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IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 (At-Large and Lawlessness)


IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 (At-Large and Lawlessness)

IS IT TRUE that there was a 16 page EPD Activity Report for yesterday?…that is just abit too much in our opinion?…that it is not because the EPD is catching too many lawbreakers that bothers us, quite the contrary the CCO thinks the EPD does a great job?…that Evansville simply has too many lawbreakers?…that between drugs and stealing we are as a community really become a tax on ourselves and degrading our own way of life?…that as we stated on Sunday that healing starts from within and that we hope that the drugs and stealing will at least keep it down to 10 pages per day or less?…that if Evansville wants to be attractive to outsiders with money to invest that these outsiders will need to believe that their money will not be stolen to pay for drugs?…that the people of Evansville are the ones that have to fix this crime problem?

IS IT TRUE that Google Analytics Real Time tracking is a real hoot to watch?…that this very minute we are watching our traffic as it comes in?…that this instant there are 30 people from 9 American cities reading 8 different articles that we have posted?…that if November ended today that the traffic on the CCO would exceed every entire month prior to May of 2011?…that today we shall cross a major milestone?

IS IT TRUE that we suspect a little mischief was made with the CCO Mayoral Poll last night?…that a series of just over 50 sequential votes from random IP addresses with the same text identifier were cast for the same candidate?…that we shall leave it up to our readers to decide whether this was mischief or reality?…that we shall also leave it up to our readers to decide which candidate has digital sophistication on his side in case this was really mischief?

IS IT TRUE that the at-large race for the three available at-large Evansville City Council seats are not as easy to figure out or project as the Ward based seats are?…that every poll and every opinion expressed anticipates that incumbent Democrat Dr. H. Dan Adams will be one of the winners tonight?…that after that it gets pretty hard to pick?…that many polls have put Pete Swaim, Bill Kramer, and Michelle Mercer in the second position but each has also been picked to finish 6th so that brings up another enigma?…that Jonathan Weaver was the top vote getter in the Democrat primary which should have made him the favorite but only one Mole has Weaver in the winner’s circle and that Mole is a well known Republican?…that if Weaver and Rick Davis win their respective races tonight that Weaver’s statements have indicated that he “can’t work with Davis” and that “Davis is not a part of HIS team”?…that a Mayor Davis with a Councilman Weaver would be the most “oil and water” combination possible?…that Conor O’Daniel was being projected by many people for the third slot until his signature was placed on an incorrect campaign finance report for the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party?…that if Mr. O’Daniel who seems to be a deliberative and thoughtful candidate loses tonight he can attribute that loss to being the Treasurer of the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party at a time that it was running wild?…that if he wins it will be in spite of his party?

IS IT TRUE that the two candidates for Evansville City Clerk are also to be commended for keeping it clean and frugal?…that both are excellent people and that the CCO has no worries either way this race turns out?