IS IT TRUE that Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel responded to John Friend’s inquiry regarding IT contracts and purchases?…that this 8-page response went into great detail in comparing Cisco and Juniper services, as well as our previous and current contractors?…that according to the figures in this document, Cisco looks to be the superior choice of networking equipment?…that MRC seems to be the superior choice to our previous IT contract?…that the CCO gives credit where credit is due?…that the City/County IT Department seems to be on top of their game, and have made good use of our tax dollars?…that the mayor must have a deep understanding of the IT and Networking world to write such a letter?
IS IT TRUE that the letter that Mayor Weinzapfel took credit for and copied City of Evansville IT Director Matt Arvay on could not have been written by Mayor Weinzapfel as the detail of IT knowledge in the letter is far beyond his ability to opine upon?…that the letter itself was very well written and has impressed several technical people who have reviewed it?…that the shortest and most powerful technical abstract ever published was simply “E = Mc2” and that the author was Albert Einstein?…that putting any other name on that paper for publication would have been recognized as either a joke or plagiarism very quickly?…that the details of science and IT are difficult to master and that this letter was written by someone that has a good grasp of IT?…that Mayor Weinzapfel does not?…that the part about USI wasting $1M was aggravating?…that the part about Juniper does not equal Junnifer was even funnier?…that with public servants like this that Evansville will most likely stay at the bottom of the bandwidth food chain for years to come?
IS IT TRUE that the sparse response to our FOIA request has sparked anger in many of our local readers?…that even if one cannot afford a luxurious premium seat in the arena, that this issue is a blatant example of back room dealings and “the good ol’ boys club” that we as citizens have grown fed up with?…that the image of these good ol’ boys looking down on us from their uncontested premium seats is just another reminder of the SNEGAL dealings involved in our taxpayer funded downtown arena?
IS IT TRUE that the ERC did not grant VenuWorks the authority to sell the premium/loge seats until July 19th?…that the Joe Wallace filed a FOIA request for this information on June 30th?…that ERC/VenuWorks didn’t even bother to cover their tracks until after the FOIA request was filed?…that we still do not know the official “list price” of these seating options?…that we still do not know who was given the priority to buy these seats over the taxpayers who are funding the project?…that if the premium seating was actually “sold out” as Mr. Schoenike claimed on May 25th, that any contracts signed before July 19th are void?…that we expect the term “sold out” was actually more of a “good ol’ boy handshake” which is an awfully SNEGAL way to deny Evansville’s citizens the opportunity to buy those seats?
The question is…..does VenueWorks even know that what they did was wrong and not legal? and that any contract they entered into isn’t valid, or that they could be liable? Did the ERC/Mayor’s office tell them we have your back on this one?
Is it true that the Mayor is selling the memorabilia from the stadium on e-mail?? I was there tonight and I saw that a lot of it was gone.. and I over heard two guys talking about it being on e-bay…
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