IS IT TRUE November 7, 2014


IS IT TRUE the day has finally come that the construction company for the downtown convention hotel has announced a starting date for actually doing something that is not exclusively a PR stunt?…Hunt Construction that was also the builder of the Ford Center has set a start date for November 19, 2014, exactly 6 years and 6 months after former Mayor Weinzapfel smiled and announced that there would be an unsubsidized 4 Star Marriott if only we would build an arena?…if all goes well and if the financing is really in place, there will be a grand opening in mid 2016?…even though there is a $20 Million subsidy and a $14 Million slight of hand private contribution this is as good of a deal as Evansville was going to get for a convention hotel?…we will cross our fingers that chasing the dying convention industry will actually work,out for this hotel?

IS IT TRUE on the day after the election some Evansville homeowners were rudely greeted by notices that the SNEGAL (sneaky but legal) Johnson Controls deal that Weinzapfel saddled the City of Evansville with on his way out the door is about to pick their pockets?…these notices were to let homeowners know that the smart meters were about to be installed and that their water pipes have been determined in need of repairs prior to that installation?…it also advised these homeowners that they would have the privilege of paying for these repairs to the tune of roughly $1,500 each?…if they do not comply the City will be installing the meters anyway and if the City breaks the pipes the homeowners will still have to pay for the repairs?…this is BIG BROTHER in action and this is not any way to run a city?…with the increasingly oppressive heating bills and the holiday season on the horizon this is just not an acceptable way for the citizens of Evansville to be treated?

IS IT TRUE the CCO is pleased to learn that the Blue Angels will be performing in downtown Evansville next summer?…this performance will be happening due to the generosity of Vectren that has stepped forward to underwrite $50,000 of the the nearly $200,000 cost to bring the Blue Angels to town?…we do wonder exactly who will be putting up the balance of the need as this $50,000 does not cover the cost of the show?…we hope if this show really happens on free money that most of the people of Evansville will come out and enjoy this once in a lifetime gift?…this gift was necessary because the people of Evansville have howled like hit dogs at the very thought of paying $20 for a button which is necessary for air shows to be sustainable?…this is a generous gift that we as a society should have given ourselves and hopefully it will be an inspiration to establish a realistic value on well run street festivals in the future?…gratitude is in order for Vectren and any other benefactors that come forward to cover the balance and the best gratitude would be for Evansville to step up and make this sustainable by paying their own way?…perhaps a voluntary charitable donation by each person who takes advantage if this kind action would be a down payment on a sustainable festival of substance?

IS IT TRUE that down in Fort Lauderdale, Florida where plenty of beautiful people cavort, the City Council passed a law last Friday laming it illegal to feed the homeless?…the Fort Lauderdale storm troopers wasted no time enforcing this law by arresting a 90 year old man and two ministers for giving some homeless people something to eat in a forum of civil disobedience?…local news reports that the good hearted geriatric and the preachers are facing 90 days in jail for this gross infraction that must threaten someone’s right to tranquility?…the CCO thinks this is an insane overreach by BIG BROTHER and encourages our readers to cross Fort Lauderdale off of the vacation list until this insane law is repealed?

IS IT TRUE the Republican wave election of 2014 has had an unforeseen consequence that is very positive for women?…for the first time in the history of the American Republic there will be 100 female members of congress?…that sort of puts the “war on women” assertions to rest?…there may even be a time in our future when women are over half of the US Congress and we think that is great for our country?


  1. Yes, more overzealous police work in heavily republican Florida. Welcome to Reagan’s dream of America. Oh, and vectren? I guess we should all bow down and thank the CEO down there for his generosity? What a crock of shit. Those costs are guaranteed to be covered by our rates. They can spend whatever they want and their bottom line won’t change. See the ridiculous amount of PR crap they mail out. Thanks for nothing Vectren.

    • There was a link supplied late yesterday’s (IIT) about “Vectren Dayton Airshow” presented by Kroger. Will we be seeing the ” Vectren Evansville Airshow” presented by (fill in the blank)? Could this start the downward spiral of the Hadi’s event? Is it not true that corporate sponsors/business associations ruin the freedom festival of the past with all those corporate elite tents in all of the those good locations while the rest ate cake? It did for me! This has been a good event of recent years, should this “cancer” be allowed back in?

      • Corporate Elite Tents. I spent the last half of the air show under one of those tents. It was not that elite. I felt like I was camping out at Patoka Lake or something. We ate hot dogs I think or maybe it was some form of elite hamburgers. It was nice to have some shad and a chair to sit down on.
        But I’ve had better seats for the boat races. There were two tents there that day on the plaza’s Riverside Drive. Is that what it’s called? The street between Cherry Street and the Casino? Or is that called South Lane Drive now? Anyway you know what street I’m referring to now. One of the tents belonged to the City of Evansville and the other was one that belonged to a City Vendor who supplied and maintained the city’s copiers etc. That was my first time back to the Riverfront since around 1983. I believe it was the 2001 races but it may have been at a later race. I know it was the very first time that they had air shows. I’m not sure that the Blue Angles were there that day as I remember watching them from a back yard out on the West Side and also saw them while driving around on the NW side of Vanderburgh County and as I was driving along the Lloyd. So I could not have been driving on the Lloyd and at the Riverfront at the same time. So that had to be two different times.

        Anyway those tents were nothing elite. The entire street was open along the Riverfront except for two small spots that held about 10 to 15 people in each tent. It really was nothing special. No alcohol was served that I can remember. Soft drinks and hot dogs is not elite unless you are home less and have not eaten in a few days. Then I guess a hot dog and a tent to keep the sun off your head might be considered elite. No AC or anything and the tent was just a cover over the top with no side walls or anything to keep the weather out. They were more like those $100 canopies that Wal-Mart sells for people to put up in the back yard as a sun shade device.

        Now as far as the Florida town. How dare they pass such an ordinance. That’s just insane.

        Stephanie comes to the rescue one more time. Good for her. I always understood that it was the utilities responsibility to repair the lines up to an including the meters. From the meter to the house is the home owners repair responsibility. But maybe they changed the law to accommodate Johnson Controls Contract or something? I still don’t think it’s right to make an old lady pay that much money to continue to have tap water to drink and bath in. Ridiculous. I think that Jonathan W did a bad job as Mayor of Evansville, IN. And the current Mayor is not doing much better.

        • Up against the look out railing(walkway) from the Pagoda area/Hydroplane pit area going west that I remembered.

        • I should add that this was prior to the day of the hydroplane races. Possible they were not up the day of the race for I had no interest in!

      • I don’t want to sound ungracious about a donation that a lot of people think is a great thing for the city, but $50,000 is a tiny little bit of pocket change to Vectren. I have absolutely NO INTEREST in seeing the Blue Angels waste fuel, produce noise pollution, and endanger the lives of some of this country’s finest military men and women. It all reminds me of a Roman Circus.
        Maybe we should start the local “belt tightening” by cutting out this “luxury.” Hopefully Vectren and some of the other big contributors to the entertainment of the public will use donations to fund water line repairs for residents who can’t afford theirs.

          • I have NEVER gone, not once in the history of the event. We make it a point to be out of town for the whole boat race mess.
            You call it “bitching”, I call it exercising my First Amendment rights. I would NEVER suggest you should not do the same, no matter how inane your comments are.

          • So let me get this straight, you are bitching about an event you have never even been to? Kind of like bitching about politics and not voting. Brilliant. Next time when you go out of town, please do not bother to come back.

          • @Roostertail: We lived downtown and the noise from the boats was absolutely awful. So, after the first year, we went to Kentucky Lake during Thunder. Why should I spend time and money to go someplace I know I would despise?
            I plan to leave this town in late 2015. I just want to hang around for one more City election, and yes, I vote. That was a really awkward attempt at an analogy you made.

        • LKB, I am right there with you. It is dangerous, expensive and boring. No thanks.

    • So the Florida cops should just ignore the law that they are sworn and paid to enforce? Then they would surely be disciplined and fired? Is it’s the cops fault that this ridiculous law was passed?

      I guess at your workplace, you don’t have to follow rules or obey a legal and lawful order from your boss?

      These arrests were for demonstration purposes and were most likely preplanned, and the city council had to know this was going to happen. They pass the law but the cops had to enforce and get to be labeled as storm troopers by this media outlet. You are blaming the wrong entity here. I would also guess that once the cameras go away, the cops have very little interest in arresting people who “feed” the homeless.

  2. You might want to look at the political breakdown of Broward County, Florida, which includes Fort Lauderdale. The county is heavily Democrat and the mayor of the city is…well, you can guess.

    • I expect the Ft. Lauderdale local politics are much like our own, and party label means nothing. It is most likely the same kind of reptiles running things there as the vermin we have running things here. At any rate, it is one of the most shameful things I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot.

    • Moonpup: There you go providing facts to Ghosties liberal rantings. Now even though you proved him wrong, he will refuse to believe you and still blame everything bad in the world on conservatives and republicans. He has been brainwashed by his ideology far too long.

      • First sentence should have read “There you go providing facts discounting to Ghosties liberal rantings.”

  3. From what I read of the SBR letter, when they first started installment of the meters they had $200,000 to make the repairs caused by the new meters. They used that up. Now, because you are further down the list for the new meter YOU get to pay for any repairs. For this city it makes perfect sense. Who would ever think you might have some problems with old pipes?

    • This would be no different then claiming a free event for the public then 40% thru the admissions start charging for the remaining seats! Be interesting what groups had theirs done first, before the money ran out!

      • I think if this was known beforehand by the general public there would have be more pressure on the council to reject the proposal.

      • What do you want to bet that the folks with the lovely period streetlights were first in line for the free repairs? After all, they deserve so much more, as they are our “beautiful people.”
        I guess we can call this debacle “Winnie the Poop’s Christmas Surprise.”

    • A little history of the local meters. All the meters were changed in the late eightys to digital readout models. In the mid ninety’s they were all changed again to the touchread system. Both time the water dept paid for any repairs if pipes were broken while being changed. What I was told by a water dept supervisor was they were sending letters to people who have galvanized steel pipe in there pits. The pipe can be in excellent condition an they will still gig you. The fact that they are lying an telling these people they have a leak is the worst. You MAY have a leak if they disturb your plumbing but you do not have a leak now. The water dept admit they fixed the ones they broke previously why did they have liability then an not now?

      • Thanks for the good information, dreamer. I had been wondering about how these people could have significant leaks and not already know it.

  4. Yes what a wonderful gift Vectren has given the city of Evansville and the Shriners. I love seeing the Blue Angels. They put on a great show and am glad they will be returning here.
    I think it is pathetic however they can do that just so they can have a tax write off. I am sure the vectren “customers” that were hit with an outstanding bill after Vectrens incompetent meter readers didnt read their meters over the summer wouldn’t mind having some of that money to help pay thier bills.The sad thing now is I know of people that are still having their bills estimated and cannot get this resolved. maybe since they expect to have improved earnings this year they can hire people that will do the job correctly, if the shareholders wouldnt mind to much. Congratulations vectren and may you see another fantastic year of profits!!!
    P.S. I don’ need all the crap you send me each month telling me where I rate in my neighborhood.

  5. Editor et al:

    You must have missed the end of the city council meeting two weeks ago. Allen Mounts made a presentation with Johnson Controls also in attendance to answer any questions asked, which there were none by the way. He discussed the install of the meters and the breakage that had occurred. He stated it has been about one percent.

    Almost without exception, todays IIT is full of complaints, gripes, bitching and entirely negative. I wonder how each of you get through a day without a breakdown. I guess I must consider each of you to bad news bears and that is what you enjoy, bitching, moaning and complaining. The editor was right, we should thank Vectren for picking up the ball and running with it, along with challenging other companies to become involved. The likes of LKB should shut up and just not attend or support. The Shriners need to protect the activities they provide to the children and not use the charitable dollars for the festival which Evansville no longer supports.

    Hey, everyone, Have a Great Day d !! Take a breath and enjoy what health you have and enjoy the sunshine.

    • Do I understand this correctly?

      (all numbers approx.)
      46,000 meter to be replaced
      40% complete equal 18,400 changed.
      1% of these is 184 meters installations with issues.
      $200,000 divided into 184 is $1,087 per correction.

      Is this correct?

      Looks that Johnson should had a $500,000 fund.

      Vectren will get their money back if there is not enough other money brought in.

      • At the October 27th meeting, the report provided to the City Council at the October 27th meeting by Steve Capin, Water and Sewer Utility Construction Manager for the Johnson Control project, 65,000 meters were being changed. As of that date, 28,000 meters had been replaced, which reflects 44% completion of that component of the project.

    • It seems that the shoe hadn’t dropped on passing this latest piece of news yet, which would explain why no questions were asked. By some miracle, we didn’t get Winnie the Poop’s Christmas Surprise until AFTER the election.
      Call it “bitching, moaning” or whatever else you wish. Go ahead and fiddle while Rome burns, but there are a lot of ordinary people that have had one more burden dumped on their shoulders at a really bad time. I can’t help having some compassion for them, but I guess the ability NOT TO GIVE A CRAP about others is a gift in some ways.
      Btw, I hope you enjoy your life and health every bit as much as I enjoy mine! Have a lovely day!

      • He’s a plaid-skirted cheerleader for Vectren. Takes a special type of person to limbo that low. Vectren is a vile monopoly and is deserving of no praise from anyone.

        The ‘Freedom Festival’ is dead and has been for a some time. It was incrementally chipped away at by inept folks trying to run it and ill-advised strictures on having fun down by our riverside. It is currently on life support and will not be missed except by the 1 toothers selling their bad food.

        I will continue to support the Shriners but maybe it’s time to shine the ‘FF’ back to GAGE, they only managed to lose around $300,000 the first year they tried to run it. Shouldn’t take them long to finish it off.

        • The Shriners deserve public support for the many wonderful things they do. I think they meant well in taking this commitment on, but I agree with you that this “festival” has lived its life-span and we should let nature take its course.
          Boat racing and the Blue Angels are just two more of the luxuries that Evansville can no longer afford. We have to spend our money on the basics. I think the City is trying to emulate the “high living” lifestyle that some people on public assistance lead, that so infuriates the right-wing. I wonder if they will unleash the nastiness on our Mayor that they so easily heap on citizens who are in dire straights..
          Vectren cheerleaders are either on the payroll or suffer from mental illness, IMO.

      • I never ceased to be amazed by the vitriol you express towards our mayor while giving our ineffectual, free spending president a pass. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns.

        He has been highly effective, however, in executing the primary objectives of his presidency which appear to have been to expand the government, weaken the military, increase the number of Americans (and non-Americans) receiving government aid (and thereby expanding the democrat base), and of course, deepening the division between our citizenry based on race, income and gender. And yet you, people with your liberal ideology, and the media continuously give him and his administration a pass. Mind boggling.

        • It apparently doesn’t really matter what the MSM and the shrill national minority of socialists / leftist / progressives think or do. Their manipulation of facts and polls turned out to be an abysmal failure.

          Moral and ethical depravity aside, at least the free thinkers and true patriots were able tp squash the house of cards under one thumb without breaking a sweat.

          Barry Soetoro will go down in history as the consummate sloppy charlatan devoid of the experience and character to even be considered an abysmal leader.

          He bypassed his level of incompetence years ago. His ultimate shortcoming is that his blatant lack of cognitive abilities denies him the insight to recognize how much he truly sucks. Ignorance is bliss and best shared to mask it’s effect. Such is the company he keeps.

          • I’d say narcissism has played a big roll in his rise to power and subsequent failure. He is inherently incapable of admitting that any of the many calamities that has happened on his watch is in anyway a result of poor policy. The buck has never stopped with him because he sees himself as infallible, as does his ostensibly cult following. He’s could be the lovechild of Jim Jones and Kim Jong Ill.

          • Dang Ellen; ” ignorance , bliss, masks effects? Whoa.” Do you have any idea of what mass effect means? Or is.
            Get some counseling, you’d be more effective. That’s supposed to be common knowledge there, isn’t it?
            Don’t go out and set yourself as overboard, laying off the tea first in , might help. Incrementally speaking, and so on.

          • Ellen; Partner up with Luther, systematically that specifies, directs, and most of all, goes forward for the “cheap”. so to speak.

          • V was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned
            to her and said, “Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike
            up a conversation with your fellow passenger.”

            The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total
            stranger, “What would you want to talk about?”

            “Oh, I don’t know,” said V. “How about why there is no God,
            or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?” as he smiled smugly.

            “Okay,” she said. “Those could be interesting topics but let me ask
            you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same
            stuff – grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns
            out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?”

            V, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks
            about it and says, “Hmmm, I actually have no idea.”

            To which the little girl replies, “Well then, do you really feel qualified to discuss
            God, Heaven and Hell, or life after death, when you don’t know shit?”

            And then she went back to reading her book.

    • Countryboy, you negelected to translate your joke into “V-Speak”. Let me fix that for you…

      V was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, “Converstioning per se results in a dogma whereby our Analytics have determined the passage of aerial travel during the talking increases quantitatively and accordingly per infrastructural paradigms. ”

      The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, “What would you want to talk about?”

      “well if you’r asking for a topic consistent with burgeoning entropic and testable variables as determined by Our research,” said V. “impartial discussion concerning a carbon-neutral ambivilance,vis a vis “deity” and or the quizzical assertation thereof; including the precludence of data sets on afterlifish quanta OR the nonsensicalness aforementioned.”


      “Okay,” she said. “Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff – grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?”

      V, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it and says, “Our analytics discussion of the relative egestion of non-sustainable intakes amongst a variety of quadroped mammals has no testable perogatives. end-state delineation of bio organic mucopolysachhariddic determinations as ‘shovel ready’ are largely instrumental, in determining, post haste.”

      To which the little girl replies, “Well then, do you really feel qualified to discuss God, Heaven and Hell, or life after death, when you don’t know shit?”

      And then she went back to reading her book.

    • Because that’s how your mind is programmed putz. Your mind would rather have an economy losing 700,000 jobs a month than to have a black president. Hell, this isn’t rocket science, you are more a danger to this country than ISIL, and your brain response (and your comments over a period of time,) prove it.

      p.s. If you get a chance, eat some of Ellen’s home made cookies.

      They are not on tasty, but they are also smarter than she is……..

    • In response to Luther the Fiend Cheney:

      Because that’s how your mind is programmed putz. Your mind would rather have an economy losing 700,000 jobs a month than to have a black president. Hell, this isn’t rocket science, you are more a danger to this country than ISIL, and your brain response (and your comments over a period of time,) prove it.

      p.s. If you get a chance, eat some of Ellen’s home made cookies.

      They are not only tasty, but they are also smarter than she is……..

      • Jack Wheeler is a brilliant man who was the author of
        Reagan’s strategy to break the back of the Soviet Union
        with the star wars race and expose their inner weakness.
        For years he wrote a weekly intelligence update that was
        extremely interesting and well structured and informative.
        He consults(ed) with several mega corporations on global
        trends and the future, etc. He is in semi-retirement now.
        He is a true patriot with a no-nonsense approach to everything.
        He is also a somewhat well-known mountain climber and

        Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler

        The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored
        empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience,
        no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works,
        no understanding of how the world works, no balls,
        nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.
        He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he rejects.
        The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is disclosed by
        his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic first and middle
        names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people
        in Kenya. Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo
        grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively.
        What he isn’t, not a genetic drop of, is ‘African-American,’ the
        descendant of enslaved Africans brought to America chained in
        slave ships. He hasn’t a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead,
        his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main
        Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it.
        Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of slaves, he is the
        descendant of slave owners.
        Thus he makes the perfect Liberal Messiah.
        It’s something Hillary doesn’t understand – how some complete
        neophyte came out of the blue and stole the Dem nomination from
        her. Obamamania is beyond politics and reason. It is a true religious
        cult, whose adherents reject Christianity yet still believe in Original Sin,
        transferring it from the evil of being human to the evil of being white.

        Thus Obama has become the white liberals’ Christ, offering absolution
        from the Sin of Being White. There is no reason or logic behind it,
        no faults or flaws of his can diminish it, no arguments Hillary could make
        of any kind can be effective against it. The absurdity of Hypocrisy
        Clothed In Human Flesh being their Savior is all the more cause for
        liberals to worship him:
        Credo quia absurdum, I believe it because it is absurd.
        Thank heavens that the voting majority of Americans remain Christian
        and are in no desperate need of a phony savior.
        He is ridiculous and should not be taken seriously by any thinking American.
        And yet he got elected, not once but twice. Thanks to those that did
        not think it was important to vote for freedom and those that were willing
        to give up their freedoms for entitlements.
        Remember you don’t have to be on a southern plantation to be a slave,
        if you are dependent on government entitlements you just have a different
        slave owner.

        • I’m going to finish reading your cut and paste countrydude but I had to stop right here and make a statement:
          “no balls,”

          Robert Gates who has worked for about seven presidents stated, “I have never seen a president make a “guttier” decision in my life” than the killing of bin Laden.

          Exit the “no balls” bullshit……

          more reading

          • No, the extremely large testicles are owned by the members of Seal Team 6, some of whom are being persecuted if not prosecuted by the administration that sent them there in the first place. Another example of someone taking undeserved credit while “leading from behind.”

          • Eat some more of Ellen’s cookies suckers, they are Savantily delicious………

        • Bravo ! That is one of the most classic contemporary reads that I have been privileged to read since the bovine excrementer in chief has haunted the halls of the peoples house.

      • Oh gasp! I am mortally wounded by the shrapnel from a libtard brain exploding ! No . . . wait . . . . It’s just slime from Ghostbusters !

        • Sounds like a facial administered by Ted Cruz. Wipe it off and quit crying you filthy racist.

      • Yeah, if you disagree with the president’s policies you are a racist. I would not have any trouble voting for Ben Carson. What will you call me then?

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