IS IT TRUE? Part 2 August 15, 2011 “Insurance and Meth Lab Control”


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 August 15, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer and its quest for good public policy will be at the lectern at the Northside Kiwanis Club tomorrow?…that civic organizations area also taking note of the style and substance that the CCO introduces into the local discussion?…that in a load speed test that the CCO website was measured to load in 2.03 seconds, a full 30% faster than the website of the Courier and Press?…that lots of candidates for office and their advocates are contacting the CCO about what needs to be done in Evansville to make it a better place?…that we expect to see the demand for more information to start focusing on the two candidates for Mayor of Evansville within days?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has been supplied with a supplement to the FOIA request that we had made regarding the $100,000 fee that Old National Insurance received for serving as the insurance advisor to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission for the Arena project?…that in the 10 page insurance consultancy contract between the ERC and ONI there is a provision in Exhibit A under Compensation section B that commits that ONI will not receive a commission for the policies brokered for the ERC?…that should put to rest the theory of being paid to tell the ERC what to buy and then getting a commission for selling it to them?…that the sum total of the compensation for ONI as per contract is $100,000?…that a very pertinent question would be “if ONI had worked for a commission only instead of a consulting fee, would the ERC have paid more or less money than the $100,000 that was paid”?…that the total premiums for the coverage recommended by ONI appears to be $321,050?…that ONI’s fee of $100,000 amounts to 31% of the insurance premiums?…that this seems like it is a bit higher than most commission structures that our insurance industry friends receive?

IS IT TRUE that we will investigate this further and publish whether the ERC saved money or spent more than it would have on commissions by doing the fixed fee insurance contract with ONI?

IS IT TRUE that Democratic candidate for Mayor of Evansville was sighted in front of the old abandoned fire house on Columbia Street near Hose House #10 that Mayor Weinzapfel wanted to close this morning with a camera crew in tow?…that we are interested to learn whether a commercial was being shot for the Davis campaign or whether yet another position statement was being made?

IS IT TRUE that in 2003 that the State of Oregon was busting 39 meth labs each month?…that the State of Oregon took the bold step of becoming the first state to pass a law requiring prescriptions for PSE products such as Sudafed and Claritin-D?…that in the following 3 years after making the meth making ingredients “by prescription only” that the State of Oregon only had 46 meth lab incidents?…that this is an annualized decrease in meth lab incidents of 96.7%?…that if that is not evidence of success that should be emulated then we wonder what will it take to get other states on board to do this?…that we stand beside our fundamental belief that this meth problem needs active legislative changes to make headway?…that if educating people was going to work it would have worked already?


  1. Maybe Rick is filming his announcement that the old abandoned fire station will be home base for Rick’s Rakes and Rangers program. It’s a nice central location to store their trash bags, leaf rakes, and watering cans. And by golly, Rick could even spruce up the old firemen’s sleeping quarters upstairs to house the Barney Fife Commemorative Park Ranger Corps after he issues them badges, pistols, and one bullet each!

    • I think once again Davis has forgotten who his opponent is in this election. I can’t recall ever hearing Winnecke advocate closing a fire station. Someone please tell Davis that Jonathan Weinzapfel is not on the ballot this year!

      • Winnecke has stated before that he is in favor of closing fire stations. Who would want a leader that wants to close fire stations? Not I!!!

  2. While I agree that Meth is bad and needs to adressed, I am against make PSE prescription only. I take PSE on a semi regular basis and find the current process of presenting a photo ID easy to follow.

    By making it prescription only it will be adding an un-needed expense by requiring the public to see their doctor and pay their insurance co-pays.

  3. I do not understand why a website such as the CCO seems to be campaigning for the Democratic mayoral candidate?

    Meth is a hot button item – but completely out of the Mayor’s jurisdiction for good reason – Davis should be focusing on items a mayor can have an impact on.

    There are other studies out there that show script only psuedo does not make an impact on the number of meth labs.

    • We are not campaigning for anyone. We do advocate for a series of actions that include proven concepts in other places and education to blunt the meth problem.

  4. Re: ONB Insurance Consulting: are we to understand that the contract for the project was ten (10) pages, and the work product/deliverable for the project was three (3) pages ???

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