IS IT TRUE? July 19, 2011 Special Evening Edition


Thank You Roberts Stadium

IS IT TRUE? July 19, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that there was indeed a $50,000 bid bond posted by Woodruff Hospitality LLC with its proposal at the time their contract with the ERC was signed to build and operate a Hyatt Place Hotel in downtown Evansville?…that City Councilman John Friend identified retained bond money as a potential source of funding for a 3rd party vetting process to be run on the two bids submitted to the 3rd round RFP yesterday?…that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission should take this opportunity to see if they can get two rounds of vetting for the price of one?…that the McCurdy and the downtown Convention Hotel will both need rounds of vetting during this year?…that both of these projects are an embarrassment to the City of Evansville and that right now is the time to end the embarrassment?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville has initiated actions to finally shut down Roberts Stadium as an entertainment and sports venue for the near future?…that SMG has been notified by the City of Evansville that there are some things from Roberts Stadium that are going to be used in the new Arena?…that these items will be removed from Roberts Stadium right after the upcoming Kenny Chesney concert for reinstallation in the new Arena?…that when these yet to be defined things are removed that Roberts is allegedly finished until someone replaces them?…that we guess these items are the equivalent of taking the spark plugs out of a car to keep someone from driving it?…that we are really wondering what from Roberts is so valuable that the shiny new Arena is dependent on it to open on time?…that we bet it is not the water fountains or bathroom fixtures that have been the subject of ridicule from the City of Evansville?…that we really wonder what it could be?

IS IT TRUE that SMG proposed a term sheet that did all pre-opening services at no cost to the City of Evansville?…that VenuWorks is currently doing the pre-opening services under a consulting agreement that pays them $8,500 per month plus expenses through contract signing or October 31, 2011?…that there is still no contract between VenuWorks and the City of Evansville or any of its surrogates?…that it is highly probable that the City of Evansville will be paying out close to $100,000 under this temporary consulting agreement?…that SMG in their offer specified that these costs typically run from $100,000 to $150,000 but offered to absorb all of the costs as a gesture of goodwill based on their long history of working with the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that SMG committed and additional $800,000 to the Building Authority including $100,000 for the Grand Opening of the new Arena and $700,000 for the startup costs of the Arena?…that the details are in the following link and are dependent on a continued long term relationship?…that when and if a contract with VenuWorks is signed that it needs to be examined and verified that it is as favorable or better for the City of Evansville than what SMG offered?



  1. “… there was indeed a $50,000 bid bond posted by Woodruff Hospitality LLC with its proposal at the time their contract with the ERC was signed to build and operate a Hyatt Place Hotel in downtown Evansville …”

    Boy, they got by cheap. Bid bonds customarily are for 5% of the bid. Oh well, better than nothing. That’s if the bid bond was retained. But wait! When a contract is let, the successful bidder must submit a PERFORMANCE BOND. Was a contract let to Woodward? Was a performance bond presented? Did the contractor perform? The plot thickens. The pot may increase!

  2. Ha Ha, one of the items to be used from Roberts at the Arena was a freight elevator. There was some problem with the lift mechanism, so $ 300,000 was slated to buy a new lift (see ERC Minutes 1/14/2010). Of course, it was never further reported on as to actions taken, so who knows what they actually did ??

    Reason I’m laughing: they have now ‘password protected’ the ERC Minutes ! Read the minutes of these geniuses, and they’ve got your IP Address !!!! NOW THAT’s WHAT I CALL TRANSPARENCY !!!! Wonder if that is even legal, since the minutes of a public advisory commission are clearly public records !!!!! What silly billies, I am thinking of Doris Day and that goofy song que sera sera !!

    Bob Goldman, Sarah Miller, Greg Elpers, Jay Carter and Jody Phillips all should resign pre-vetting. Everyone else on the ERC can stay.

  3. Bubba: “Taking integral components or fixtures from Roberts Stadium is tantamount to sabotage.”
    Reader: “How low can Jonathon go?”
    Bubba: “I wouldn’t bet against him in a ‘limbo dance contest. …'”

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