IS IT TRUE we wonder how Mayor Winnecke, City Council leadership (McGinn, Mosby,and Weaver) and City controller Russ Lloyd Jr believe that they balance the 2017 City Budget by deferring around  $10 million dollars plus of unpaid 2016 City Employee Healthcare bills next year?

IS IT TRUE it’s hard to understand why the majority of City Council members felt it was “good public policy” to spend around $600,000  plus dollars of our hard earned tax dollars to fund a “Penguins Exhibit”?  … they should had taken this money and put it towards our City Employee Healthcare benefit package?  …Monday night City Council meeting shall ever be known as the “Penguins. Over City Employees” gathering?

IS IT TRUE Mayor Winnecke is now telling people that he opposed City Council for voting to reduce our Homestead Tax Credits by 2%? …his statement is laughable?…we hope that everyone living in Vanderburgh County realize that your property taxes will now be increased by an additional 2% thanks to Winnecke and  his members of  City Council? … we are hearing that residents of the County are calling this decision “Taxation Without Representation”?

IS IT TRUE because of future budget challenges we hear that the EPD are now looking at replacing “guard dogs” with ‘Penguins” to protect us?

IS IT TRUE it seems like Mayor Winnecke and his Council leadership approach to help balance the 2017 City budget was to reduce our Homestead Credit by 2% and increase our County COTI income taxes to the max?  …after Monday nights Council meeting the answer is a resounding “YES”?

IS IT TRUE  the taxpayers of Evansville proper pledged around $57 million dollars of our hard earned tax dollars to insure that 1,500 Ivy Tech-Evansville students could enrolled in the Medical programs located in the Downtown IU Medical School Complex.

IS IT TRUE  that Ivy Tech students aren’t second class citizens but are highly motived and focus individuals and deserve to be taught at a first class facility located at the I U Medical School complex Downtown Evansville!

IS IT TRUE we urge our readers and supporters of Ivy Tech to immediately contact members of the Evansville City Council, the Mayors office,  elected County office holders, members of our local Legislative delegation and the Governor to urge them to contact the powers that be to include the  funding of Ivy Tech-Evansville  to build a medical classroom at the new I U Medical School complex located in Downtown Evansville?

IS IT TRUE we remember when Mayor Winnecke, I U Board President Pat Shoulders, members of City Council, members our local State Legislature, Chamber of Commence, CEO”S at our local Hospitals, local Trade Unions, main stream media, leaders at U of E, Ivy Tech and USI asked us to support the IU Medical School complex? …they told us that Ivy Tech Medical students are the key to the success of the new Downtown IU Medical School complex because they will bring around 1,500 medical students to this project?

IS IT TRUE the above organizations, individuals, elected officials and community leaders also told us by including Ivy Tech students in this project it would be a big economic boost to downtown housing, entertainment and dinning demands because of the projected influx of 1,500 Ivy Tech students?

IS IT TRUE this an obvious developing story and we look forward to see how the movers and shakers of this community will come together and correct this insulting budget oversight.?  … Its time that we take an active and aggressive stand so that we can insure that the outstanding Ivy Tech students enrolled in Medical programs will be allowed  to take classes in the new educational wing at the IU Medical School Complex?

IS IT TRUE that the bottom line, is students at Ivy Tech are not second class citizens but highly motived and focus individuals?  … they deserve to be taught in a first class educational facility located at the IU Medical School complex Downtown Evansville?

IS IT TRUE its time that you get off of your rear ends and demand that the Higher Education Commission include Ivy Tech-Evansville desire to build a medical classroom pod at the new I U Medical School complex located in Downtown be approved?

IS IT TRUE last week we posted that “we wonder why EVSC School Board member and EPD officer Jeff Worthington is no longer the police liaison officer at Mater Dei High School”? …since that post we received many phone calls concerning this post? …all we know that EPD Officer Jeff Worthington has been the Mater Dei High School liaison officer for about 15 years and seemly was doing a creditable job in that position? …Officer Worthington is running for re-election to the EVSC Board and some of our readers want to know why he is no longer the police liaison officer at Mater Dei High School and has been reassigned to a 3rd shift position with the EPD?

FOOTNOTE: Todays “READERS POLL” question is: If you were the Chairman of a multi-million corporation who would you hire as your CEO?


  1. Here is the truth about the just passed budget. In 2015, the total health care claim paid was $26.6 million and the 2016 budget for claims to be paid was less than $27 million. The budget process always begins with the actuals at June 30 and as of June 30, 2016, the actuals claims paid was $19 million and the balance in the Hospitalization Fund of Negative by $7.5 million. So, before anything is considered, the shortfall of $7.5 million must be addressed. The 2017 budget projected claims to be paid is $23 million. Everybody knows that health care cost are on the increase in a major way then how would they decrease from $26.6 million in 2015 to $23 million in 2017.

    So, Russ Lloyd failed to increase the baseline in 2015 into 2017 which should have been 8% per year which would put the claims to be paid in 2017 at $32 million less the amount that will be passed onto the employees of 3.6 Million placing the adjusted claims to be paid at $27 million. Consequently, the claims to be paid is understated by at least $4.4 million. Of course, this does not take into consideration the carryover issue of unpaid claims.

    Like always, Russ Lloyd has understated expenses and has overstated revenues which places the 2017 budget out of balance by over $10 million.

    • Ms Maid. You forgot to remind us that the unauthorized transfer of $12,500,000 from the Riverboat money to the General Fund money proves that the actual deficiency in 2015 concerning the General Fund was $12,200,000 and at June 30, 2016 of that unauthorized transfer, the General Fund has spend down that amount by $8,600,000.

      Consequently, the budget reductions of this inept council were too little too late.

      • Why did we not hear Anna Hargis point these unfortunate facts out on the Council floor or maybe she was reminded who put her there? Because on the front row of the council meeting, Sir Lloyd Winnecke was staring her down?

  2. One good thing about not funding local non-profits is that the behind-the-scenes political influences within those groups will disappear with the funds.

    Private funding should be sought for the “fluff” projects. Winnecke could probably still throw business toward his cronies, although the sweet cash wouldn’t be guaranteed. I wonder if Steve Chancellor would fund the Penguin exhibit if he was allowed to shoot a couple of them as trophies. He might fund the entire zoo if he could kill off a few animals from time to time.

  3. Well if you remember I said that at some future agreed upon date an event would happen and the USC/ LA Times tracking poll would start a precipitous drop for Donald Trump.

    We now know that the date was the release of the Billy Bush video tape. We also know now that this event was coordinated between the Clinton campaign, the Media, and several of the Establishment Republicans who have either ran for president, or had aspirations of running for president.

    Establishment Republicans working with these two groups is all the Republican rank and file need to know about the reason why the Republican Party must conduct a major house cleaning and get rid of the rino element cancer that has been destroying the party’s real mission.

    This race has exposed these people, and has made it easier to identify the cancer where it exists. When Donald Trump takes office as President of the United States, I hope he will make removing these people from the party a major goal.

    • He spent his campaign, such that it was, preaching to his one-tooth choir. Huckabee’s daughter has now sung and he still can’t pull away from his cheering base. As we’ve seen right here, egomaniacs return to what they need most, their servile fawners. He should have spent some time courting people who weren’t already in his column. He is on track to lose by epic proportions, a double asterisker in the record books. Ho ho ho.

      The national Republican party has been sloping towards something like Trump for years (they wanted it to be one of theirs, not a mentally ill NY liberal though). They hit critical mass a couple of years ago, making something like their current nominee inevitable. They will not examine or modify their inhumane policies, they will double down. If somebody doubles down at an empty blackjack table in an empty casino, what does it matter?

      Trump’s laughable candidacy did serve good Americans, folks like me & elkaybee, well. It has smoked out some formerly closeted bigots. It has been great entertainment. Bring on the Trump News Network, a short term entity sired for bankruptcy.

      • I have to admit that the nutty woman who told Pence that if Hillary is elected she is “ready for a revolution” kind of freaks me out. The losers who won’t accept that they lost again could get out of hand, especially if Trump sends them the “rigged system” message via his “news channel.” If the crazies get unruly, I wonder if Bidet will devote himself to posting about “radical right-wing terrorism.”

        You’re right about the closeted bigots exposing themselves. My Christmas Card list is going to be shorter this year.

        • This is why I bought an AR15 and learned to shoot it well. I’m arming myself and being prepared if the hyperbole comes to fruition. I’m prepared to defend myself it it comes to that. If not then I have a nice new toy to play with at the rifle range. There are many people out there that listen to the likes of Trump and that is frightening to me too. But instead of cowering to those people I plan to stand up to them toe to toe and win.

          I’m prepared for the worst and hoping for a peaceful transition from Obama to Hillary in the Presidency. 🙂

    • My understanding is 11/28 is the day the Trump University deal goes to court. He’s got alot going on that day!

  4. I have had it with this damn presidential election. Trump has gone psycho and Hillary is as corrupt as a soviet commissar. Johnson is uninformed.

    I hereby state my intention to vote for my wife Karen Ann Wallace for President of the United States. She is honest, compassionate, trustworthy, and is experienced in dealing with someone who has a tendency to be difficult on occasion. I encourage my friends to do the same. Find someone you love who is honest, compassionate, and trustworthy and write them in.

    • Don’t let CouoteHunter know that. He might take exception to your opinion of the Hildabeast.



    Another Clinton insult is directed at millions of Americans concerned about their safety and the economy

    by Edmund Kozak | Updated 12 Oct 2016 at 11:55 AM

    The Clinton clan has once again demonstrated its utter contempt for average everyday Americans.
    Hillary Clinton infamously said that half of Trump’s supporters are a “deplorable” group of hateful bigots, and now her husband Bill Clinton has said that Trump supporters are “standard rednecks.” Clinton’s use of the term was a clear dog whistle to Democrats.

    Clinton made the comments during an appearance at Palm Beach State College in Belle Glade, Florida, on Tuesday. “Look, man, the other guy’s base is what I grew up in,” the former president told the crowd of Clinton supporters. “You know, I’m basically your standard redneck.”

    The word redneck has obvious negative connotations, especially when bandied about by liberals, and Clinton’s use of the term was a clear dog whistle to Democrats. Trump’s base, Clinton is saying, is a bunch of ignorant, white racists.

    • That ought to get old Bubba some love. Here is a definition I was able to find.

      The term redneck is a derogatory term chiefly used for a rural poor white person of the Southern United States. Its usage is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Georgia and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks), and white trash (but without the last term’s suggestions of immorality).

      By the 1970s, the term had become offensive slang, and its meaning had expanded to mean bigoted, loutish, and opposed to modern ways.

      Patrick Huber has emphasized how the term helped fashion a southern white masculine identity in the 20th century, noting, “The redneck has been stereotyped in the media and popular culture as a poor, dirty, uneducated, and racist Southern white man.

      By 1975, say Chapman and Kipfer, the term had expanded in meaning beyond the poor Southerner to refer to “a bigoted and conventional person, a loutish ultra-conservative.” For example, in 1960 John Barlow Martin felt that Senator John F. Kennedy should not enter the Indiana Democratic presidential primary because the state was “redneck conservative country.” Indiana, he told Kennedy, was a state “suspicious of foreign entanglements, conservative in fiscal policy, and with a strong overlay of Southern segregationist sentiment.” William Safire says it is often used to attack white Southern conservatives. The term is also used broadly to degrade working class and rural whites that are perceived by urban progressives to be insufficiently liberal. At the same time, some white Southerners have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.

      • ⁜ Definition of Redneck from William Safire’s New Political Dictionary ⁜

        A bigoted rural white, especially Southern. Used as an attack word on Southern conservatives or segregationists. The Dictionary of American English traces the use to 1830 in the book ‘Southern Tour’ by Anne Royall, to wit: ‘The Red Necks, a name bestowed upon the Presbyterians in Fayetteville (North Carolina)… . It came to mean poor white or white trash in some usages, the backwoods vote in others. The strain of racial prejudice runs across usages.

        It showed up in the book ‘Revolt of the Rednecks’ by Albert Kirwan. A book on Mississippi politics from 1876 to 1925. Robert Penn Warren included the line ‘Mason county is red-neck country and they don’t like n______s’ in his 1947 book ‘All the King’s Men’.

        Hyphenated ‘Red-neck’ means angry. Probably deriving from the flush of blood to the neck and face in a moment of fury and seems not related to redneck. Though a connection could be made to the anger of a bigot. Some say the origin of redneck is in the sunburn on the neck of a stoop laborer; others suggest the abrasion caused by a looping of leather behind the neck during plowing. It has now been replaced by more descriptive and specific terms for various bigotries and now redneck tends to mean ignorant, rustic, anti-black and anti-Northerner.

        In ‘Redneck Power: The Wit & Wisdom of Billy Carter’ (1977) (Hill)Billy was quoted as drawing a distinction between the complimentary ‘good ole boy’ and the derogatory term redneck.
        Another now-favorite discovered in Safire’s original Political Dictionary ➡︎➡︎ Sons of the Wild Jackass. Which means ➡︎ political irregulars inclined to vote against the party line, especially liberal Republicans; also, reformers in general. Used (in part, in main part) by John Hay, a future Secretary of State, in an 1890 letter to Theodore Roosevelt. ‘You have … shown that a man may be absolutely honest … a reformer by instinct and a wise politician; brave, bold and uncompromising, and yet not a wild ass of the desert’.

        I believe the term should be used in its entirety and often. Not necessarily in the plural. Sons of the Wild Jackass should have never been allowed to fade from the political lexicon. It is indeed tough to pick a favorite between ‘Sons of the Wild Jackass’ and ‘Wild Ass of the Desert’. I think I’ve known both. The two Safire political dictionaries that I checked are a few years old and the term may well have morphed into other meanings by now. Actually I don’t think it’s ever uttered anymore and that is just another sign of not only the dumbassing of our political discourse but the debasing of our language.

  6. Press the lying crooked msm is not covering the wikileaks because they show without a doubt msm is cheerleading for the tribal leader barry obama and the sick bitch hillarys lawlessness…….the msm is without a doubt complicit in taking America down to 3rd world status……….Mr.Trump 2016 Law And Order and beyond………

  7. What? No insane leftist rhetoric from CoyoteHunter today? Did the home shut down? Or did his momma lock him out of the basement and tell him not to come back until he found a job?

    • Just because you live in your moma’s basement doesn’t mean that everyone else does. I’m surprised that your moma allows you to still live in the house.

    • Add another new class of deplorables to Hillary Clinton’s list: Catholics

      Is there any demographic she does NOT find detestable?

      • And top it all off s Hillary wont let her husband’s love child meet his father! What cold hearted woman would do such a thing?

  8. Disney is making a new movie on Hillary’s life. They are calling it: THE LYING QUEEN

    • No one lies more than Donald Trump. No one. You can believe me when I tell you that Donald Trump is the biggest liar in the country.

      He likes to barge into the dressing room when women are changing their cloths and half naked. What a idiot and weirdo

  9. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a penguin! That’s politics!

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