IS IT TRUE October 24, 2014


IS IT TRUE this section is a little bit tongue in cheek and it seems as though the State of Kentucky is faced with choosing between a red skunk and a blue skunk when it comes to their next United States Senator?…the entire campaign from Senator Mitch McConnell and from Allison Grimes has been small minded and filled with hypocracy?…while we think that Senator McConnell’s insistence that he is not a scientist and unqualified to comment on climate change we do hope to offer our readers a few laughs at one of the most hilarious duplicities out there at the expense of Ms. Grimes?

IS IT TRUE it has been asked “if there really is a war on women, Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes might just come from one of its founding families?…Ms. Grimes is the heir to the Hugh Jass burger fortune, a legacy that stems from her family’s Kentucky burger joint, whose menu celebrates the finer things in life, like giant, juicy female booty?…Hugh Jass Burgers — say it out loud to get the joke — has menu items like “Charlotte’s Rack, sure to be voted biggest rack” named after Grimes’ mom and “Abby’s Hugh Jass,” a burger named after her sister?…they also sell souvenirs like an apron with “Check Out My Buns” emblazoned across it?…the restaurant’s approach has raised eyebrows, especially since Grimes’ camp accused the GOP of sexism?…Ms. Grimes has not been willing to address any of this as she has been unwilling to even admit whom she voted for in the 2008 & 2012 presidential elections to avoid the ire of the people of the Bluegrass state?…Grimes has been talking like the dickens for a living wage while her family pays some of its staffers a cool $7.25 per hour?…she has consistently noted that her family is “not in the race” for Senate, and she’s right, though she should probably have a chat with them about why they might be unwilling to shell out more money to the people Grimes keeps saying deserve a living wage?…we ask, if you can’t convince your family to flout market economics and overpay unskilled labor, who can you convince?…we are certain that the workers at Grimes’s family’s restaurant feel very empowered despite their low take home pay since they can support their employer by wearing a “Check Out My Buns” apron to really turn their self-esteem around?

IS IT TRUE when it comes to Senator McConnell the opportunities to discredit are a dime a dozen and it all starts with his insane stand on not offering an opinion on climate change because he is no scientist?…proving something like climate change is of course not as simple as calling someone out for a sexist menu, or paying the minimum wage while howling for it to be increased but there is sufficient evidence out there to move a thinking person to a conclusion that human beings have indeed done things that have altered our weather?…from a scientific perspective the nuances like the slight changes in the refractive index of the earth’s atmosphere due to emissions of carbon, ozone, and a host of other things we humans do to give ourselves conveniences today at the expense of the future are difficult to calculate but simple to grasp?…grasping can be as simple as looking through vapor, looking at a smoker’s lung, or even buying double pane windows?…the easiest example to explain a way to insulate better (climate change) is to go through a sales pitch for new windows with nitrogen injected between the panes to change the insulation properties?…the reality is that we humans alter the planet everyday and have been for centuries but recently our numbers have grown to the point that we are doing more damage than ever?…we will probably not do the damage of a massive asteroid strike or even a hundred volcanos but the truth of the matter is that climate change is real and we are the drivers?…this is why there should be a sequel to the movie Dumb and Dumberer about the 2014 Kentucky campaign for the Senate?…just be glad as Hoosiers that you don’t have to choose between the red skunk and the blue skunk?


  1. Locally: did anyone read the article in C&P this morning (Friday, 10-24) about former ERC Board Member Jay Carter’s trial in Federal Court ?

    At one point, one of the alleged marijuana traffickers said something to the effect that Jay Carter had asked him for money ” because he needed to bribe officials to get the City Towing Contract” for Carter’s firm Shaggy’s Towing.
    Also, please note that this quote was made very matter of factly.

    Golly, Andy, wonder what board would have voted on a City Towing Contract ??

      • I have a feeling there may be a plea bargain in the making. Too many people in high places really don’t want too much testimony given in this case. It could embarrass a lot of people, and maybe even send a few to prison.

    • Sworn testimony regarding conspiracy to bribe or actual bribes is a felony. Will the feds or the local prosecutor be investigating?? Stay on this CCO. You may have a MONSTER story on you hands.

      • It would be bad news if Carter released the names of local/federal officials he supplied drugs to.

  2. RE: Kentucky’s Senate Race:

    Seriously, Kentucky is home to the ignorant Christian-run Creation Museum. People who believe that humans rode dinosaurs. Yes, that is right.

    What is a candidate to do when much of the constituency is ignorant, and in fact, spitefully proud of that fact? Mitch McConnell exploits the extreme Christian constituency in his State, taking their political donations and telling them want they want to hear in order to get into office. I agree with Editor, it is pathetic. The positive thing is the days of traction-able influence have passed for the extreme Christians in politics.

    • I think a lot of the ignorance being displayed by our neighbors across the river is willful ignorance. They love their Medicaid expansion and ACA insurance, but hate the President too much to give him any credit for it. Unfortunately, both candidates are willing to play to that willful ignorance rather than pointing out that Kentuckians LIKE OBAMACARE.
      I just wonder if they will vote for Mitch, who wants to do away with ACA, once they are alone in the voting booth.

  3. Ed,

    The ‘Jass’ in Hugh Jass is a donkey. Look at the website. Can’t believe you used an entire IIT on this !

  4. RS,-I’m not going to debate Religion,–or Atheism,– to each his own , but I will respond to your broad statement that “much of the constituency (Kentucky Voters) is ignorant”—–your broad statement isn’t ignorant tho , —it’s Stupid!

    • Meaning ignorance can be educated but STUPID is forever,,,,we are in agreement,,,what a pompous jass.

      • That reminds me of the movie, Coal Miners Daughter about Loretta Lynn. Her husband had called her stupid during a argument. She said that she was not stupid, just ignorant!

      • “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its’ limits” – Big Al

  5. Good day for political comments? Check out Mike Claytor for state auditor. Mike was Deputy for the State Board of Accounts when they actually held public officials accountable. Other than being a supporter of TIF he is a great non career politician well qualified for the Job. The other candidate??

  6. Wondering what percentage on this site “is’ from the bluegrass state to receive the whole IIT for this Friday at this AM time? They have a senator that been in a long time and I would think CCO would be against. Appears that his trump card is trying to tie her to Obama. That’s why they are harassing her on her vote the past two presidential elections. Has she not worked at state level and not had any direct ties? New blood seems the norm on this site.

    CCO is trying to paint a picture that she is heir to a family business paying it’s employees minimum wages.
    Does she have controlling interest in the company were she can raise the employees wages? Would it appease the CCO if the burger joint would get rid of 40 employees and hire someone at $1 million? Will not be able to take care of the customers, and would lose them for lack of service. Will the million dollar employee save it!

    • About 10% and growing according to Google Analytics. This was written by me 2 days ago in anticipation of a 16 hour day of travel yesterday with limited access to information or the ability to write a column. Monday’s IIT will be back to the travails of Evansville.

  7. Dem checklist for Mayoral candidate

    E̶r̶i̶c̶ ̶W̶i̶l̶l̶i̶a̶m̶s̶
    ̶G̶a̶i̶l̶ ̶R̶e̶i̶c̶k̶e̶n̶
    ̶M̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶G̶o̶e̶b̶e̶l̶
    ̶B̶r̶a̶d̶ ̶E̶l̶s̶w̶o̶r̶t̶h̶
    ̶S̶t̶e̶p̶h̶a̶n̶i̶e̶ ̶B̶r̶i̶n̶k̶e̶r̶h̶o̶f̶f̶ ̶R̶i̶l̶e̶y̶
    ̶C̶o̶n̶n̶e̶r̶ ̶O̶’̶D̶a̶n̶i̶e̶l̶ ̶
    J̶o̶n̶a̶t̶h̶a̶n̶ ̶W̶e̶a̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶

    John Friend !!!!!!!

    • B.B. You omitted one. The current mayor. Didn’t they support him the last election?

      • Yeah but they got to throw somebody against the wall to see if they will stick to mollify their base and say they’re fielding a candidate.

        So your choices are Machine candidate D or Machine candidate R. Pick your poison. Do your prefer the frying pan or the fire?

    • Hate to see Stephanie crossed off the list and Friend making a booze run with his lights off for the mayor’s office. Republicans should run “What’s your Real Name” Wayne Parks. Nothing like a common enemy to unite us.

      • Stephanie is still on MY list, but I’m not sure she’ll be willing to go for it. John Nobody’s Friend was the first name marked off on my list. We literally can’t survive another four years of the Poop!

    • I’ve heard that Troy Tornatta is testing the waters, so you may want to add him and cross him off at the same time.

      • We vote these people out, they just show up somewhere else. Are we just rotating the tires on the government vehicle? Is there anyway to keep them out of government elected positions, besides them being “appointed” by the figureheads of our government?

        • Yeah, there are ways but presently, society frowns on the majority of them.

  8. Alison filed some articles of incorporation for the burger joint chain and some other legal work.
    I don’t think she is an “heir”
    She’s not involved in the day to day business decisions. This seems like a real reach for a criticism

    As editor suggests perhaps she should have a heart to heart with the owners.

    If they raise the wage to 11.00/hr tomorrow would it win her any votes from conners? HELL NO!

    BTW Mitch has voted himself a pay increase many times while voting against a minimum wage increase multiple times.

    • The centrists are caught in the middle of the feuding. We’ll keep our heads down while the stuff flies this morning right too left, shoot, the left fires back, and the ricochets between the two takeout everyone’s useful cause with grievous angles taken towards the innocent.

      Climate change is a global repeater. Like, the minimum wage in this country, that when real honestly driven analysis is theorized, as something only focused solutions built to evolve forward will positively affect, the outcomes of either with ones conclusion always makes the same mark.

      Obstruction of either doesn’t solve a thing, that only prolongs and increases the spanning and cost involved with the inequities as they are presented.

      One of our global social economic environmental analytics who was tickled by this blogs definition of Sneagal, (Sneaky and legal?) came up with something akin to that early today while researching our incoming global clean water solutions.
      As goes ( Reshated ): Republican Elected Sneaky Halliburton Applied Technical Environmental Disaster. 🙂

      Old news, and todays news about a “gift that keeps on giving”, so to speak. Hey natural gas is cheap right, the price of gasoline is falling to. So, if one has the solutions to the clean water problems then one might say there’s a mean tipping point balance to be struck in those profitable, however, needed aspect ranges, as well…. Vision, leadership, balance .


      r/. 1. a state of prolonged mutual hostility, typically between two families or communities, characterized by violent assaults in revenge for previous injuries.
      “the long-standing feud between two noble families”
      synonyms: vendetta, conflict; More
      a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute.
      “one of the most volatile feuds that currently rock the scientific community”
      verb: feud; 3rd person present: feuds; past tense: feuded; past participle: feuded; gerund or present participle: feuding
      r/. 1. take part in a prolonged quarrel or conflict.
      “these two families have been feuding since the Civil War”
      synonyms: quarrel, fight, argue, bicker, squabble, fall out, dispute, clash, differ, be at odds;
      “he feuded with his teammates”

    • Not only that but is seems that Mitch has been paying or offering to pay people to come to his campaign events and increase the enthusiasm at the events. Paid volunteers. Makes me wonder about that man. I heard that the Daily Show did a number on Senator Mitch McConnell the other night. Got to love Jon Stewart.

  9. …..
    What amazes me is the Tea Party people in Kentucky, who practically swore an oath to remove Mitch McConnell from office earlier this year, will prove themselves sheep and slink into the voting booth and VOTE for McConnell now. Talk about a group of voters who have NO competitors when it comes to the exploited. But these people have no where to go…and….they will put McConnell over the top and make him a winner on election day.

  10. I see a Meijer store is indeed coming to EVV according to the C&P front page article, complete with gas pumps. I guess that is why the tag line “Is it true” is used, as the answer to this question appears to be false….

    • Yesterdays news.

      Oct 23, 2014 at 6:46 pm

      Don’t go by the scripted bull the mainstream media usually sports there Peterson, ask the people who know.
      Cut to the chase.

      [cut to the chase]
      r/. Sl. to focus on what is important; to abandon the preliminaries and deal with the major points.
      All right, After a few introductory comments, we cut to the chase and began negotiating.

    • I called Meijer’s offices myself this morning and was told that there are no concrete plans for a “start date”, but if someone from their company sent an email to the local news outlet saying there will be one built at some point in the future, then it must be in early planning stages.

      • Btw, I spoke with Faith at 1-877-363-4537, ext #5. She said it would most likely be 2017 or after when we see a store here. It sort of reminds me of all of the “pushbacks” on our convention hotel opening, but this is PRIVATE funding. Faith also suggested that I ask the Courier for verification on the information they published.
        This is just my guess, but I suspect the Courier saw a chance to snipe at CCO and took it.

        • The Courier & Pravda’s “reporting” says a start date of 2015 and opening in 2016. Supposed reason for delay of construction of Evansville store was construction of other Meijer stores. C&P quotes a Frank J. Guglielmi, Senior Director of Communications for Meijer. Also quoted Ryan Key from the Evansville-Vanderburgh Area Plan Commission as saying that Meijer plans have been approved “for the most part”…..

      • This is story 338568606 that the CP has followed the CCO on. From here on out, the CCO should just put all of the CPs logos around their stories so that the CP staff can move it all in one lump together.

    • I just sent an email to the corporate offices requesting clarification. When the response comes I will post it without edit opinion or bias. Here is what is certain. There were a host of announcements in the mainstream media in May that the store would be opening in 2014. That is obviously not going to happen as sand has not been flipped. The rumors seem to have emanated from a Facebook posting from 2013. For Evansville’s sake we hope a store is coming but it does sort of remind us of a certain hotel project that just can’t seem to materialized but is always on the verge of a transformation.

      • Good call, facts are good. With Meijer’s our analytics usually show pretty balanced market expansion. They do the strategic marketing, absolutely no comparison to the systematics we’ve observed in Evansville’s downtown. Accessibility and the base infrastructures and projected logistical value are on the point so to speak with the Meijer’s branding. Stick to Meijer media resources that’s their job, leave the political positioning fluff to the mainstream snake pit in Evansville.
        What we’ve continued to specify, is the Evansville metro regionals base infrastructure and its utilities need some marked evolution to advance sustainable growth throughout the region.
        The North green river road logistics barely meet profitable logistical usability requirements now. As @EKB will testify the whole sections drainage isn’t balanced for increasing thermodynamic climate energy, as well. We’ve seen and recorded that during some certain rain events.
        The logistical operating accesses to business need planned improvements that remain open box for evolving conditions presented by climate migration. Those aspects move the “water marks” throughout the entire span of facility location per logistical values.
        You as a community really need to get on this. Tons of opportunity in every city ward section with that.
        Right in “that section” of the city you have a huge opportunity to solve a list of issues to retain and improve your incremental social economic balances. City/county Revenue creation by forecasted improvements.
        That’s an easy fix, as you already have plenty of qualified skilled trades availability to thrust the progress clear over the horizon for a long period of time.
        With that said, company profiles such as Meijer will compete more actively to gain access to a expanding market with more established mean logistical value for all competition they might stage themselves with on the forecast horizon.

  11. So which will be finished first?

    The Meijer hyperstore or the downtown hotel?


    I crack myself up!

    • Better question: Which will be restored first, the historic McCurdy Hotel by the Kunkle Group or the historic Mesker Amphitheater by the City??

  12. Both Kay Hagan and Michelle Nunn have near 20pt leads among women.
    And since Alison Grimes is tied among men in KY even a 3-5pt gap on election day could prove fatal to McTurtle in KY.


    You clowns keep it up, keep closing down abortion clinics and health centers, keep denying women access to doctor prescribed birth control, keep denying them equal pay. You’re the best players on our team!

    • We observed a desk design plan for her upgraded congressional office reception area. Modern clean carbon managed presentation. Better coal industry stuff, provisional for more sustainable coal industry jobs. In kind, it looks like a tribute to McConnell’s frozen stance on clean carbon energy evolution. She, could still respect his legacy with the addition of such a presentation.

  13. A former Reagan aide wants the South to succeed… AGAIN, and form a country called, get ready for it…. REAGAN!
    (I can’t believe the CCO passed up the chance to comment on this!)

    His pretext? Gay rights/marriage

    He’s offended by the thought of two gay men holding hands or whatever. What a dipshit!

    Speaking of dipshits, R House member Jason Chaffetz demands that Obama have the Surgeon General do something about Ebola! Hey dumba$$, WE DON”T HAVE A SURGEON GENERAL!! Obama’s nominee has been blocked for two years!!! Thanks to jerks like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell and yourself.

  14. In other Republican/Conservative nuttery news…

    Jodi Ernst R Senate candidate in Iowa says if you deny her white privilege and/or the ability to deny others rights she will shoot you in the face with her 9MM. Nice huh? Nothing like good old down home Iowa conservative facism. She also checked off a box on a survey saying she would support arresting Obamacare/ACA navigators Oh and she cancelled all her appearances before the press and editorial boards!?
    Chuck Todd where are you on this one?

    Jodi belongs in the nut house, not at the top of the ballot in Iowa.

  15. IIT that the never ending snarkiness in IIT comments will continue to elevate in frequency and volume until election night when the idiocy will crash and burn under the weight of defeat ?

    • Absolutely, just like the year 2000 when we all lost.

      History do repeat itself as Al Sharpton would say…..

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