IS IT TRUE? Part 2 April 14, 2011


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 April 14, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the recent annexation of the previously unincorporated area in Knight township north of Morgan Avenue has spared one of the original eight businesses in Vanderburgh County that were to have come under the County Commissioners new smokefree workplace ordinance this summer?…that this annexation includes the Eagle’s Club out on Old Booneville Highway?…that the Eagle’s Club would have been going non-smoking this summer under Vanderburgh County law but now under City of Evansville law the smoking will continue?…that the original eight are now down to six?…that Dutch Corner burned down in a smoking related fire taking the protected establishments down to seven?…that annexation by the City of Evansville has now reduced the number of mandated by law come this summer establishments down to six?…that two of those are already non-smoking by choice and that the owner/managers say that business is as good as it has ever been?

IS IT TRUE that when the forces supporting consolidation and having no threshold rejection howl about how we are really one big happy family that they need to look at just how much difference there is between the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County on the smoking issue?…that for the most part the City of Evansville is a Democratic stronghold and that Vanderburgh County is typically Republican?…that “progressives” are typically associated with Democratic policies and strongly support comprehensive smoking ordinances?…that the Republican dominated Vanderburgh County Council is the body to advance the progressive position in this place?…that it is the Democratic leadership that has failed to enact a comprehensive smoking ordinance in the City of Evansville, reversed one in Vanderburgh County, and has been most vocal against adopting such an ordinance?…that when local Democrats talk about being on the “TEAM”, what they mean must be “THEIR OWN TEAM” as opposed to any national Democratic team?…that one must come to Evansville to hear and see Democrats in power advancing positions from the RIGHT and Republican advancing progressive positions?…that living in a backwards world can be confusing?

IS IT TRUE that the United States Congressional Budget Office has completed its review of the supposedly “historical” $38Billion spending cuts that were celebrated by Democrats and Republicans alike last Friday in the “Faceoff inside the Beltway” that avoided shutting the government down?…that the CBO’s analysis of the $38 Billion in cuts has determined that it is not really (nod, wink) $38 Billion that is being saved?…that the CBO says it is only $352 Million that will be saved in 2011 and not the $38 Billion that was announced last week?…that is only a 99% difference?…that either the congressmen who came up with the $38 Billion number are economically incompetent or someone was trying to pull the wool over the people’s eyes again?…that saying that $500 is equal to $50,000 (scaling the mistake made in the announcement) does not make it so?…that if that were true out here in the real world that we could head over to D-Patrick with $500 bucks and come home with a loaded new BMW with no monthly payment?…that only seems to work in the US Congress?

IS IT TRUE that the website of the Congressional Budget Office is quite informative for those who are interested in digging a little deeper than the talking heads dig?…that if you want to read a real analysis of Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget proposal as opposed to listening to the stuffed shirts the Office of the CBO is the place to go?…that here is a link to their portal?