IS IT TRUE November 5, 2013
IS IT TRUE a New York publication released an article yesterday that admonished the American public for making the behavior they refer to as “white trash inspired†fashionable?…they picked on Snookie and Honey Boo Boo the most for making it fashionable to drink to the point of vomiting, pooting, and swearing loudly in public the in thing to do?…these New Yorkers have a point and while it is true that many such behaviors before the age of cable television stayed on Copperhead Row every culture has always had people who are devoid of culture?…the problem is the mass admiration that Americans seem to have for people who act like Snookie and Honey Boo Boo?…a good start at a solution to this problem could be to try saving our admiration for what’s really admirable?…we should stop pretending that there’s anything charming about stripper-themed fashion and financial irresponsibility?…that would mean we have to lose is our inner Honey Boo Boo?…it would improve society much if we would bring back manners, bring back aspiration, bring back responsibility, and maybe even show some admiration to the man in the gray flannel suit?
IS IT TRUE the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is meeting today with three items on the agenda regarding the downtown convention hotel?…this involves authorizing the hiring of three skill sets for the project?…the skill sets that the City of Evansville will be hiring are a person with design and real estate experience, a person with a financial oversight background, and a John Kish type to manage the construction project?…we think such talents are a welcome to a project with so much public subsidy in it but would like to know if the salaries/consulting agreements for these people will be considered part of the City of Evansville’s $20 Million subsidy to the project or is this an increase in the subsidy that will come from some other budget?
IS IT TRUE City Councilman and Chairman of the Budget Committee John Friend came out swinging yesterday when news started circulating that the no votes cast against the recent budget were supposedly cast because the City Council was increasing its own budget by 22%?…Councilman Friend issued a statement that used real budget data to show that the City Council actually cut its budget by a nominal amount of about a half of one percent?…the mathematical analysis to reach this figure as told by Friend is to subtract on number from the other, divide the sum by the older number, and then multiply by 100 to obtain the percentage change?…these four basic arithmetic operations are typically mastered by the time one is passed from the 3rd grade to the 4th grade?…if we really have people on the City Council who do not have the ability to think through a 3rd or 4th grade reading problem the Evansville, we have a problem?
IS IT TRUE the City County Observer called upon a well placed Washington Mole yesterday to learn about the frauds and lies that ObamaCare used to secure passage and continue to be used to try to cover up the lies and frauds of the past?…we learned that while it is a crime for an American citizen to lie to the government, it is not a crime for a government official to lie to any of us?…legally speaking there is no accountability for lies that come from the mouths of federal elected officials from the Congress to the White House, even when those lies cause massive damage?…the other tidbit we learned from the Washington Mole is the technology project manager brought in to save the ObamaCare website team from its own ineptness has already issued an ultimatum to the White House?…that ultimatum is to “SHUT UP about when this mess will be fixed because it has not yet even been determined if fixing this 3 year $600 Million mess is the best course of actionâ€?…the most expedient way to fix this inept website may be to scrap it completely and start quietly from scratch to produce a new website that has the look of the old one but is done with appropriate and robust code?…we also hear that there is plenty of confidence that some website will work someday but timing is not even being discussed yet as a competent team has not even been assembled?…the other glaringly obvious problem is that many of the people who have successfully gotten on the website are pretty much mad as hell over losing their policies and shocked at the 100%+ premium increases that are typical?…the sign ups are older and as the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal states “the young are avoiding the health plansâ€?…this is the beginning of the death spiral scenario of ObamaCare?
Excellent questions about the hiring to be done by ERC! I’m waiting anxiously for the answer to that.
As for ACA, I hope readers will check to see what Consumer Report has to say about the way insurers are swindling customers. It is really not surprising, though. It is a good case for going to single-payer.
As long as that single payer has mastered 3rd grade arithmetic and values the truth enough to speak the truth you may be onto something. It may be 100 years before we elect an intelligent honest president with a congress to match. We sure as hell don’t have any brains or honesty running the country right now.
As for insurance companies swindling people you will get no argument from me. The problem at hand is that the Obama Administration are bigger swindlers than any insurance company would have the nerve to be. Insurance companies that swindle are subject to criminal prosecution. A lying swindling president has immunity from prosecution and/or a pardon for his crimes.
Anthem has already been fined. They would rather keep their best risks with their company, without subsidies, so they tell them that they can get an ACA-compliant policy at an inflated price directly from the company. They seem to be “forgetting” that the same policy or a better one through the exchanges at a lower price, and often with a subsidy. That matches the anecdotal stories I’ve been hearing and I trust Consumer Report.
I trust Consumer Report and agree with you that the insurance companies have been sneaky. The place we seem to be a little apart is that the President is sneakier and more dishonest than the insurance companies. You are a good writer and observer. Surely you do not think the President and his minions have been truthful. Even the staunchest Republicans figured out Nixon lied about Watergate and President Bush lied about no new taxes. Everyone in Washington knew Clinton lied about “that woman”. Everyone without blinders on and a belly full of kool-aid knows at this point that Obama and all his people lied about keeping your policy and doctor. Why can’t they just admit it, apologize, and get on with doing their jobs?
Rare political comment for me here Yoda, I do agree with your leadership assessment there, and some of the EKB points.
Most of all the should get on with doing the jobs,and creating the jobs, they highlighted when duping people into electing them to office with.
That would be getting the nation on to a real applicable situation of recovery from its economical shortcomings.
Career jobs,that can pay for medical insurance plans,real jobs that sustain our nations viable industries to adapt for the coming global economic shuffling being drawn now by climate change and the environmental balance that now demands.
Talk about life’s health issues,quality of life in general,even national security, that also will be defined by how we as a nation begin to research,identify and adjust now.
The “ACA”,well one can even BING the subject “turds that don’t float”, even has picture content.
Rather harsh,however the costing of my own preparation for future health planning is not what I positioned for for the last 48 years of my working,and contributing life.
We deserve better representation for sure.
“common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen,and lost in increments thereafter” (Old German physicist)
Whitetrash culture. HA! The big problem with the whitetrash is that they breed so quickly.
obama is now lying about the lies he told…….he thinks everyone is as dumb as his blind supporters……i see that sen. joe donnellys own son has lost his insurance imagine that……when the wavier on business expires next yr there will be 90 million more hard working people lose their insurance that comes from the obama administrations own numbers…..obama and the radical lefts destruction of the middle class continues……..
Thank you for repeating FOX News’s talking points of the day.
you are welcome……..those that watched fox news knew barry was lying about obamacare 3rs ago…….
You were also told to buy gold from Glenn Beck and that tin foil hats protect you from aliens.
unlike you i make my own mind up on facts and they have been proven right………keep defending pathological liar obama because you my friend have the tin foil hat on to protect you from the truth……by the way a person cannot buy gold from glen beck…….
You name suits you well…..
You have mistaken me for a Democrat. I just don’t appreciate outlandish Fox News talking points that really don’t add anything to intelligent conversation. In fact, those talking points make the GOP looks ridiculous.
I didnt assume you were a democrat…I merely assumed that your name was Knownothing because you have chosen to know nothing….
It sure seems like he is the smartest guy in the room. He has his agenda, and thus far no one has been able to stop him.
It is as if he IS the government….all of it! The rest of Washington is just a group of impotent whiners incapable of doing anything but collecting their pay and perks.
To those who imagine the ACA will go away. What will we have then. A system run by those swindling insurance companies.
How is a government who lied about cost and coverage different than an insurance company that swindles except by costing us more for less? further more, insurance comapnies are regulated by the government and can be brought to justice if they swindle. Who will bring the government to justice for its swindling?
“Who will bring the government to justice for its swindling?”
Pitchforks anyone? it is after all the only way that will be left to us in the end, that or total capitulation.
Wnat makes you think the government is “costing us more for less?” The only evidence of that is the liars and fools Hannity had on his show and some others, that are all being de-bunked.
I can’t speak for anyone but myself, I can’t in my life think of one single thing that the federal government can or has done that hasn’t fit the criteria of costing us more to give us less, sure there are things that require the resources of a government to accomplish like putting a man on the moon, but most things the government touches turns into a cluster #@*$ like social security, having them in control of health care in our great nation will be the final blow or death rattle if you will, you and I may never live long enough to see it but our children certainly will.
$700 hammers
$500 toilet seat
$97,000 floating outhouse
$325,000 robotic squirrel
$4,500 wooden statue of Smokey the Bear
$35,000 vending machine for library books
$20,000 juggling class
Have I made my point? I could type this sort of pay more for less idiocy all day.
Here’s one LKB, http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/11/the-hidden-marriage-penalty-in-obamacare/280890/?utm_source=Albert+Mohler&&utm_term=0_b041ba0d12-dde9822c77-307777085
It might also fall under marriage equality also.
These claims that the costing more for less has been debunked are a very selective telling of the truth, aka, “trimming the truth to to fit a lie.” yes, some who claim to be spending more would qualify for subsidies, but a subsidy does not make something cost less, it makes one pay the cost for another. So it is not debunked as so many are wanting to claim.
Redistribution of wealth is the first thing Laura thinks about in the morning and the last thing she thinks about at night.
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