IS IT TRUE one of our bloggers recently posted this comment that got our attention?  …that V  posted the `following comments on our web site; “The Tri-State Home page has a real stupid story up this morning trying to smear Friend over a bad deal with the wind turbine blade outfit that backed out of a deal, basically per lousy archaic throughput logistics?    …One thing in the report there are other political figures tossed into the fray as well, the screen shot of Friend during the first of it there is none other than Weaver standing right next to him, maybe today you all can lose that creep, Friend isn’t running so what’s the whole point of the dirge?  …You sure have a rotten mainstream media in that town, if anyone is to blame for all the BS that’s blowing holes in your economy maybe its the cheap shot biased media BS?”

IS IT TRUE that County Treasurer Susan Kirk just sent us an e-mail?  She said she would appreciate it if you would let people know their fall taxes are due by next Tuesday, November 10th. We don’t send fall bills out so people tend to forget to pay their taxes….we hope your taxes won’t go up because of increases in the appraisal value of your property?

IS IT TRUE we hear that President of Evansville City Council Dr Dan Adams sent his professional resume out to all newly elected City Council members?  …he asked all newly elected Council members to support him to be re-elected President of 2016 Council?  …it took Councilman Jonathan Weaver only a few minutes to respond to Dr, Adams e-mail?  …that Weaver announced that he shall be supporting Missy Mosby as the next President of City Council?  …we stand by our post we made yesterday that Missy Mosby will be elected President of the 2016 City Council?

IS IT TRUE that the makeup of the 2016 City Council have 2 members that work for Tucker Realty?  …the 5th Ward Councilman is the son-in-law of County Councilman Tom Shelter?  …the 2016 City Council have two (2) EVSC school teachers?

IS IT TRUE that DMD Director Kelley Courses announced today the bids for the North Main project just came in under budget and he expects the new elected City Council to approve this project by a vote of 9-0?  …we expect many of the Mayors pet projects to be approved by a 9-0 vote during 2016?

IS IT TRUE we also predict that 1st Ward City Councilman Dan McGinn will present a proposal to increase the Local Income Option Tax in the early part of 2016?  …we expect that it will pass by a nice margin?

IS IT TRUE we also predict that Spotshooter, will be approved, an amendment will be added to the 2016 City Budget and will pass allowing non-profits grants slashed by the present Council to be restored?  …we expect that the newly elected City Council will amend the ordinance that defines the makeup of City appointed Board and Commission?  …you better get ready for major increases in our Water and Sewer rates during 2016?

IS IT TRUE we hear that outgoing City Council member Conner O’Daniel is interested in running for Judgeship in the near future?  …we recommend that he doesn’t because many people who depends on the services provided by local non-profits won’t forget that he was the driving force to cut their budgets by a whopping 15%?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if the  Democratic members of City Council will re-appointed Scott Danks as their legal Counsel for 2016?

IS IT TRUE we shall be taking Thanksgiving week off to do annual maintenance and redesigning the layout of the CCO.  …we expect the newly updated design of the CCO will be more reader friendly?

IS IT TRUE that todays “READERS POLL” question is-Do you feel that the local Democratic party will not be an effective political force for the next several years?”


  1. Well.. At least we will know REAL QUICK what kind of council we will have. If they elect Missy Mosby – – HOLD TIGHT EVANVILLE – the mayor owns you.

  2. That link in the first paragraph doesn’t work, but am I to understand they’re blaming the Earth care fiasco on Friend?

  3. The rubes running this city piss away tax money like it is nothing to them. This is the empty headquarters building of Global Blade Thecnology:

    One has to wonder if it ever was a legitimate business or just another in a long parade of criminal enterprises that take advantage of a legal system that allows pirates to operate with impunity, as in NO CLAWBACKS OFFERED OR EXPECTED! Hey, you can’t get money from a bankrupted company that is half-way around the world can you?

    What you can do is send all the local public school kiddies to the downtown arena for a hockey exhibition in an effort to prop up that facility and the franchise. I am surprised the local theater owners aren’t crying foul and demanding equal treatment.

  4. [IS IT TRUE we hear that President of Evansville City Council Dr Dan Adams sent his professional resume out to all newly elected City Council members? …he asked all newly elected Council members to support him to be re-elected President of 2016 Council? …it took Councilman Jonathan Weaver only a few minutes to respond to Dr, Adams e-mail? …that Weaver announced that he shall be supporting Missy Mosby as the next President of City Council? …we stand by our post we made yesterday that Missy Mosby will be elected President of the 2016 City Council?] (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    It only stands to reason that since Jonathan Weaver was the top vote-getter of all the city council candidates he should be the next city council president. He has the most support, so give him the reins.

    • Give him some rope to hang himself with. Figuratively speaking of course. Of Course the Heart Surgeon with degrees from both Harvard and Yale should be the President of the City Council in most major cities around this country. But this is HICK TOWN USA and in this place we have a worn down bleach blonde unmarried waitress /real estate agent running for President of the City Council? Oh woah is me. If Missy is elected President of the City Council that will be the end of this city for sure. IMHO she is not qualified nor educated to be the President. Hopefully intelligence will win out if there is a contested election of the City Council Presidency.

  5. I toured the wind blade company that is spoken about. They were seeking private funding to finish their product. The funding never came. It does have that in common with Earthcare, since the city took the bait hook, line, and sinker yet smart money never followed. Quite frankly, I do not know of anyone with a high technology background that has ever been on the City Council, nor do I know of any that were consulted in any of these deals that went south. There are some around but I doubt if the Pollyanna crowd wanted their input.

    As for making 60 foot windmill blades, why the heck would such a thing be in Evansville. There are exactly zero MW+ windmills here. The closest ones are about 200 miles north. These things fill a semi trailer bed. Such factories need to be close to where the blades are being used. Local camera seekers were so desperate for a headline that they never thought it through.

    • Mr. Wallace:
      Here nearby in the EU we have several wind farms and are increasing our efforts on the offshore types, we also are cutting edge solar as well. We live on the very edge of climate change dynamics and sea level rise is already an issue in our regional. My research and hearts passion is spent going into finding and perfecting viable solutions. With saying that a colleague of mine from nearby Evansville proposed something for that town that, in accordance to design would thrust that region into the forefront of sustainable utilities technology. Actually others in the group that reviewed the innovation were somewhat dumbfounded by its shear genius ,and outright doable simplicity. Yes and located in Evansville , and modeled for the remaining sites with such available features worldwide. It’ll never happen there, the leadership is just wrong for it, however globally here we’re are very positive and very interested in the application.

      • I am in Palm Springs now running the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership. Our programs include both business incubation and a 43,000 square foot accelerator campus. We also have about 4,000 windmills. Look us up online at Perhaps this location will work for you. I was impressed with both the tooling and the business plan that your GM whose initials were D. O.

        The problem in Evansville was no private venture money, limited local knowledge of renewable energy, and of course the proximity to wind farms. I wish you good fortune in seeking another prosperous opportunity. Just because Evansville wasn’t ready doesn’t mean your business is dead. Evansville is not right for plenty of leading edge technologies and people.

        • Informative post here, Mr.Wallace my expertise and contribution is in global hydrology and the Oceanic earth sciences. However the whole realm of adaptation to climate change dynamics ties directly to my work. Our science in the global groups communication pathways is the extreme studies in how we as caretakers of the planet can apply the known sciences to arrest the affects of climate change in the next 10-15 years. Low carbon footprint energy is a proven source to accomplish just that in its own incremental range.

          Believe me, sea level rise and extended drought globally are now a viable depredation to mankind. We already see the daily strained human migrations this is causing. That’s sad, because it was predictable, and although the warnings go out little is being done to reverse the affects. What we are doing is dedicated scientific hard work, we must be mobile and prepared to go where the planets action is on a moments notice. I appreciate your position, and know of your incubator through contact with some others in our global action group. Good work, its apparent by the successful points you’ve sponsored there. I’ve never been to Palm Springs, however I have been given a somewhat VIP tour of the San Diego desalination plant in Carlsbad. This I found so interesting because given the innovation brought to our table from my Colleague near Evansville the place by its actual operational costing would rapidly become a obsolete source of fresh clean water. Absolutely amazing how that works yet completely inside of our scientific borders as we understand them to date.

          Its about innovation Mr.Wallace, and when the conceptual balance is compounded to meet a triad of climate change solutions it becomes mind bending practical, globally that equates to millions of living wage jobs as well.

          Ellie. L

      • Please enlighten us more about the “sea level rise” I am interested in knowing a). where you are? b). how much the sea has risen over the last decade? c). whether you have witnessed the level change your self, or if you are just using reappropriated numbers from someone else’s studies? If so which studies are these and who did them?

        • Good luck with a reply. This bunch lives in an imaginary world. V and whoever she is are all about snake oil and Foo Foo dust. I am involved in innovative and secret climate change science as well, but I can write comprehensively, and my innovations work better more economically.

          • Why you remain in the shadows fool comprehensively makes an idiot out of your old moldy bullshit . Mustashio. Your feature is the very first on our list. You old dried up creep. Evansville may find breath with us , you however will be sent straight to hell with your non productive bovine scat. Creep.

        • The real science less the non scientific crap from the deniers. Zoom to any region, my home region is in the northwestern EU, however I travel for research nearly 130 days a year, that includes every accessible region on the planet. My studies are considered strategic at any location, so with your type I will not share that. You really have no need to know, so your are to be left out of the information chain.

    • Yup, throughput logistics, like I said, Evansville has little, its an archaic town with a lousy infrastructure to match, easily fixed, but then that would send the funding where it should be, and thus not into a old moldy cronies pocket. Example: The north main street bike lane idiot project, LMAO. Add plural on that one. The present CC should smack down that waste of available funds. Real time Now.

    • Mr. Wallace, I worked on some of the power grid work for the windmills around Lafayette and across Ohio. There are more than your would think. I noticed a lot of these blades going up I65. I inquired where they had originated and was told they came to america on barge and were offloaded at the Clark Maritime port in Jeffersonville In. I was thinking at the time it was something that should be made in the USA. The blades were supposed to be labor intensive and with unemployment back down to those that are not very employable or don’t want to work it probably would have moved out when the demand fell off. The way wind energy was being promoted it was an easy sell at the time to the uninformed like me.

  6. [IS IT TRUE we also predict that 1st Ward City Councilman Dan McGinn will present a proposal to increase the Local Income Option Tax in the early part of 2016? …we expect that it will pass by a nice margin?] (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The big question is whether the county council will also approve an increase in the County Option Income Tax. It takes affirmative votes by both councils for it to happen.

  7. What was posted.

    Nov 3, 2015 at 11:13 am
    The Tri-State gnome page has a real stupid story up this morning trying to smear Friend over a bad deal with the wind turbine blade outfit that backed out of a deal, basically per lousy archaic throughput logistics. One thing in the report there are other political figures tossed into the fray as well, the screen shot of Friend during the first of it there is none other than Weaver standing right next to him, maybe today you all can lose that creep, Friend isn’t running so what’s the whole point of the dirge. You sure have a rotten mainstream media in that town, if anyone is to blame for all the BS that’s blowing holes in your economy maybe its the cheap shot biased media BS.

  8. [IS IT TRUE that todays “READERS POLL” question is-Do you feel that the local Democratic party will not be an effective political force for the next several years?”] (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Since Winnecke has co opted the democrat agenda of ever increasing taxes and deficit spending for projects of dubious need, one could make the case that the democrats are still in charge. Or that the republican party is defunct here in Evansville.

    • You are right, Press. Winnecke has learned, as the national dems learned years ago, it’s hard to run against Santa Clause.

  9. On the Tristate Gnome page article it looks like they took down the video which featured your last former mayor graveling about the jobs fit and blaming Whirlpool for the demise. Then there was none other than Mitch Daniels talking about innovation,and then a representative from the blade company itself talking about the width and space available in the old factory. The screen shot of Friend indeed included that crud Weaver standing right next to him sporting his normal smirk and $hit eating camera face thin lipped grin. The fact that the video seems to have been taken down now only further proves the point I was making about the rotten core media in that town. You gotta be kidding me.

    unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something.
    “we will not tolerate this biased media coverage”

      • You know sometimes I want to lay into the idiots with facts, however sometimes in the realm of things your better served to pull your punches a bit. In the case there with the depredation of real assets to fulfill the means of the cronies minorities, they go crazy, it just really sucks.
        You have Mesker Amphitheater is a prime example of such undermined bovine scatology that seems to prevail there.

  10. IS IT TRUE we shall be taking Thanksgiving week off to do annual maintenance and redesigning the layout of the CCO. …we expect the newly updated design of the CCO will be more reader friendly?

    Two thing needed to make it more reader friendly:
    1. Make up the news like the C $ P. Make everything sound positive. If the police are out of control and kill a bunch – just spin it that those people are now in heaven and it was a good and positive thing.
    2. Quit putting news in print. All the young millennials the city plans to cater to and have living here don’t want to read words. They want to read pictures and videos. They will be very busy enjoying the fun and games that will drive Evansville to take time to read. For old people like me, you can have an enlarged print version. The younger people have a hard time reading the words if they aint moving. Evansville is on the move in with the new and out with the old.

    • ” If the police are out of control and kill a bunch – just spin it that those people are now in heaven and it was a good and positive thing.”


      Where did that come from?

    • Print news is dead unless you are The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Street Times, or The Economist. Optimize your site for SEOs, present original content that is interesting, do editorials from both sides and toss in some national news of local significance. Do that and the CCO will prosper. Good Luck George.

      • SEO – search engine optimization. There are those who read this blog (optimal word “read”) who may not know what SEO means.

    • Actually, a feature that would be much appreciated is the ability to edit your posts after posting. It would be nice to correct typos and grammatical errors after you see what goes on-line when you hit the “Post” button. (Something the Courier & Pravda interns could use also.)

      • Some forums have a limit, like 30 minutes or whatever, to edit then it’s in stone. I like that idea.

  11. The Courier is reporting the great news that Cheryl Musgrave is going to run for County Commissioner. I expect Wayne and Company will try to beat her in the primary. If she makes it through the primary, she will be facing Steve Melcher in the fall. I look for the Republican operatives to support him and a good many Democrats will get behind Cheryl. This is going to get interesting.

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