IS IT TRUE? Part 2 March 25, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? Part 2 March 25, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the posting of Evansville Police Department daily activities has proving to be extremely popular?…that the average time spent by the growing number of readers who review this report is nearly 10 minutes per pageview?….that our mission for posting this daily report was to show our readers what an extremely challenging job our men and women in blue face each day to protect us from bad people? ….that we are extremely proud of the outstanding work of the Evansville Police Department does for us daily? ….we hope the newly elected Mayor and City Council members read these postings and take note of the outstanding work of the EPD during the next budget session?

IS IT TRUE that “MOLE #3” is reporting that it is highly likely that the City of Evansville shall have a new Fire Chief beginning in 2012? ….that it is also extremely likely the Evansville Police Department will have a new Chief? ….that both Mayoral appointments shall be made within the ranks and not be subject to another phony national search? ….that word in the street is that the name of the extremely popular Evansville Police Sergeant, Billy Bolin is being considered to be the top candidate to be our next Chief of Police? ….that officer Bolin was the political mastermind behind the stunning upset of Nick Herrmann over the 20 year incumbent Vanderburgh County Prosecuting Attorney, Stan Levco? ….that Officer Bolin was also one of the masterminds behind this extremely popular and financially successful “GUNS AND HOSES” event held at Roberts Stadium?

IS IT TRUE that CCO “MOLE #3” is reporting one of the main reasons why the Rick Davis for Mayor campaign is doing well is because of the political advice that is being given to him by his behind the scene advisor, retired State Senator Paul Bitz?

IS IT TRUE that the Patrick McBride and Missy Mosby 2nd Ward campaign is becoming a political barn burner? ….that CCO “MOLE # 3” is hearing certain local “Tea Party” group members are getting ready to begin lending their time, effort, and money into supporting one individual in this campaign? …..that the success record for candidates in local elections that are supported by the local TEA PARTY group members is quite high?

IS IT TRUE that CCO “MOLE #3” hears that certain local “TEA PARTY” group members are giving their money, time, and support to help 6th Ward City Council Candidate Al Lindsey? ….that the newly elected and extremely popular and powerful Perry Township Trustee, Rick Riney is helping his friend Al Lindsey in this primary battle? ….that if Al Lindsey wins the race it shall signal the end of a certain political family dynasty having control of the Democratic votes in that area?

IS IT TRUE that the census has released the updated list of the largest cities in America?…that the list is as follows?

New York City: 8,175,133
Los Angeles: 3,792,621
Chicago: 2,695,598
Houston: 2,099,451
Philadelphia: 1,526,006
Phoenix: 1,445,632
San Antonio: 1,327,407
San Diego: 1,307,402
Dallas: 1,197,816
San Jose: 945,942

IS IT TRUE that Evansville has been larger than 7 of those top 10 cities since it peaked in ranking in 1890?…that Detroit with its job killing ways has slipped down to #19 with 713,777 residents down from its highest ranking of #4 in 1940 and its highest population of 1,849,568 in 1950?…that if all of the people who have fled Detroit were gather together that they would be the 10th largest city in America today with a population of 1,135,791?…that in the last 70 years that Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Boston, and Washington DC have lost their Top 10 status and have been replaced by San Jose, Dallas, San Diego, San Antonio, Phoenix, and Houston?…that whatever these western and southern cities have been doing is attracting people and growing wealth.

IS IT TRUE that the candidates for Mayor of Evansville and our consolidation committee need to look at these southern and western cities to emulate if growth will ever happen again in Evansville?…that Evansville has been and continues to be managed more like the rust belt shrinking cities above than like the growing cities of the south and west?…that “monkey see monkey do” works but only if the monkey can see and is willing to do?


  1. San Jose, Dallas, San Diego, San Antonio, Phoenix, and Houston … whatever these western and southern cities have been doing is attracting people and growing wealth? Uh, would be nice if Evansville had a Mediterranean climate, oil money, cattle money, perpetual sunshine, naval bases, oil refineries, international sea ports, etc. like just for a base to start from, you think?

    • Of course but we actually have some of the advantages that you speak of an do little with them. Coal reserves and money here are as high or higher than the oil money in any of those cities. That is not counting the oil money that used to be prevalent here and the extensive natural gas that we have. Evansville is not hurting for natural resources or agricultural wealth. It is just lacking in using them for growth. We have a naval weapons center at Crane and a river that is not used for any significant commercial enterprise. It is not a substitute for the sea but of those cities only San Diego is has a beach. The climate here is similar to Dallas but yes warmth is attractive. Our climate is certainly not the worst available.

    • .. and even that is based on the assumption that anyone living here WANTS Evansville to be like San Jose, Dallas, San Antonio, etc. etc.. I’ve been to a number of them and, if Evansville were anything like them, I wouldn’t be here.

      When you spend your whole life aspiring to be something you aren’t and probably can never be, you usually end up being pretty lousy at what you are. Make the best of the hand you’re dealt and quit spending all your time trying to figure out how to get your paws on your neighbor’s cards.

      • I have lived in the San Jose area and near Houston. They have their economic opportunity and climate advantages over Evansville but counter that in a way with traffic and high costs. Is it possible to have the best of both worlds with enough economic opportunity to keep some of our brightest kids here yet not have one hour commutes? I think it is possible. I do know that the list of shrinking cities that were top 10 is not a list that I would want to live in. A choice between San Jose and Detroit or Baltimore is an easy choice. That as the case I will choose San Jose every time. Evansville can do better and should study the growth cities and adopt some of what they have done. Evansville is more like Detroit than it is like San Jose right now. The beauty is that we are small enough to change if we get the right team in charge.

  2. I do like the Evansville Police Department daily activities listing. But what about the Sheriff Dept. They also do an outstanding job for the County. Are their activities available?

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