Are Evansville's Flood Gates Ready?


IS IT TRUE that the National Weather Service has used the word “CATASTROPHIC” to describe the type of flash flooding that may be coming to greater Evansville in the coming days along with up to 9 more inches of rain?…that the ground is at full saturation and that all of the new rain is now running off into any ditch, field, creek, or river available?…that some roads are already closed due to flooding?…that the City of Evansville may have a need to test the floodgates that are a vital part of the floodwall that surround the City to protect us all from “CATASTROPHIC” flooding?

IS IT TRUE that there are several key design areas in the Evansville levee system that require the installation of FLOOD GATES when water levels are projected to be at seriously high levels?…that if there is ever going to be a need for these bought and paid for FLOOD GATES that this just may be the week?…that we cross our fingers and trust that such a vital pieces of our functional safety net are in good working order, are in a known location, and that the City of Evansville has trained people on staff and standing by to install these FLOOD GATES to protect the people of Evansville according to the responsibility accepted by the stewards of the city when these FLOOD GATES were purchased?…that we really hope that this emergency flood protection mechanism is being properly maintained and has not been a part of the deferred maintenance program that has ruled over our parks and roads in recent history?...that the City County Observer calls for and would appreciate it if the Weinzapfel Administration would publically reassure the people of Evansville that our FLOOD GATES are ready to protect us?

IS IT TRUE that Main Street was converted to a walkway over 30 years ago?…that the construction of the support structure for the serpentine pavers was designed to accommodate pedestrians and not traffic?…that the potholes and indentions on the north side of Main St. where driving occurs are due largely to the fact that cars are now driving on a walkway?…that when Main Street is reversed that the other side will do the same thing?…that to really make a walkway into a driveway involves a complete removal and replacement with a design that is appropriate for automotive use?…that we wonder if anyone on the payroll of the City of Evansville is tending to this coming problem with the increased traffic that the opening of the Arena is promising to bring?

IS IT TRUE that just yesterday a frequent player at Casino Aztar was seen at an Easter gathering with his shoes wrapped in cloth booties?…that when asked about that fashion statement this frequent player stated that the carpets in that D$%# Boat are so filthy that it ruins his carpets when he comes home?…that when coming home from Aztar this frequent player dons the shoe covers to protect his home from the filth?…that his clothes most likely come home the same way?…that we are certain that this is not an isolated incident?…that we surely hope that Casino Aztar is not following the example of the Evansville Parks and Recreation Department in neglecting to do day to day cleaning and maintenance?…that it sounds like the litter and filth problem is finding its way indoors too?…that if we are to capitalize on the recent attention being paid by the citizens of Evansville to clean this place that the business community needs to get on board and do some cleaning too?…that this frequent player at Aztar has let management know about this Filth Dilemma?…that we encourage all responsible people to do something to correct this situation?


  1. From my former days as Executive Director of Transportation and Services for the City of Evansville, I remember the Levee Department’s flood gates are stored close to the needed locations. Also know they are adept at getting them in place and have periodic drills at proficiency. Even with Monday’s forcast for 5 to 7 more inches of rain yet this week, it is not expected the gates will need to be deployed according to employees there.

    • The lead story on the CP webpage is about the gate being installed. I guess some people really do read the CCO and take notice of what is said.

      • When the river reaches a certain level the flood gates are being readied to put in place. River levels are constantly watched. Their was a plan to put gates in place before your story was written. What picture of the flooded neighborhood did you run with your story?

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