IS IT TRUE November 4, 2014


IS IT TRUE that today is election day and the City County Observer encourages all of our readers to find a way to cast a vote for the candidates that you have each in your own way decided will be reflect the way you want to see your town, county, state, and country governed?…we as we have committed are not endorsing any candidates but do endorse the age old adage life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness along with honesty and transparency at all levels of government?…we also realize and advocate for serious, competent people who are action oriented to be elected to public office?…we shall vote the way we choose based on the attributes we admire and demand and will leave it to each of our readers to do the same?

IS IT TRUE 3 weeks ago the Mayor’s Office was all giddy about starting the downtown convention hotel in 2 weeks?…those two weeks and one more have now passed and nary a shovel has flipped down at Walnut and MLK?…at that time we were also told that if construction did not start by December that the weather would be too bad start a construction project just as last winter’s ground breaking was scheduled and stopped due to frozen ground?…now the giddiness from the Mayor’s office is saying real work will start in late November or early December?…why they felt a need to put out a press release contradicting the one from 3 weeks ago is a mystery, but some of our civic center moles say it is all about distracting the public from the City being called out for nonsensical revenue projections in a flat out embarrassing way?

IS IT TRUE that speaking of hotels and the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing, the CCO has learned that an 82 year old gentleman named Jerry Kissinger got a sewer bill for over $4,800 this month for the McCurdy Hotel?…the bill stated that he was the owner and that he has until December to ante up or else?…it is the failures on the part of government to even be able to get the little things right like who owns a hotel that is driving the people of this city and the country nuts?…ineptness seems to have no limit when it comes to software implementation whether it is for accounting, sewer bills, or health insurance websites?

IS IT TRUE in another fluff piece designed to distract from the task of day to day governance Mayor Winnecke put out some PR about a jobs announcement that may be happening on Wednesday?…we have to question the need for an announcement of an announcement that is less than 48 hours from now?…it would have made more sense to either have the one announcement today or to wait until tomorrow to have a real announcement?…this just looked desperate for some positive news of any kind from a leader that was just outed for overestimating the revenue budget to try and get his spending approved?…that said we are pleased and supportive of any company that intends to create 169 decent paying jobs in Evansville, Indiana and will be interesting to see the details when a real announcement comes forth?

IS IT TRUE with respect to the hotel announcement it is of no relevance that the City of Evansville is able to borrow $20 Million as no one has questioned their ability to do so?…it is also of no relevance that Old National Bank has the capacity to write a check for $14 Million for naming rights that according to the County Commissioners have no market value at all?…it is not these two funding sources that are keeping the beautiful from drinking martinis on the rooftop bar of the hotel?…the two sources of funding that are and have always been undisclosed and non-existent are the downpayment of the developer and the loan for the balance of the $71.3 Million?…as we have said through 4 ground breakings and 4 developers, we will believe it when the doors are opened?…yesterday’s announcement is just another fluff piece to placate the masses?…bread and circuses work as well in Evansville as they did in Rome and the Winnecke Administration knows it?

IS IT TRUE the final Real Clear Politics poll averages before today’s election predict that the republicans will pick up 7 seats in the United States Senate to achieve a majority of this house of congress which has been where house bills have gone to die for the last 4 years?…over in the House of Representatives it is projected that the republicans will add to their majority by between 6 and 12 seats and may have the largest house majority in 65 years when the dust settles?…the CCO stands beside our prediction from a month ago that something will happen that will be a big surprise to the pundits?

IS IT TRUE that one of our most proficient comment authors has provided us with something that we hope you will all find amusing?…this guy says if the city of Evansville were a baseball/softball league all of the following would be true:

The league would operate at a deficit even though the tournament director told all of the parents and fans it wouldn’t

The field would have a brand new state of the art scoreboard (Built and installed at prevailing wage)

The parking lot would have multiple potholes

The outfield grass would not be mowed(until the teamsters came late to the game to mow it)

The fences would be rusting out

The chalk lines and base lengths would be off

The dugout benches would be old and full of splinters

The public toilets would empty straight into Pigeon Creek

The league management would offer a subsidy to anyone who would build a second concession stand because they don’t like the choices offered at the (profitable) first concession stand

The league management and fans would resent the fact that the umpires asked for a $5 per game pay increase for increased travel costs

Half the players would have reading comprehensions skills below their grade level

When told by the league’s treasurer that the cash reserves were nearly running out the league president would threaten to turn out the lights so the teams couldn’t play night games.


  1. 169 more min wage jobs with no benefits. That average wage number they put out is always bogus. When these announcements take place and the jackasses downtown get a public opportunity to pat themselves on the back, do the jobs ever even come? I remember several instances where they did not.

    • Why should a person need benefits, they have obamacare. Get used to low wage jobs, the unions pushed for Clinton, Clinton pushed for NAFTA and the good jobs left the country. I was out at the airport last week and there was a new Lincoln on display, made in Mexico. It was $45,000, a nice high quality vehicle. Thank you Mr. Clinton and democrats for taking care of the consumers and protecting us from the high cost and poor quality of union thug labor. We would already have a new hotel at the arena if our politicians put out a RFP without a PLA. Unions drag this country down.

  2. *Half the players would have reading comprehensions skill below their grade level*

    Reading comprehension, and the skills of playing good baseball has no correlation.

    Apparently, one’s with skills can, the rest “try” to be editors(authors)!

    • Yes, there are those who try to be authors and they need editors:

      “Reading comprehension (no comma needed) and the skills of playing good baseball HAVE no correlation.”

      And of course there are those who know the difference between “one’s” and “ones”…….

  3. I do hope that the gentleman who received the bill for the Kunkels on the water for the McCurdy is in very good health for his age. Getting such a thing in the mail could prove too much for a frail person. It is the stupid errors of this sort that make the powers that be look completely incompetent.
    I am looking forward to tonight’s election results. We will know which pundits have it closest to right, and what this country is going to be facing for the next year.
    Happy election day, everybody! Vote early today if you haven’t already done it!

  4. Vote early and vote often! LOL I already voted and just hope that they don’t lose my vote this time like they did the last time.

    • Enhanced IT keeps down the losses and improves the gains. Analytics and big data has a unlimited horizon for development in social economic environmental applications. When that really gets to cover politics they’re pretty much finished if the policies aren’t for the constituencies benefit. Straight down sunshine in, shadows fade.
      That spot light earlier this year on this CCO page about IT and computer geeks that was clandestinely recorded at the old country club, defines where you all need to pursue improvements.
      Our global clean water solutions modeling relies on many aspects of commerce to see implementation IT is strong with that, however, the best case logistical infrastructures weigh in heavy to balance the sustainable direction, as well.
      Something like the development we see in Modern Rail and best use encourages that forward.
      That’s pure growth for the whole realm of social economic environmental balance when one looks to the innovation and good jobs creation it serves. Evansville needs to balance this now to actually create metro southwestern Indiana growth. The present governance there is focused on the wrong plan per metro benefit, location, location, can be an asset, or a growing burden. You all really know how that’s continuing to play out there.

      Here’s how that can work using standard logistical values and moving them forward.

  5. Do you think it’s true that the GOP members who control the media outlets like to write about polls that show their favorite candidates leading their opponents in order to help their candidates win on election day?

    Is it true that maybe some people who actually believe what the news media tells them may give up and not vote since they think that their democratic candidate is not going to win anyway?

    Is it true that in the past one GOP controlled news paper printed up it’s headlines with something to the effect that “Dewey Wins” in the race for the President years ago? Is it true that they sent the example of how to pull of a win (in their head lines only) for their candidate?

    Is it true that Mitch McConnell suddenly pulled ahead of Allison Grimes by several points in the last two days when before they were neck and neck?

    Is it true that there are biases in most all the polls?

    Is it not true that the media can pick and choose which polls they want to publish and that they don’t even have to tell us which poll they are using?

    Is it true that not all polls are the same. Is it true that not all polls have the same sample population or number of samples.

    Is it true that unless the sample population is taken randomly using real statistical sampling methodology that the sample population will not truly represent the real population that’s being estimated?

    Is it true that the real population is only the people that actually go and cast votes?

    Is it true that if the pollsters ask questions of people that don’t vote or don’t vote the way they tell the posters that the polls are going to be skewed and untrue?

    Is it true that the purpose of a statically survey is to try to use a subset of the voting population to predict what the actual voters are going to do? Is it not also true that if the don’t get the right subset of the real voting population the poll is not accurate and actually meaningless. And is it true that the media knows these facts and still publishs the polls that make their favorite candidate look better right before the election?

    Is there a poll that’s better than the rest? If so which one is that? And why are we not using it?

    The answer is yes to the question above and the poll that’s best if the actually election. Only after all the votes are counted will a real winner be found.

    So get your butts out there and go vote! If you complain about the way things are now and are unhappy with the current situation then if you don’t get your ass out there and vote you have no one to blame but yourself.

    Vote today and don’t put that off.

    • I can speak with some authority on this subject, having designed and conducted several polls in my day. Polls are less dependable now than they were 20 years ago. It is extremely difficult to pull a truly representative sample of participants, because landlines are going the way of the dinosaur. You really have to ask yourself how much the opinions of people who will answer a call from an unknown caller during the time most of us are having dinner reflect those of most voters. There are some good polls, but we won’t know which ones are until after the election results are in.

      • Well Nate Silver was 50 out of 50 on the state level in the 2012 presidential election so there must be some value to his algorithms. Flipping a coin would have resulted in a 25 out of 50 success rate. Silver’s 538 poll has a republican takeover of the senate at 73% this morning. If I were into betting I would bet on a change of power in the senate based on Silver and the RCP averages.

        • I think Silver’s 73% is up from 70 yesterday which was an increase from hovering in the upper 60s for much of the election cycle, the best I remember. Hate to say it but that’s good enough for me. His book is a good read with good information. It would be a useful complement to the hard numbers part of college statistics classes. He was indeed deadly accurate in the 2012 races.

          • What is his track record other than 2012? Did he do this well before or after 2012. I’m not familiar with him so please update me on his other records. Maybe he is so knew that there is no other information on how he did in other predictions.

            Who do you think has the most accurate polls this years other than him?

            It won’t really matter in a few more hours as the votes will have been cast and counted for those that actually went out and voted. All the other people who failed to vote won’t be counted. And sadly that’s a lot of people who didn’t vote or won’t vote. We get what we deserve I guess. People need to get off their butts and go vote.

          • Nate Silver and Sam Wang are very good at what they do, and I feel certain tonight will see the GOP taking over the Senate. I’m not really sure if it is going to be the “wave” they expect, though. If the GOP gubernatorial races don’ t go as well as expected, I think we will just be seeing an anti-incumbency reaction instead of a pro-GOP wave. I’m really interested in the Governor’s races tonight, more than the Senate races.

          • Moveon,
            The first I heard of him was a few months before the 2012 election. His book is worth reading.

  6. IS IT TRUE- “that today is election day”

    ~b~ voted. …

    IS IT TRUE- “3 weeks ago the Mayor’s Office was all giddy about starting the downtown convention hotel in 2 weeks?”

    ~b~ “BREAKING NEWS!”
    No signs of life at the Downtown Hotel site … AND
    Generlissimo Fransisco Franco is still dead! …


    IS IT TRUE-“ineptness seems to have no limit when it comes to software implementation whether it is for accounting, sewer bills, or health insurance websites?”

    ~b~ Just had my new JC water meter installed. Am awaiting with some trepidation, my next bill.
    (fingers and legs crossed) LOL! …


    IS IT TRUE- “in another fluff piece designed to distract from the task of day to day governance Mayor Winnecke put out some PR about a jobs announcement that may be happening on Wednesday?”

    ~b~ Jobs announcement MAY, …
    be pending the securement of adequate financing. … LOL!


    IS IT TRUE-“it is not these two funding sources that are keeping the beautiful from drinking martinis on the rooftop bar of the hotel?”

    ~b~ Perhaps, … but that won’t keep them from quaffing the cheap stuff.
    (until the BOONDOGGLE INN PROJECT finally pours OPUS ONE for the connected few)


    IS IT TRUE- “the CCO stands beside our prediction from a month ago that something will happen that will be a big surprise to the pundits?”

    ~b~ considering the ruthless pragmatism that has become the nature of National Politics, …
    I can no longer be surprised. Corrupt systems, biased media and … data manipulation may deliver bugus election results.
    No surprise! …


    • Yup, and todays Analytics run is showing that some things that were issues for policy development still mean nothing today, as well. Positioning rush, appointed minion style. You guys really need to think forward when placing any ballots there. Look to the end of the string and vote the handlers out.
      Using that IiT ball field analogy, the home teams players performance on the diamond is usually connected to the agents who provide them. Given that, to much of the teams presence is all ready on its way down that creek.
      When thinking down the road of time we’ve wondered who’s bench has the most viability to sub or pinch hit. Those teams stars underperformance along with traits not normally shown on the field of play could possibly have cause for league suspension.

      (Conclusion) The social economic Analytics communication run might suggest a strong observation of the bench squad as one might have a call to field some them in the next inning, or two.

      Vote in your respected areas today, its the only choice you’ll ever get to work the bench some.

      Communications examples and todays league confusion:

    • Your aim is scarily right on target, Bubba. Your last observation is the one that concerns me the most.

  7. So let’s have a contest to see how quickly America will have buyer’s remorse.

    Jan 3rd? Jan 10th? Jan 20th

    When will ‘ol Mitch end the filibuster?

    1st day of business? 2nd day?

    What will be the first bill they pass for Obama’s vote pen?

    Tax cuts for the MegaCorps and Ultrarich , repealing Obamacare or regulating lady parts?

    I’m betting on regulating lady parts, they just can’t help themselves.

    • I agree. The ole boys do love them some uteruses (uteri?), and they all know the best way to express love is to exert total control over the object of that affection.

      • Oh Lordy, personhood amendments, repeal the ACA, more onerous restrictions on voting (maybe a national GOP Photo ID) and sainthood for King Coal. While we’re canonizing let’s do it for the old Turtle too. Mitch has become a millionaire while a senator in the pocket of big money and deserves recognition as such. Do it quick, the puffy old fool might be having his last hurrah tonight. Actually the first order of business should be to relieve Joni Ernst of her hog knife, the senate Sergeant at Arms can be tasked with this, so as to not cut too deeply into legislatin’ time.

        Oh, and it’s time to start seriously attacking birth control. The past half-hearted, water-testing, public-softening forays into that area have made it ripe to be the next ginned up ‘issue’ to make the Republican’s ‘Bagger base wet. It’ll make their wallets open like steamed clams. Birth control was the start of America’s decline, you know.

        A Republican senate could easily devolve into a wheel spinning bunch of crazed screamers. They don’t have anybody to sign the crap they plan on passing, nor will they have the votes to convict Obama once the house impeaches him.

        Onward through the fog. On to 2016.

        • Please don’t jump off the twin bridges tonight when the republicans take the senate. The country has survived that piece of shit Harry Reid and the republic will survive Senator McTurtle. If anything some legislation may actually make it through congress. Will the president sign things that make sense like tax reform or will he become the new obstruction to moving forward? My bet is the latter. Kings do not take well to having their power stripped away and this pretender will be no different.

        • That kind of looks like what the next year is going to hold for us, but the public will be so fed up with the idiocy it will insure another Democratic president, come 2016. If the GOP doesn’t do as well tonight as is expected, we could be in danger of another rich Republican idiot becoming president.
          They’re going to have to take Joni’s “beautiful little Smith & Wesson 9mm off of her before they worry about the hog knife. Whoever does that needs a full set of body armor, just in case she thinks they’re interfering with her rights.
          Think what fun the late-night comedians are going to have for the next year.

          • Like Hillary isn’t rich? Name calling already?

            Class envy works ONLY with uneducated liberals & undereducated moderates. I know that’s where your comments are aimed. Build them up so they can vote for those raising their taxes & running their employers out of business.

          • LKB. I agree idiots elected the current Democrat president. But you’re the first person I’ve seen refer to the only part of the male anatomy with something to fear from the castration knife as body armor.

          • Of course Hillary is rich, and anybody who runs for president on either ticket likely will be. She still isn’t a Republican idiot, though. Dubya, Mittens, and McCain do make the cut, though.

          • My comment above was meant for Heisenberg, btw.
            @ commonsense: Are you drinking? Your comment makes no sense. I said that whoever is charged with the duty of taking away Joni’s gun – the one she brags about publicly – away will need to wear body armor while they do it, as she says she intends to shoot people who she believes are infringing on her rights. Do you get it now?

        • Bandana So Mitch has become a millionaire while he was a senator. Here’s a deal for you.We’ll give up Mitch and replace him with Bevin. You give up Joe Btfspk (AKA Harry Reid) and replace him with the dem/socialist of your choice. He also became a millionaire while a senator.
          BTW- what congressperson has “attacked” birth control?

          • In poker the biggest loser is the player who THINKS he has the best hand is completely CONVINCED he has the best hand and goes all in with a set but when the cards are turned over he/she sees the other guy flopped Broadway and had them all along.

            In politics the biggest losers are people like you who somehow are convinced that the R party has the country’s best interests a heart because somehow capitalism is utopia and socialism is evil even though neither is true. You’re Exhibit A although I’m sure instead of thinking about what I’ve written you’ll just brush it aside as another Obama “idiot”

            They main reason Americans are frustrated with their circumstances is that personal income have risen very little for the middle class even though most economic measures are significantly better than they were in 2009. So they’re going to the polls today to hand the keys to the R’s, the very party that obstructed every tool(sans tax cuts for the rich and deregulation) however imperfect and blunt those tools were, to stop some of the MASSIVE income inequality that is embedded in this country.

            NONE of you posters that seem to think that Obama voters are idiots and the R’s are you dreams come true will ever, ever, ever be in the 1% and no some extra taxes on the 1% WOULD NOT be the difference between you and your job that is a R boogey man.

            So here is the story of how Haley Barbour wanted to bring Romneycare to MS but couldn’t because Obama had embraced it and suddenly the idea became toxic.


        • That didn’t stop the Jerks from impeaching Clinton. I can see Crews now calling for the impeachement of Obama just to make a big show. I can also see one hearing after another in both the Senate and House if the GOP controls these two bodies after this election. They won’t have the votes to convict him but they don’t care. All they want to do is punish the man as much as they can.

          When Mitch McConnell states that the main goal of the GOP when Obama got elected was to obstruct anything and everything that Obama tries to get down you know that’s a sign of what he will do if the GOP takes control of the Senate. They will go after Obama for anything that they can dream up.

          I hope that those going to the polls today think about that and vote accordingly.

          A vote for Mitch and the GOP to take control of the US Senate is a vote for a Three Ring Circus in Washington DC. We already have a two ring circus there now.

          • Pretty much all the cable News outlets are predicting even more extremism , zealotry and fanaticism. How dare this arrogant guy Obama show American and the world that the ideology of deregulation, and tax cuts for the rich was a complete and utter failure and how dare he use Keynesian economics to get us out the ditch. On Fox they are just falling short of demanding Obama’s political head on a pike.

            They haven’t even got started really, in Jan things are gonna get REAL UGLY, REAL FAST.

            • You might want to take a trip down memory lane as a plain old middle class person. Obama has been the spinner of gold to the rich and the destroyer of the upward mobility of the middle class. Of course he didn’t plan it that way but the reality of his programs did pretty much the opposite of everything he promised. He has failed and today’s election is about his failures. It is not about democrat or republican ideology. It is about a naive man who was elected president by a populist campaign built on delusions. Today is Obama’s day of reckoning. The real question is how will he react to the humiliation of seeing his performance in office repudiated by the voters. Will he work with congress or will he sulk like a spurned lover? It is a shame he could not perform for the middle class as he promised. It is a shame that he could not deliver on his healthcare promises. It is a shame the oceans didn’t listen to him and stop rising. Only the ultra rich are better off than they were 6 years ago. That is why the king has been exposed as a fool and that is why his reaction is expected to be bitter and childish.


      • Who’s uteruses (uteri?) lkb, are the ole boys exerting total control over? Certainly not Hillary’s uteruses (uteri?).

          • lkb. Exactly. It wasn’t meant to make any sense. I’m mimicking you. No one is exerting total control over your or Hillary’s uteruses (uteri?) or anyone else’s uteruses (uteri?). Ridiculous. BTW – I don’t drink (alcohol).

          • Well that could be EKB, however the analytics overhead shows the party of choice to be more like local machine Democrat’s by the signage around the dive.
            We centrists might have observed the flow of open alcohol containers around one of those stinky patronage flowers today.

            You all should “nip it in the bud” as Barney Fife said to his crew in the foot shot video. We’ve observed that around other locations there as far back as 012, with people outside the local observing today, that’s not so good for the image or the results from that ward. Wait, until the polls close, geez.


  8. Chris Keifer is president of the school board but sends his kids to catholic school. Do you see any thing wrong there?

        • That’s how it sounds to me, too. I guess the double-dipping ex-deputy doesn’t believe in his own leadership.

        • The same way I feel about my kids. I spent a lot of time, money and energy getting the best for my kids. I’m sorry other children didn’t get the same opportunity from their family. It’s rough on a child from liberal democrat families with multiple fathers and mothers and siblings of unknown parentage. Democrats need to understand the concept of consequences, the consequences children are experiencing is the results of bad programs and decisions.

  9. V. Not sure what you said in your 12:18 post, but, great video of Barney’s “nip it in the bud.”

  10. Yep, that was comedy and this is now, but what we’ve said is a reality, and it really should have been nipped before the buds. We’ll hold the video for now as we always have, as Centrists who don’t vote for your poor cities politics, but do have People there. We care deeply for their well being as that will run forward with the global changes that are coming. Everything “is” going to change dramatically in the near future. “Everybody that’s anybody in science knows that.”
    That local political board room machine can control some small local inputs, its a very minor zit on the planets facial when the changing climate migration plays out forward. No other global region cares….yet.

    That’s the well being index of those whom must pay in and support the solutions.
    Guess what? Your machine always fails that aspect, historically, with no bounce, just pure hard contact. Flat numbered smack downs.
    Get a real plan! Set the Metro regions best assets forward for the good of the ones that do choose to remain and, hope. Hell, all they have to do is move a few miles over a county line, and shoot, same job, a few more minutes getting beat up on the horrendous infrastructure logistics, and viola life goes on and your revenues continue to migrate to your borders accounts. Dumbasses.

    That’s expressed due our solutions for everyone of the overbearing historically recorded problems you all are taking squarely on face for the coming years. Its about actually getting something done that’s scientifically balanced, and perfectly reasonable to move that regions Metro balance forward for everybody concerned.

  11. Get this, Owensboro Kentucky is eating your lunch, and they are actively on the hunt for more sustenance per meal taken, as well. So your breakfast might possibly rate a look, however they’ll
    probably look elsewhere for lunch or dinner provisions .
    While they continue sustaining the growth required to rise above the expected or sometimes overlooked height advantages in the “Game”.

  12. Should the Republicans get control of both houses, they will still have to come up with a 2/3 majority in both houses to over ride the president veto! I see where this has a historical 10% success. Do we see a continuation of gridlock in congress with their “all or nothing” attitude?

    • This will be up to the President. If he vetoes bills passed by both houses of congress he can create gridlock all by himself. He does not have Harry Reid to save him from voting anymore. It will be amusing to hear Obama blame his own vetoes for gridlock.

      • I’m increasing my supply of popcorn and drink for the possible up coming two year event.
        Gridlock won’t be created, just continued with a new twist!

        • Your not to far off, the trending kind of shows that anyway things go. We just wish things to move forward with the science due of the solutions goes a couple of notches towards positive. You well know the balance between the earth and the industries man needs to maintain a positive foothold on it. Takes commitment and that’s real work that can be marked as far more than someone’s passing trend.
          Our groups analytics will keep working on that regardless of the usual political boat anchors we have to drag against the wind.

  13. I say let them cut taxes to zero on the super rich then we’ll see what kind of disaster comes about. Don’t veto their dumbass ideas, Obama. Let then burn down the country and crucify them for it.

  14. Our esteemed (cough, cough) president is downing Tums by the fist full tonight, on top of his other medications. This is a good thing !

    • Mans got work to do tomorrow for America, he’ll be fine. That’s already been observed.
      It comes with the job.

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