IS IT TRUE November 18, 2014


IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville’s Sewer and Water Utility today embarked on a typical PR campaign to alert the media that they are about to do three new projects spread all over Evansville?…the thing that is puzzling is that the total of the three projects only amounts to $1 Million which is small enough to barely be noticed?…perhaps the press release really was released to mitigate the news about their bond rating that they are aware that the City County Observer has that refutes the whole nonsensical assertion coming forth from the Mayor’s office about just how wonderful Evansville’s finances are?

IS IT TRUE the official ratings release regarding the outlook for the City of Evansville has been downgraded from stable to negative?…the exact wording released by S&P is as follows:

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services has revised its outlook to negative from stable on the City of Evansville, Ind.’s waterworks revenue bonds and affirmed its ‘AA-‘ rating on the bonds. At the same time, Standard & Poor’s assigned its ‘AA-‘ rating, with a negative outlook, to Evansville’s series 2013A waterworks revenue bonds. “The outlook revision reflects our opinion of the utility’s deteriorated financial position that led to inadequate coverage in fiscal 2012 and adequate coverage in fiscal 2011,” said Standard & Poor’s credit analyst Corey Friedman. The rating reflects what we view as the system’s: Ample treatment plant capacity, which we expect to be sufficient to meet the utility’s needs well into the future;…

Companies mentioned in this report are:

Action: Affirmed
Action: New Rating
Action: Outlook: Negative

IS IT TRUE with real news that pulls the mask off of the Lone Ranger by applying a negative outlook to the bonds about to be issued, a happy distraction for the public must have been needed?…as the City of Evansville gets closer to the day of reckoning that will require us to borrow up to $800 Million to repair our dilapidated sewers to comply with the EPA consent decree, the last thing we all needed was a negative trending outlook on our Sewer and Water Departments bonding?…that a simple 1% increase in the interest rate on these future bonds will result in about $8 Million per year in higher interest payments?…that is nearly equal to all of the “boat money” that we have used as an excuse to ignore public health issues?…the rise in interest rates from downgrades and complacency is the big chicken coming to roost on the fun and games crowd in the Civic Center?

IS IT TRUE we received many comments about the remarks made by 1st Ward City Councilman Dan McGinn at last night’s City Council meeting concerning the unexpected costs now facing thousands of home owners caused by the installation of “ smart water meters” by Hydromax working under the contract between the City and Johnson Controls?

IS IT TRUE McGinn basically alleged that that any repair costs caused by this project is part of the expense that a home owner should expect to pay? …Mr. McGinn also stated he is presently putting new windows and a roof on his Eastside home and this is also part of expenses of being a home owner?

IS IT TRUE he should understand there are a lot of sub-standard housing in Evansville and that many home owner’s can’t afford to pay the unexpected water line repair costs he speaks of in such a cavalier manner …Mr. McGinn should also realize most people in Evansville are struggling to pay house payments,  pay water and sewer bills,  pay property taxes,  buy clothes for their kids and put food on their table.

IS IT TRUE the day is coming soon when President Obama and Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell will be sitting down for a good old bourbon drinking discussion of how things are in the United States?…these guys probably do deserve a good drunk as each has been the object of much criticism from the right and left?…we will even go so far as to say that these two guys deserve most of the criticisms they have gotten for much the same reasons?…we have a suggestion that may enable something to actually get done in Washington?…our suggestion is that the Senator and the President should just take an acre-foot of fine Kentucky bourbon into a room and go on a 26 month bender only emerging to wave to the crowd and say absolutely nothing to anyone?…it may even be a good thing if Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and John Boehner would join the dynamic duo in a 26 month drunk?…most of the world’s problems are solved with the assistance of alcohol anyway so let the good times roll?

IS IT TRUE that on multiple occasions from 2011 to 2013 President Obama clearly stated that he did not have the constitutional authority to defer deportations of people who are in the United States without proper documentation?…it is widely expected based on presidential statements of “losing patience” with congress that he will be taking executive action to do precisely what he said he could not do “because he is a president and not an Emperor” on several occasions?…we may just find out what happens when a president violates his own interpretation of the constitution before Christmas?…we shall stay tuned to see which President Obama is on the job now?


    • Is it true that we may need that “bourbon” PR stunt performed here on CCO?

    • Standard & Poor’s negative outlook on EWS bonds:

      Wow, we are all going to need some of that whiskey you are offering, Dutch.

      How could the bonds for this Johnson Controls ruse have even been CONSIDERED given the negative trending ? If ever there was a project which could have been postponed (indefinitely), with little impact on the city as a whole, it was this Smart Meters project.

      Winnecke is always crowing about how strong the Bonds are for the City: cue the crickets !

      • Wouldn’t you say that a rating should always be considered a point in time and is affected by income vs. debt coverages, i.e. if your household income is $100,000 per year and your fixed debt payments are $40,000 per year, the credit rating agencies will drop your credit score and your interest rate on any new debt will be higher….simple facts in the credit world….now, all we hear from Winnecke’s mouth is how our AA- rating is solid….I for one disagree….people on the Council have been raising the concerns over the spending habits of this Administration, witnessed by the failure to pass Winnecke’s, apparently, out of balance budget. Mr. O’Daniel should have been far more aggressive in his approach to this issue. Before the fat lady sings, and the end of QE 2, 3, 4…..and the interest rates increase, the AA- rating will probably be a fond memory…last night’s council meeting displayed the concerns of the SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) about the lack of disclosure and Mr. Ziemer’s comment that the City has been diligent in those disclosures…well, how about the $240,000,000 of post retiree health benefit liability (unfunded) not recorded on the financial statements, or the possible $810,000,000 of top end contingencies with the EPR, or the Consent Decree signed by then Mayor Lloyd concerning the crosswalk issues surround the American’s With Disabilities Act ($20,000,000)…sometimes I believe we think we live in the land of Oz!!!!

      • This is a LIE OF OMISSION on the part of Winnecke. He should have informed the Citizens about this negative trend report by Standard & Poors re: the Evansville Waterworks Bonds.

        This is an Administration of lies, deception, secrecy, omission and stalling.

        Did I miss anything ?

      • If you want a good LAUGH,

        go to Evansville Transparency and see Steve Schaefer trying to blame the negative trend /deterioration of financial position re: EWS, as proclaimed by S&P , to the PRIOR ADMINISTRATION !!!!!

  1. McGinn: typical obtuse rich guy. There are too many in government at all levels.

    • Yes, he is. He’s Councilman for the solidly Republican First Ward. He lives in an upscale neighborhood, but spends most of his time in his “cabin” in the woods in Spencer County. He will keep that seat on City Council as long as he wants to keep getting health insurance and a paltry twenty grand for his valuable time. It would be nice if he would at least drive around Evansville and look at how “the little people” in this town are living. It might make him try harder to be worthy of the office he’s been elected to.
      I really thought Nobody’s Friend had insulted regular folks as much as anybody could, with his “call a friendly plumber” advice, but McGinn outdid him.

        • According to the most recent census report, our mean household income is approx 10k per year less than other parts of Indiana….this Johnson Control deal was hatched out by the prior administration and exacerbated by this Administration. Mr. McGinn’s statements that as homeowners, expenses due occur….like Vectren utility bill which those less fortunate individuals can not pay…or those elderly folks who have to choose between their meds vs. freezing in the dark and now, between washing their cloths and drinking their water….this is just another instances of crony capitalism and BIG LABOR crying “give us temp jobs at any cost” and those slugs in the Mayor’s office and on Council taking the contributions and place those less fortunate souls in harm’s way….and, now we have Mr. McGinn, basically telling those unfortunates “Let’em eat cake” How pathetic!!!! Ps. maybe we can bring the charity organization “Water for the World” to Eville….

      • After hearing Friend’s comment about “call a friendly plumber” my initial reaction was the same, but, after witnessing Mount’s speech last night and his denial that an additional 5,000 letters were marked to be sent (untrue by the way), if you believe that the so-called re-inspection is going to be accurate, please stop reading “Mother Goose” and consider obtaining your own report on the condition of your utility PIT…it just might SAVE you at least $1,500 or just don’t nothing and believe the crap that comes out of the mouth of this administration….kool-aid anyone???

      • What is wrong with a cabin in the woods? Some of us like it in the country. Some of us like to hunt and fish. Sounds like elkaybee is being judgmental about us country folk.

        • I simply stated where the man spends a great deal of time. I am totally neutral on the country thing. I know a lot of good “country people.”

    • +1 Clear communication Ghost, real good point. Worth us charting, and as usual that council shows again “not so much” from that puny little regions political gamers means zilch as a solution. “everybody knows that”.
      Its the huge expensive impact to the whole of the Americas from that puny control mechanism. That really defines why we as a global consortium might actually even care, or follow this blogs page bias.

    • We agree, McGinn is a typical liberal republican that comes into Evansville, sucks his living out of it and moves to the Warrick county border. McGinn if you read this know that you should have kept your mouth shut. You are now in the same league as weaver, messy, robinson and friend. You talk about home owner responsibility and we all understand that and plan for it. Did you just get up one morning and decide to replace your roof and windows or did you plan it. Most of us plan home improvements or repairs. What if you received a letter from the city out of no where giving you 30 days to make these repairs? You just don’t get it. What about all the people that had these needed repairs paid for by the city before the money ran out? The vote was 9-0 for this stupid tax burden water meter project, you knew these problems existed 2 years ago and now you’re just letting us know. The bottom line and the most insulting thing I can think of to say to the bunch of you is that all of you are lower than snail trail slime.

      • Again, your delusional liberal this and that clouds everything you have to say. Dan McGinn a liberal? Hah! Wake up, moron.

      • Someone used the analogy pertaining to “slugs” ever step on one of those snails in the dark, bare footed ? Yep, slugs are a good analogy, slow things, always leave a slimy trail, feed on your hard earned cabbage. A little sunshine, and a mean interactive little kid with a bit of salt of the earth absolutely destroys them.
        Slugs have their place in natures balance, governance might not be the right place though.

  2. Follow the money. In the case of of the water department: who was moved over to become the first ever “financial officer”, and who made that appointment? Who was moved over to the water dept. as “superintendent”, and why, since he had no expertise in that field? Who went to work as an attorney for the legal firm that now handles most of the bonding for the water department? What federal government has stated that it will take hundreds of millions of dollars to bring Evansville’s water and sewer department into compliance over the next 20+ years?

    And now for the biggest question: How blind does one have to be not to be able to connect the dots in this not so covert scheme to line the pockets of a certain privileged group of people who have set all this up?

    • Was the water department solicited on this adventure, or did the water department solicited the “smart meter” companies with the intent of saving money on ridding of the meter readers? Company/business sector do their job of soliciting their products to any prospect, both governments and otherwise. The water department had the responsibility of excepting or not of this project. Would it be fair to say that JCI and any city representative that made this project happen be the first in line as the “privileged” group? Did not JCI bid this installation out? Could had the city water department replaced these meters over a period of years?

      • The Johnson Controls deal was a Weinzapfel executive order and was snuck through during his last days on the promise that it would save more than it cost. That turned out to be a lie and Winnecke did not have the balls to undo his master’s sneakiness. Weinzapfel then proceeded to fly to Vancouver, Canada to deliver his first paid speech on behalf of Johnson Controls smart meters less than a month after leaving office. What a twisted little self serving world Evansville is. No consequences for anyone but the long suffering homeowners of this corrupt village.

    • Well said, Press. The usual suspects have been positioned on the slanted playing field and we have a totally inept PR man, with questionable loyalties, to look out for the citizens’ interests. What could possibly go wrong?

    • Press you’re on it. Anytime I see something that makes absolutely, I try to make sense out of it. I use 4 criteria and the process of elimination, show me the sex, money, drugs or relationship. The only way to make sense out of this is to follow the money.

  3. Is it not true that “executive order” has been used by every president (except William Harrison for obvious reasons)? As a side note, the current sitting president has less then two hundred of these orders. It is common for twice these and up to the thousands.

    Is it not true that the Judicial and/or Legislation Branch can strike the order down?

    • The Republicans are counting on their very challenged base to hunker down with their frequent showings of xenophobic jingoism to try and keep Obama from carrying out the duties of his office. If they’ve got a problem with an executive order by him, and they do, they can appeal to the Supreme Court or pass legislation superceding the order.

    • Doesn’t matter. Who would enforce their decision/law when Obama chooses to ignore them?
      Rather than the number of “executive orders” focus on this. Why is what Obama is threatening to do good for America and the American people?

  4. So the constitutional lawyer turned president knows that he is violating the Constitution if he takes the EO action he is signaling? The 18% of Obamabots who have been sour since the midterms are really going to have pucker faces if congress performs its duty concerning a president who disregards the Constitution.

    • He knows he’s going to be impeached. The sooner the better. Time it so it peaks when the 2016 election cycle heats up. That’ll be 2 Democrat presidents in a row the knuckledraggers have shown their impotence by impeaching. It’ll result in yet another awakening by the ignorant electorate and a nice backlash across the ass of the elephant and its scoop-tending stooges.

      Obama has the absolute authority to issue executive orders. The Republicans are already in the process of sullying their as yet unseated election gains. They act like ugly frustrated little children in need of services. Even the stupidest of them know that Obama’s wised up to them. They don’t have anybody to sign the filthy crap they plan on passing and it makes them angry.

      The plaintive whining we hear, Gruuubbberr … Grrrruber …, is all they’ve got. What a worthless bunch of con artists, taking a big government check for sitting on their worthless flat ones while they were hired to pass laws for the public good.

      • EOs can not violate the law. Sorry you lost the election. Anger and denial are two of the stages of grief. Eventually the stages of grief allows one to come to acceptance. Expect that to come in January as the rest of the nation moves forward.

        • The EO he issues won’t violate the law, but the goons in congress will impeach him, anyway. Don’t believe everything you read, even in CCO. The President said he does not have the Constitutional authority to do what he prefers to do, therefore he will do what two Republican Presidents did. He will issue EO’s that are within the scope of his Constitutional authority. Believe it or not, this President has the same Executive powers that Bush 1 and St. Ronald of Reagan did.

          • LKB. Your continued admiration for Reagan and Bush 1 is admirable. (and don’t leave out Bush2/Karl Rove, who aspired to legalize millions of illegals). But why should we now repeat in spades the 1986 Simpson/Mazzoli amnesty that was a dismal failure of it’s stated purpose.
            Why would Obama’s action be good for America and the American people?

        • Indiana Enoch,

          You know, the veto power of the President means the midterm win means next to nothing. Are those wins gonna amount to any repeals of law? No. Are those wins gonna amount to any new laws that give new direction from Congress? No. Are you gonna still be banging your empty drum that the midterm elections actually mean something without a White House win? Yes you are I-E, yes you are. But you’ll be wrong.

          (Is Obama gonna be more popular at the end of his term than he was before midterms? Yes. He needed an opponent in the Congress to be a bunch of “have no power, but have very loud mouths to make sure they win re-election back home”… make him look reasonable. )

          • You’re the only only Obama republican I know. Yes, Obama can veto and see if it sticks, but he will be exposed as the actually gridlock. If he EOs laws into existence, well, the CCO will experience a spike in their number of hits.

          • I-E,

            1. It will stick.

            2. Your Tea Party buddies put Obama into office, will put Hillary Clinton into office and guarantees you will be forever frustrated about not getting your way in the manner the White House leads the government.

            I-E…..You think you won the government by winning the midterms….but you won ALL THE WAY TO NO MONEY. The Republican Establishment has NO compassion for the Tea Party Idiots, that is perfectly clear. (And those fools keep sending in their money….)

          • Your state of denial doesn’t allow you to foresee the eminent shift in DC. As it occurred with the Democrat Senators running away from The Messiah, Democrats in both houses will join Republicans to override key legislative vetoes because of constituent pressure to do so. Set, game , match !

          • Then
            1, Obama will be shown as the source of unpopular ideas and gridlock

            2, The republicans need to listen to the tea party more than your RINOs. Conservatives win elections. That’s why democrats run as conservatives rather than liberals.

            I am not a tea party member so what if I was? In your limited scope you can’t see anyone who has a different idea than you as being an independent thinker. It is that narrow approach and conforming to liberal ideals that has changed the republican party into the party democrats want.

        • I didn’t lose any election.
          I know about grief and anger but it’s always good to hear about those things from the horse’s mouth. I will concede you are an expert on those matters.

          Obama will still be president in January. He will still be able to veto anything passed by congress.

          • Denial and blame are also two of the stages of grief. Hopefully the losing looney left will reach bargaining and move forward.

          • Is that a tear rolling down your face? Not enough votes in the Senate to override a veto or convict a president in an impeachment proceeding. Obama holds better cards than the venal, goofy self-interested legislators.

      • You’re absolutely right about him knowing he’ll be impeached. He is finally free of the carping of the Blue dogs and will exercise the same powers that Bush #1 and Ronald Reagan did. He will issue an EO that affects 30-40% of our undocumented workers and keeps their families together.

          • They both did similar things with a smaller number of people. Reagan actually promised to go to congress to get the laws in line with his actions. Congress did come alongside with Reagan right after he left office essentially making his EO law. GWB on the other hand was ridiculed by some of the same democrats who are in Obama’s pocket today. One of them was Senator Obama. We have had some damn liars in the White House before but this guy takes the cake. Clinton was shameless about sex which probably made no difference but Obama is shameless about personal ideology which only goes unopposed in banana republics where people and legislators fear the dictator.

            An executive order whomever it comes from is essentially a dictat (a small change in operations at the edict of a ruler that may be counter to the law). Judges do such things all the time by staying executions. It is typically to think it over before proceeding with a permanent solution. What Obama is planning is similar to a dictat and will not threaten the republic nor service beyond 1-20-2017. It shows a disregard for the rule of law on his part, and really shows he manipulates his own opinion for political expediency, but that is just who he is.

            The real interesting vote coming up is the senate vote on keystone pipeline. Senator Landreau (D) LA, is trying to save her job by mustering democrat votes to pass something we all know the president will veto. Reid is complicit in the freak show. Now there is some political drama unfolding in short order.

        • Please use the correct term. They might be “undocumented” but that doesn’t change the fact that first and foremost is they’re illegal.

          • ….hey PoseyCountyDutch… are sending your $ donations to the Republican Party, right?

            Cause they love you, you know.

          • No Sham. None if them (Republican, Democrat, Tea, etc.) get a direct contribution from me. I contribute to the individual candidates whom I feel will represent my values and provide the best leadership to my city, county, state, and nation.

          • Sham, I don’t buy into the Kool-Aid that the “Group Think” Republicans, Democrats, Tea Baggers, and Libitards offer at their social gatherings.

      • Obama is not going to get impeached, he has insurance,,,,,,have you met Joe Biden ?

        • He will be impeached. He won’t be convicted and removed from office. You should read the Constitution.

          • LKB: Try following your own advice. Read the document and understand it for what it says point blank. Not the B.S. you have been told it says by the liberal scum on the left.

          • Have it on my desk,,,,the Constitution,,,,it was a gift from The Heritage Foundation.

          • A copy or not, The Constitution in which it was written many years ago has been interpreted over the years to it’s meaning we have now. The executive, judicial, and
            legislation branches has allow this for which they are suppose to be doing the “check and balance” on each other.

          • He won’t be impeached. No need to, there’s nothing the republicans could do to make this guy more miserable. His whole life is a mess, I’ll bet he’s on so much medication for anxiety and depression that his viagara doesn’t work. Knowing Michelle is probably a lusty young woman that needs a performance based man and Obama is suffering from performance anxiety. Obama knew this was coming 4 years ago when he told Pelosi that they were going to ruin his presidency and they have. He has even lost the support of Michael Moore.

    • Putting political parties aside from your comment. The EO will only go into effect if the supreme court and /or congress does not strike it down. One way by interpretation of the law, the other by politics! Let the “check and balance” of our federal government proceed as it was intended.

      • You’re generally right about the EOs but you can’t wring partisan politics out of it because that’s what it’s all about.

      • Next chance for SCOTUS to rule on such an action will be summer of 2016. That is 6 months before Obama leaves office and the EO expires. In the mean time our law according to the constitutional lawyer in the White House will have been laid to waste.

        Here is the bottom line. Obama is determined to be impeached so the focus is on him instead of on ACA or some of the other stunts he has pulled. I hope the republicans are smart enough to let him throw his 2 year tantrum and clean the mess behind him.

        It takes a 2/3 majority of congress to overrule his EO or veto. That for political purposes will not happen even if he orders firing squads onto elementary schools. It would be great to see our government function as it should but there Wil never be a 2/3 majority in congress to overrule anything this president decrees.

        • Don’t forget the Supreme court can rule on this which should leave politics out of this. But there “is” that connection to the judges of which political party put them on that bench!

      • Absolutely on the check and balance. Executive order means just that, it “executes” a law. The president cannot legislate law. If he grants these illegal aliens “legal” status, then we may as well through all of our laws in the trash and send congress home. (Somehow I like the prose of that last statement…send “congress home.” I guess we did that for many democrats.)

        • “Always” a political angle from you IE!

          Hope for the Supreme Court to do their “legal duty”!

          • Actually, that’s a constitutional angle. I never underestimate the republicans’ ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

          • IE, recheck your 7:am post. Last half of line three and all of four about “send congress home” and “Democrats” Your constitutional angle was spot on until then!

          • Yes, those will be heading home this coming January that had lost their re election bid. But what does that have to do with either the congress or the supreme court stopping the EO? Republicans do not have the 2/3 majority by their self, and what are the odds of enough Demo’s crossing over for the votes needed? One will have to bank on the Supreme Court on this one. Not sure if political connection on how the judges got appointed to their bench will come into play?

          • IE, there is a 5-4 advantage to the republican side based off of which party president appointed the supreme court judges. You can breath easier! Anything to help someone who appears to be in a “political” bind! Hee-hee! Just messing with you!

        • Indiana Enoch…..That’s true. But the Executive Branch has grown powerful in the modern Presidency. And as long as your paranoid Tea Party friends insist Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz will make good Presidents, and the GOP does everything in its power to ignore and offend hardworking, family-oriented, church-going Latinos……the White House and its Executive Power will stay in Democratic hands.

          • Tea Party, Palin, Cruz, you hit all the touchstones didn’t you? Those correspondence course from Daily Kos and Move on are working well for you. I am no fan of republicans and only have a lesser of two evils expectation from them. At least they aren’t dead set on enlarging the dependent class.

            If any president can supersede his constitutional power and not face impeachment, then it is bad for all the republic.

          • Tea Party, Palin, Cruz, you hit all the touchstones didn’t you? Those correspondence courses from Daily Kos and Move on are working well for you. I am no fan of republicans and only have a lesser of two evils expectation from them. At least they aren’t dead set on enlarging the dependent class.

            If any president can supersede his constitutional power and not face impeachment, then it is bad for all the republic.

          • Indiana Enoch… least we agree, I see.

            (I have never logged on to Daily Cos or MoveOn and don’t read them. But there is no dispute the problems with the Tea Party Paranoid People start with their choice of leaders: Rush Limbaugh…an obese drug addict, Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz. These people have even lost the respect of their own Republican Party. I lose even more respect for the Tea Party Idiots when send money to the GOP. It is hilarious.)

          • No, if I get my thoughts from your touchstones, then you get your thoughts off the daily cuss and moo

          • John Huntsman could have won the whitehouse with proper backing of the Rep. party . The old money party leaders thought they could get Romney in and have their way. A moderate willing to reach across party lines would have this country rockin’. Consider his record with Utah, what he got and how he left office, who wouldn’t wish those results for this country?

      • Arm

        Do not rely on the Supreme Court to do anything, you saw what they did with Obamacare !

        • What the Supreme Court “did/did no”t do on that issue has no bearing on a possible ruling on that apparent EO of discussion. Their interpretation will be interesting!

  5. Dan McGinn is a pompous A-Rod.

    ” If I can put a roof and new windows on my estate, and travel to the south of France with Muffie on a whim, why can’t these peasants pay for their own tawdry little pipes ? Muffin, would you pass the Grey Poupon ?”

  6. Dan McGinn is full of CSO !

    If a homeowner’s pipes are working fine today (so fine that they get water, get billed for the water, pay for the water), then how can a City-initiated project cause that same homeowner to have to go out-of-pocket thousands of dollars to support the City’s wet dream ??? I am guessing that as a former-lawyer McGinn knows the City doesn’t have a wing or a prayer in court with this cluster frock.

    • I love it when Steve Schaefer plays the ‘taken out of context’ card; and invites the folks from Evansville Transparency to “sit down with me, Russ Lloyd and our independent auditors” . . . . Wait a minute, the City doesn’t have independent auditors, only SBOA ! What the hell is he blathering about now ?

      ET has scored a major body blow, way to go !

      • Is Steve Schaefer claiming that Standard & Poor’s lied about the EWS deterioration ?

        Or, is Steve Schaefer stating that the City lied (omission) by not telling the people about the ratings downgrade, ” but your are all just silly and couldn’t possibly understand anyway !”

      • I don’t appreciate it when Schaeffer sees fit to get on Facebook while on the taxpayers’ time. I think its against the law, in fact. If he thinks he’s making his boss look good, he should think again.

  7. On ABC’s This Week, TransCanada’s CEO, Russ Gerling claimed that the State Department’s 42,000 estimated construction jobs related to the construction of the Keystone Pipeline would be ongoing and enduring. The fact checkers at the website Politifact rated this claim false.

    Further, TransCanada’s previous CEO Hal Kvisle said in June 2010 when speaking about another section of the Keystone Pipeline

    “Construction and operation of the Keystone Pipeline system will continue to meet or exceed world-class safety and environmental standards.”

    In the following year, the company suffered twelve oil spills from its brand new, state-of-the art pipeline, with one being a six story geyser, dumping 21,000 gallons of oil in North Dakota.

    These are statements from TransCanada’s highest officer, not a technocrat or advisor to the project.

    Obviously the Keystone XL Pipeline is being sold to the American people on a lie and evidently TransCanada’s upper management thinks the American people and their representatives are stupid.

    I ask that all conservatives and Republicans to stand by your conservative values and be steadfast in your moral principles and join liberals, Democrats and the rest of the American people in opposing this environmental disaster that will not reduce gas prices here in the US. Call your Senators and representatives to oppose this bill that is being sold on lies.

    • +1! My best hope is the Sioux Nation, though. They are going to take this affront to their sovereignty over their land to court, as the stupid Congress declared war on them when they approved this abomination. The Rosebud Sioux will do what they have to in order to protect their lands.

      • Maybe you can get that Cherokee princess Elizabeth Warren (Fauxcahontas) to to chain herself to a sun dance pole and block the construction.

        Me thinkum, white squaw senator trickum the admissions officer at Harvard into think she really is a squaw? Ooopeee doopeeee, she-um genius.

        • You are showing some serious ignorance. Do you know what a “squaw” is? What a nasty, racist screed!

          • Squaw is an English language loan-word, used as a noun or adjective, whose present meaning is an indigenous woman of North America. It is derived from the eastern Algonquian morpheme meaning ‘woman’ that appears in numerous Algonquian languages variously spelled squa, skwa, esqua, sqeh, skwe, que, kwa, ikwe, exkwew, xkwe, etc. At present, the term is often held to be offensive.

            Me thinkum your mind is in the gutter. There is nothing like a politically correct white liberal woman to corrupt an indigenous language for political purposes. Welcome to Warren’s World which is the only place on earth that squaw is asserted to be a pseudonym for vagina.

            hoo-eek-pay-ya-me-cha-yah-poh (that is Lakota Sioux if you care to do some research)

          • Obviously an imposter or one of the “one quarters” likely portioned on the back profile, somewhere where the legs meet the back.

            Ghost Dance.

            The ghost dance is performed to symbolize the regeneration of Earth and the spiritual reward of the Earth’s caretakers into a carefree, exalted state of bliss. Unlike other forms of Native American dance, the ghost dance is fairly unstructured, asking only that the participants move in a manner to awaken the spirits of their deceased ancestors and communicate with them. This gives the dancers closure and courage despite the death of these loved ones. Unfortunately, the ghost dance has a tragic association, since it was the very one Indians were performing when American soldiers gunned them down at the Battle of Wounded Knee.

          • Crazy Horse

            Hilarious :))))
            ps: LKB ( get a clue ) this has nothing to do with Hillary

    • Don’t build it so that it can be shipped to China and burned up there! You guys are full of great ideas! That oil is coming out of the ground no matter what and we may as well do it the most efficient way possible.

      • “Build it they will come” Cinema line worked in the movie, with that Keystone mess politically, and environmentally that all climaxed about 6:00 pm CST on November the 4th 2014. Will see what’s born from it, and borne by it as time and the planet migrates further into this centuries workable resources for the human balances.

        e/.1. past participle of bear1.
        suffix: -borne; adjective: borne
        r/.1.carried or transported by.
        “waterborne bacteria”

        • Is there not several points where USA oil will be added also as it heads south to our ports and then beyond? It is not about “supply and demand” anymore, it is what the market will “bear” Or is there a new twist(excuse) to keep the price inflated?

        • What a citizen of the world we have here. The train they plan to use to transport the oil goes right along the shore of most of the Great Lakes. Who is it that is on the southern border of the Great Lakes? Oh yeah, that is the USA. Your idea is about as smart as exempting Kentucky from all EPA regulations.

        • The original route of the pipeline was to run straight West to Canada’s West coast because that is the shortest route to where the oil was going to end up originally, Asia.

          The Canadian province of British Columbia told them to stick it because of the environmental liabilities.

          Then it all became a matter of colors. Red States here we come. Oops, something black got in the way…..

          • I understand that the all Canada route is under consideration again in Canadian Parliament. They think we’re taking too long to assume their risks.

          • No, British Columbia denied the construction because of the lack of a detailed spill response plan, not on any statistical chance of a spill occurring.

            Because of severe physical restrictions in accessing remote sections of the pipeline a red flag was raised for mitigating any breach or spill. Be it the infinitesimal chance of a spontaneous breech, an asteroid hitting the pipeline, or an act of terror.

            The only alternatives of transporting this product is by rail and trucking. These methods have an exponentially higher risk exposure for environmental damage,

            Your recharacterization of the British Columbia stance is just more of the same rewriting and twisting of facts that enables the left to misrepresent. It is comforting to know the entire nation is now clearly cognizant of this tact.

          • Well slowly but surely you’re coming around Fiend.

            You’ve just stated they denied it and I said because of environmental liabilities.

            Good job….

          • Same TransCanada had what was a 1700 mile natural pipeline from Alaska North Shores to Calgary Alberta in the makings. Drop of natural gas prices had TransCanada to terminate that project. They had been given a “wad” of “seed money” from a past governor not worth mentioning. Wonder what happen to that money?

    • I want to thank all of our conservative friends for their overwhelming support in opposition to the Keystone Pipeline. Lies are lies and our legislators should not pass, bills or war authorizations on false or misleading information. Even though we disagree on policy you can always count on conservatives to be absolutely consistent to the nth degree on what they are morally outraged about.

      I also want to thank the editors of the CCO for their support. I know they are even more offended by TransCanada’s statements than Mr. Gruber’s! I can rest easy knowing that tomorrow I will see a strongly worded editorial condemning the Pipeline and TransCanada for touting a pack of lies and urging President Obama to veto the legislation.

      Who doesn’t remember the CCO’s coverage of John Boehner and the rest of the Republican for the 2010 “Government takeover of health care” Lie of the Year. The CCO was all over that! Even Chuck Todd got into the act getting John Boehner on nation TV and asking him if he would apologize for lying like that.
      Oh sorry of forgot! Chuck Todd asked President Obama to apologize for grandfathering in all those crappy catastrophic health care plans.

      For nonpartisan objective reporting, you can always count on the CCO, especially if involves President Obama!

      • Good comments.
        The senate just voted to block the pipeline in a show vote designed to help Landrieu keep her seat. Looks like President Obama won’t have to worry about vetoing it until next year. Sad fact is he could still trade it off for something else down the line and sign it. Unlikely though. The Republicans still won’t have 60 votes in the next senate unless they buy some.

        • The few vulnerable Dems in the House and Senate will fold. Their constituency will assure that the first whack of the 2X4 to the forehead is remembered and feared going forward.

          • I believe you are probably right about the first part. As for the 2×4, I think it lost any benefit long ago. Seveal generations of suckling have caused a protective callous to form. They know they’re just there while they’re there. When they get voted out I don’t think it’s that big of a deal to most of them. Some plot a comeback for a while, some become lobbyists, many take a cushy job from a company that previously bribed them, whatever.

    • Technically, the Keystone pipeline is complete and running from mostly existing lines on the northern end. The Keystone eXpress Limited (XL) which is new terrain where claims of environmental issue is what is in question.

      • Good reason America needs to take a hard look at the new rail applications.
        Look north, east and west even south today, look at the major metro hubs for interstate trucking, 5-6 inches of climate thermodynamics an hour. Pathways slammed shut by seen and expected climate migrations.
        Infrastructure for this century just isn’t that hard. Its easy, its the focus on the actual scientifically balanced geophysical tipping points.
        That’s been proven daily in hard numbers for the Evansville regional political sloths to understand. Could be why sloths aren’t to common in the northern hemisphere anymore.

        All the data I’ve recovered today shows the Evansville Ohio valley metro again has the open road. Do they, or, have they improved that throughput logistic any in the last 40 years to increase and attract commerce. No.
        Does climate migration keep slamming the need for those things home. Yes, every day.
        exactly why the region is failing to meet revenue expectations with its crumby outdated global usage logistics. And a far cry from worrying about the Keystone, one would think the focus of the local political blog would be on actual affects due the contributed revenues at “that certain location.”
        Low affordability in the utility bases, as well.
        Basically very fixable stuff, and that Armstrongres is where Evansville is a “fixed” incurred overburden for its diligent citizens that strive daily to remain there.

  8. I recommend drinking KY Wild Turkey 101 Bourbon. Maybe it’s called Whiskey? Not for sure how much Barkely they use to make the Wild Turkey or how much corn is used. It won’t really matter what they call it after they drink a few shots of this stuff. 🙂

    • Yep, malted barley and corn and yeast and water; a.k.a. John Barleycorn. Sad thing is that Wild Turkey is owned by a Italian company (Campari Group) and several of the “Kentucky” bourbon distillers (K Beam, Maker’s Mark) are owned by Japanese corporations.

  9. Bourbon (manufactured for U.S. consumption), Federal Standards: 51% corn, produced in the U.S., aged in new, charred oak barrels, distilled no higher than 160 proof, aged at no more than 125 proof, bottled at no less than 80 proof, no aging requirements except for “Straight Bourbon” (2 years minimum).
    Note that there is no Federal requirement for products labeled as “bourbon” to be distilled, aged, or bottled in Kentucky.
    And there are no distilleries in Bourbon County Kentucky.

  10. It is true that the 41st “No” vote has been cast in the Senate. Keystone XL has FAILED TO PASS.

    • The LA demo senator stuck her neck out on claiming she had the 60 votes. Will this kill her runoff next month? The keystone pipeline is running now. The “new terrain” eXport Limited will start and stop on the current keystone pipeline. Not for sure how it helps moving the sand tar/oil, other then cutting down on some
      mileage by cutting diagonally. Was the approval of this project not already being processed thru other agencies? I I had seen where the Kochs were heavily invested into this as well.

      • She is toast. A Gravis poll today has her down by 21 points. Today’s drama in the Senate was all showmanship for her benefit and a waste of our tax dollars.

        • I think she was a goner either way this vote went. All she was doing was asking for votes because she agreed with her opponent and wanted to show she could help pass what he wanted. Oh, well another old line political family loses one.

          • I think she made a spectacle of herself before the vote on the ACA. She was one of the very last to hold onto her valuable vote. I think she finally relented and cast it when the feds sent around $300,000,000 to La. to shore up their Medicaid program. It was the 2nd Louisiana Purchase. Her and the diaper-wearing brothel boy David Vitter would embarrass most states. Good riddance to her when she loses her runoff, taken off by Hopalong Cassidy.

      • The Pubs want to start exporting barrels of oil from our country along with our natural gas because they are bought and paid for by the oil and gas industry. Before I go on, let me say that I have nothing against our oil and gas industry, but if they are allowed to do as they please, they would sell every drop of oil and export all of our natural gas (after turned into LNG) overseas, because their bottom line has no allegiance.

        It is presently against our law to do this because the Arab oil embargo back then was a stark reminder of you need to take care of #1 first.

        If you’ve noticed, they have used the Ukraine situation to try to change the law to ship our LNG not only over there, but every friggin ass where which would inflate the price here (supply and demand you know) and take away our edge of getting companies to re-locate back here from “over there.”

        John Barrasso, a bought and paid for GOP senator from Wyoming said on Morning Joe a couple days ago that he has proposed legislation to do just that.

        I read an article lately about the largest steel company in America that just happens to be in Crawfordsville, Indiana named Nucor and their technological advantage to survive against a heavily government subsidized Chinese steel market depends on cheap natural gas which would end if Senator Barrasso’s bill becomes law.

        This is something all walks and strips should be against because eventually, and sometimes, you’ve just got to take care of numero uno first…..

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