So are you telling me that Evansville is legally scheming with the Icemen to get a deal to ensure “winning”? (Sheenious!)

          Isn’t is asinine to expect our ICE HOCKEY team to kick tail every game, every season?


          How about telling us how much additional costs, comparitably speaking, it will cost us to keep a slab of ice in this new arena – given our ELECTRIC rates – and given our typically oppresive, HUMIDITY levels?

  4. Somebody tell me, please,

    Why is 3K average anywhere near reasonable, “that with patience and a winning team that we agree with Mayor Weinzapfel’s assertion that the Icemen can average over 3,000 fans per game in the new Evansville Arena?…”?

    Considering, simply that the BlueCats averaging from 2100-2500 was not enough, “to cover rent to play in Roberts Stadium, much less turn a profit”. ( Now, that was the Roberts rent, I’d assume since Roberts is and was “Atrocious” and all… that rent for the new Arena will be considerably higher? (But especially more than Swander!)

    Am I the only one that smells unspoken, undisclosed, government incentives…

    • The 3k number is straight out of the proforma for the arena. Success is probably more like 7K. We do not have access to a proforma for the Icemen so we have no idea about the financial feasibility of such a number. Our guess is that the Mayor wanted to say 100,000 people per year in 33 games thus the 3,000 number was floated. Sounds allot like the numbers floated with no backing with the 8 softball fields.

  5. Another question, where the hell is the fairness in this society?

    This community is apparently willing to subidize $8.3+ million to a HEDGE FUND service provider, to bring 500 jobs…

    Yet, the BlueCats “received no part of concession sales”… and they walk away… and the courier reports we all shruged?(

    Read the article again, “Arena football, with its emphasis on speed, spectator proximity and players violently crashing into sideline barriers, appeals primarily to young males, whereas minor-league baseball attracts a broader demographic.” Guess what, that’s also a perfect description of Ice Hockey!

    The Courier also reported they had, “per-game cost was the second-highest in United Indoor Football”!( Any wonder why they didn’t have any time and money to get better players/coaches, etc?

    • Than you for pointing out the inconsistencies of government. There are no shortage of things to apply tar and feathers to.

  6. The article failed to name the law firm negotiating the contract. I would also guess that the high prices that are going to be charged to use the new stadium will make every contract a difficult issue. Remember the Weinzapfel motto “greed before service”.

    • I always thought Weinzapfel’s motto was;
      “If I can’t skim it, it ain’t happenin’!”

      Maybe two ways of saying the same thing?


      By the way; if I was Geary, I would think twice about signing ANY contract with the City of Evansville.
      If Ron would “go under” it would suit Evansville and its’ “Casino Cash Cow” just fine.

      “The Icemen cometh/The Icemen melteth. …”

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