IS IT TRUE October 3, 2013
IS IT TRUE the timeline for the new downtown convention hotel is looking very much like a ground breaking for real should happen in the spring of 2014 assuming the loan for HCW happens as hoped, the Evansville based investors really follow through, and the permits are issued in a timely manner to proceed?…given that the headline number for the construction phase of the project is 18 months the grand opening will occur in the fall of 2015 exactly 4 years after the opening of the Ford Center and over 7 years since our former mayor announced that if we build and arena a hotel will come for free?…we should know by the ground breaking whether or not downtown Evansville will be chosen as the location for the IU Medical School?…Mr. Bob Warren should be feeling the heat soon to start marketing the Centre with its new hotel for those bunches of 2016 conventions we have been hearing about?…the marketing materials should be very interesting to see?…perhaps that long list of attractions that Evansville already has will dominate his materials if they have not fallen into disrepair?…we do seem to recall that Mesker Amphitheatre was on his list of local jewels just 2 years ago?
IS IT TRUE the CCO reiterates that not a darn thing should be proposed for construction or bonding until that is settled including the storage place for the Ford Center that somehow eluded the minds of the architects for the Ford Center?…the amount of storage required for a multi-purpose 10,000 seat arena should be a multiple choice test question in a freshman architecture class but the team that designed the Ford Center must have gotten an F in that class?…it is another one of those unplanned unintended oversights that seems to be a way of life in downtown Evansville?
IS IT TRUE the City County Observer is pleased to announced that after the Courier Press started charging $10 a month for digital access and comment privileges that our traffic has gone up by roughly 150% over the same period last month?…during last week we set records for day traffic, week traffic, and closed out September with a record month since we first started counting?…it is gratifying to see some of the regular posters from the CP have come over to the CCO to fill their need to dialog about what is going on in Evansville?…for the most part Evansville is right now a good model for cooperation and compromise to reach an acceptable solution that the elected officials from both parties in Washington DC could take a few lessons from?…if you think Washington is looking like spoiled children now wait two weeks until the debt ceiling is reached and the check writing has to stop?…if both sides continue with the ways of the last two days you can bet they will all be getting an earful from their constituents at that time?
IS IT TRUE one of the odd conundrums of the ObamaCare debate is the fact that the guy it is named after (President Obama) has taken steps to make sure that he and his family along with the White House staff, Congress, and the Congressional staff are all exempted for the program that bears his name?…this should be fodder for comedians with comparisons like “what would it say about Ford products if Henry Ford had put it in his corporate bylaws that his family, his board, and his management team should not drive Fordsâ€, or “the Mason family cannot use Mason jarsâ€, or even “what if the descendants of the Dukes and Vanderbilts were encouraged to avoid the universities that bear their namesâ€?…when a prominent person is not interested in a product or service that bears their name, it should make you quite skeptical about the value of that product or service?
IS IT TRUE in what is one of the most insulting closures of a national monument, our federal government that paid no money at all for the construction of the World War II monument has closed it due to the government shutdown?…this monument is not manned, has not gift shop or tour guide, and was paid for entirely by donations from those whose loved ones served and died in World War II?…there is no excuse for this monument being closed whether the government is open or not?…we wonder what account paid for the labor of the parks service employees who were putting up temporary fencing to keep people out yesterday?…the selection of no cost or low cost things for closure just to try to elicit emotional reactions for political purposes is despicable?…it is a good thing that the LST is in private hands or we may have had some federal employees flown in to gate it up too?…this practice and this choice is disgusting?
EVCB Marketing Suggestion
“A Quaint Little Riverside Village with a Huge Political Problem.” …
The Storage Building is extra?
When you arrive to pick up your new car;
(Salesman) “Oh, … The tires are extra.
We will put them on now and bill you separately at a later date.” …
Yes it IS gratifying to see that many former Courierpress readers/bloggers have found a home at C-CO. I Do miss the dynamics that were present there.
As the C-CO experience becomes more “second nature” to new readers, I would hope to see more issue based, friendly, but diametrically opposed banter.
Good things happen to good people and nowhere is it more evident than at City-County Observer. …
Agree! The one thing which would help this is more CCO articles started each day. Courier and Press had those idiotic stories which were such good fodder to get the comments started. The article could be short. Or, simply break the daily “Is it true” into separate articles rather than one with multiple paragraphs.
Or, you might darn approving select contributors to start topics with their own story submissions. DO YOU DARE!
Thank you for the advice. Expect some experimentation with some little pieces starting today. Our first is the story on Mayor Winnecke’s radio appearance just posted.
We have some select contributor and welcome more.
UFO’s (Unidentifiable Friends Observations.)
Lil buggers. 🙂
I agree with you, bubba. The key to this being the best thing to happen for those of us who are “news junkies” in a long time is keeping it friendly, or at least civil.
can’t wait for Della to show up
I certainly can (wait).
–Sometimes, I admit, I feel like being “”catty”
Suggested names for the Old Downtown Hotel.
“Old Main Morgue”
“The Ha Ha Hotel”
“The Ben Dover Inn”
–Do you think I need to chill with a beer, Bubba?–I probably should consult Wayne for his thoughts on what I should do about this juvenile urge. What’s your view Beerguy?
I believe being “catty” is an appropriate response to having been subjected to the biggest “bait and Switch” scheme in the history of this City. “Jiffy-Pop Arena and Cracker-Jack Hotel” are the worst results of Evansville’s worst Mayor.
Don’t chill, my friend and keep your “catty little keyboard punchers” in the match. Wayne’s chides and insults are a sure sign that the truth you write has struck a nerve.
We need about a thousand more just like you. Maybe then we could take this town back. …
EVV’s worst mayor? Which W are you referring to? Whinezapfel or Winnecke.
They are both smart men ,they are just on the dark side and both need to see the inside of a federal pen
Please print your definition of smart! I don’t see intelligence in either one of them.
Here ya go Crash:
“Lickety split Inn.”
“Wallet Dorf place”
“Cave Inn two tree”
“Squirrel square convention center”
“Show me Inn court”
“waynes hotel 6”
“Phantom back tower”
Only in fun,hope they find some success with the place what ever they call it.
Please consider doing an entire story on the criminal shutdowns of public parks by the Obama Administration as the result of the ‘Government Shutdown’.
Don’t we have a few buildings downtown that are idle now and costing us money to maintain? Why don’t we use them for the Ford Center Storage?
I bet Mike O’Daniels will still sell D-Pat Ford for a small fortune. What was it he said he’d take for that out of the way car lot back when he was negotiating (I mean smoke screening) with Weinzapfel and the City Council for the arena location?
The more money involved , the more kickbacks they can pocket !!!
THANK YOU CCO…….for writing the truth that barry hussein obama has taken steps to exempt him and his family from his own law…….the cp could not print this if they did they all would be fired……..
I can not sit back and listen to some of the praise of this investor group without asking a few questions.
Knowing the way things work around here, it seemed truly unusual, on the surface, for these businessmen, who ever they are, to come forward with their cash/buy-in.
I had been asking all along for the names of the apartment investors, but those names were never provided.
Then, when this deal was about to hit the skids, this group of likewise anonymous local investors steps forward to salvage the deal.
Could it be possible that a really sweet deal for the apartments was about to be lost by some of these same individuals?
If that is true, I think you can be fairly certain of a new slate of council members come next election.
These people do not like surprises and are used to getting their way, and they write the big checks at those fund raisers.
To the best of our knowledge the apartments will be owned by HCW.
Who are the individual investors who comprise this investor group?
I don’t know.
Is there equity position in the hotel, or is it in the apartments?
Make that “their”.
The vast majority of the voters will remember who were willing to throw the tax dollars away. It’s getting harder to buy an election, with the informed voters donating to a particular candidate instead of the central committees, things could be back with the citizens in control. Instead of the chozen ones on the 7th. floor.
ahh itll be nice to have a nice new hotel for all the prostitutes on backpage here in evansville to post up at. driving to the eastside can be such a pain
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