IS IT TRUE? Part 2 July 19, 2011


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 July 19, 2011

IS IT TRUE that many supporters of Democratic Mayoral candidate, Rick Davis are quietly saying that it’s time for him to come out of his “political coma”?

IS IT TRUE we are wondering what the Mayor and his Evansville Redevelopment Commission are paying Downtown arena project manager, John Kish per hour to spearhead the Downtown Hotel project?…that we also are wondering how many extra hours were added to his contract because he had this mismanaged effort thrown into his lap?…that we wonder which pot of budget money that Mayor Weinzapfel has had to tap into to pay Mr. Kish to do this job that was supposedly “under control” and needing no public dollars?

IS IT TRUE that back in 1995 County Commissioner, Steve Melcher made a logical suggestion that City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County make Robert’s Stadium a voting Center? …that this suggestion should be considered and adopted by the Vanderburgh County Election Board for this coming November city election?…that Commissioner Melcher spoke out today to advise the Evansville Redevelopment Commission to be sure and have a walk bridge between the Centre, the Arena, and the new Hotel?…that when it comes to the history of things being built and particularly with the hard lessons learned by other developers that Commissioner Stephen Melcher is the Oracle of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE we are pleased to see that Mayoral hopeful, Lloyd Winnecke has publically announced his 5 point plan to improve transportation in Evansville if he is elected Mayor of Evansville?…that this transportation infrastructure plan comes on the heels of his release of a “Jobs Plan”?…that we wonder how Rick Davis feels about these important subjects and along with our readers are eager to see Davis’ plans?

IS IT TRUE that the suggestions made in a respectful manner before the Evansville Redevelopment Commission this morning were made for the purpose of making the project more successful and user friendly?…that both suggestions were met with similar comments from ERC President Mr. Bob Goldman?…that his canned responses seem to be “duly noted” or “we will take that under advisement”?…that we would like to know if such words are genuine or if they are dismissive?…that we would also like to know if the translation really is “I will go ask Mayor Weinzapfel exactly what he wants me to make my commissioners do”?


  1. IS IT TRUE that with regard to transportation and infrastructure planning, Mayoral hopeful Lloyd Winnecke has the distinct advantage of having been a County Councilman, County Commissioner, and Area Plan Commission member, and has dealt first hand with planning, funding, and executing public works projects including all important roads and bridges? That if Lloyd Winnecke becomes Mayor of Evansville that his extensive experience in planning, funding, and executing public works projects will come in very handy? That Mr. Winnecke is the only mayoral candidate with such valuable transportation infrastructure experience?

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