Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE? Part 2 August 4, 2011

IS IT TRUE? Part 2 August 4, 2011


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 August 4, 2011

IS IT TRUE that another $1.4 Million is going to be spent to tell Evansville what it needs to do to become a better place?…that this time an unknown entity called the Sustainable Evansville Area Coalition is the beneficiary of this government largesse?…that the kick-off meeting was yesterday and that no one identifying themselves from that organization attended?…that the attendees seemed to be a hodge podge of people rounded up by local government at public works construction companies?…that the parent organization has a history of suggesting that blight be removed?…that the City County Observer has been an advocate for urban renewal in which the first step is the use of a bulldozer for a long time now?…that we do not need to spend $1.4 Million of government money borrowed from China to know that is the right first step?

IS IT TRUE that we are curious to find out who this group is made up of?…that the last time that the Evansville region got a grant of such magnitude it was called WIRED?…that the wired money was spent on a collection of studies to tell us that we have terrible bandwidth, are not quite big enough for an intermodal terminal, have no venture capital, are too conservative, have infrastructure problems, etc. etc. etc.?…that the WIRED group was made up of the usual suspects from local government, USI, Vectren, economic development, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.?…that we will be very surprised if the Sustainable Evansville Area Coalition is any different when it comes to the players in the game?…that the answers are already well known?…that what we need is a political class with business support that has the brains and courage to do something other than wasting more borrowed money on a pile of dusty paper?…that as Herman’s Hermits said in the song Henry the 8th “second verse same as the first”?

IS IT TRUE that “CCO Mole #3” has it on good authority that not only members of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission can start packing to leave when a new Mayor takes office but also key employees of the Department of Metropolitan Development may be part of a Chamber style reorganization?

IS IT TRUE we agree we with CCO Blogger, Joe Biden that it’s time that candidates Winnecke and Davis speak out publicly about the Arena-ICEMAN contract problems, the decaying historic McCurdy Hotel, the Front Door Pride housing projects and proposed downtown Arena hotel dilemma?

IS IT TRUE some of our readers are wondering why our local freedom fighters (Tea Party members) haven’t protested against the bad business decisions made by the Evansville Redevelopment Commission concerning the proposed downtown hotel, the Arena-ICEMAN contract problems, the front door pride housing projects and the decaying historical McCurdy hotel? …if our local Tea Party members had a mass protest in front of our decaying historical McCurdy hotel it could encourage members of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission to resign their positions? …”when people fear the Government they have tyranny but when government fears the people when have liberty”?


  1. By Front Door Pride, you mean taking Casino Aztar money meant for small business growth, investing them into building quarter-million dollar homes and selling them for $150k?

    Our downtown, 4th Ward area will always be a money pit because you cannot change the mentality associated with culture. Instead of taking pride in a Habitat home, the new owners trash it. Waste of Aztar money, especially when we need job growth.

    • Andrew Smith’s comments in this 2007 Courier article proved to be prophetic! The whole sewers before stadium concept looks pretty good right now.

      • Right on. He was very forward thinking; should have made a run for City Council before House of Reps. Thinking he could have made it.

    • Please have someone show Mr. Davis and Mr. Winnecke the comments to this 2007 C&P article where City Council candidate Andrew Smith several times posted his position and comments. HELLO MAYORAL CANDIDATES, if you can find access to the internet (it’s free at the library), we voters could read your positions and comments on the current City fiascos on the CCO and the C&P.

      • Why Joe?

        Smith was run out of town…

        Plus, these fiascos are only getting play in a corner of the internet – not on local tv. (I.E. nowhere near the voting population as a whole.) No prosecutions. No resignations. As far as the union population goes, isn’t the establishment thought of still as a bunch of certified heros?

        Plus, why would Davis/Winnecke stand up for average Joe’s desires… when it is counter to the Courier’s stated desires? (http://www.courierpress.com/news/2010/may/19/merged-mayor-the-issue-panel-looks-at-pay-level/)

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