IS IT TRUE the health insurance plan for the employees of Vanderburgh County will renew on January 1, 2017? … the plan design will remain the same at renewal? …Vanderburgh County is fully insured by a private insurance company? … that the plan includes an onsite clinic, wellness programs, and chronic illness management? …that the Vanderburgh County plan will renew with a 0% rate adjustment for 2017? …the City of Evansville Health Insurance plan is self funded and is projected to be around $15 million in the red at the end of 2016? …we wonder why in the heck did the City of Evansville choose to continued to be self funded for 2017?

IS IT TRUE the most impressive grass roots campaign conducted on the local level was that of Sean Selby for District #1 Vanderburgh County Commissioner?  …Local GOP Party Chairmen Wayne Parke worked against Mr. Selby during the political caucus?  … Mr. Selby prevailed by winning with 65% of the caucus vote?  …the Courier and Press quoted that Mr. Parke now feels that Sean Selby “should run strongly in heavily Republican precincts outside the city.”  …Mr. Parke also said; I certainly think there’s a chance that he can win this race.”?  …we find Mr. Selby to be extremely smart, friendly and approachable?  …if hard work determines who will be elected to District #1 County Commission seat Mr. Sean Selby should prevail?

IS IT TRUE Mr. Selby’s opponent Ben Shoulders ran a lack luster campaign seemly based around his family  roots and employment with Old National Bank? …because of this his political platform seemly got lost in the mix? … we are told that Mr. Shoulders should had been more open and transparent related to an obvious conflict of interest issue concerning a fellow co-worker at Old National bank moderating the Pan Hellenic Candidate Forum he attended? …when Mr. Shoulders discovered that his fellow co-worker was the moderator of the Pan Hellenic Candidate Forum and didn’t ask her to recuse herself from this panel has hurt him politically? …we find Mr. Shoulders likable and smart?  …if he wins it shall be because of his family roots and not by his waging a smart and aggressive grass roots political campaign?

IS IT TRUE the race between Ryan Hatfield and Johnny Kincaid was extremely delightful to watch?  …both candidates conducted themselves with class and dignity?  …either candidate would serve us well in the State House?

IS IT TRUE the extremely hard working and well respected State Representative Holly Sullivan shall trounce her opponent?

IS IT TRUE the race between Carla Hayden and Zachary Heronemus was interesting to watch?  Mr. Heronemus door to door effort was seemly effective with the undecided voters?  …Mrs. Hayden door to door effort was adequate?  …we give a slight edge to Mrs. Hayden because of the “get out the vote” efforts by the local GOP that may generate enough votes she needs to get elected?  …both candidates are really nice people and either one would serve us well in the Vanderburgh County Court Clerk position?

IS IT TRUE the County Recorder race between current County Court Clerk Debbie Stucki and current Deputy Recorder Shannon Edwards was extremely low keyed?  …we predict that Mr. Stucki is in the political battle of her career?  …it’s common knowledge that Mrs. Stucki did an adequate job in running the County Court Clerk office?  …it’s also well known that Shannon Edwards id doing an extremely good job as the current Deputy Recorder? …both are very nice people? …we give a slight edge to Shannon Edwards to be elected as the next County Recorder of Vanderburgh County?

IS IT TRUE the results of  County Corner race will be called early?  …that the popular Vanderburgh Deputy Corner Steve Lockyear will defeat his opponents handily?

IS IT TRUE the race between Stephen Melcher and Cheryl Musgrave for District  #3 County Commissioner is turning out to be a real political barn burner?  …Commissioner Melcher is low keyed and Mrs.  Musgrave is extremely aggressive and out spoken?  …Commissioner Melcher enjoys the support among Mayor Winnecke and his key supporters, the “Indiana’s Right To Life”,  local Fraternal Order of Police, Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave Wedding, S W Indiana Building Trades and area Veterans organizations?  …Mrs. Musgrave has the support of Builders Association, Area Reality group and the more conservative voters in the County?  …this race is extremely to close to call?

IS IT TRUE it looks like Angela Koehler Lindsey and Mike Goebel are odds on favorite to be re-elected to the Vanderburgh County Council At Large seats?  …we predict that the other person to be elected to the County Council will either be Joe Kiefer or Nicholas Wildeman?

IS IT TRUE there are two positions to fill on the Judge Of The Superior Court of Vanderburgh County?  …the Honorable Chief Judge Richard G D’Armour and the Honorable Judge Robert Pigman are running unopposed?  ….by all rights they should be running unopposed because they both have done an outstanding job on the bench?  …we urge you to give them a strong vote of confidence by voting for them on November 8, 2016?

IS IT TRUE that Susan Kirk is running unopposed for Vanderburgh County Treasurer office?  …Ms. Kirk has done an outstanding job in this position?  …Ms. Kirk is also extremely popular with Civic Center employees and the public alike? …she is also considered to be the “Dean of the Civic Center Politics”? …we urge you to also give her a strong vote of confidence on November 8, 2016?

IS IT TRUE the current members of the District #1 and District #3 the Vanderburgh County School Board are running unopposed?  …current school board members Terry Gamblin and Karen Ragland have been no more than rubber stamps for the Superintendent of Schools?  …School Board member Jeffrey Worthington has been a little more independent and out spoken against the Administration and could merit a complimentary  vote except for one thing?  …we are bothered by not knowing the reason why officer Worthington was abruptly transferred from the position of  Mater Dei High school liaison officer to a 3rd shift position with the EPD?

IS IT TRUE tomorrow we shall be doing overviews on the remaining races listed on the ballot?


Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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City County Observer has been serving our community for 15 years.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistribute.



  1. Good luck tomorrow.
    If you lose, be a stand-up guy. Admit you got beat. If your guy was gonna win, then HE WOULD WIN.

    This, “He’s gonna destroy her” suddenly being replaced with “Well, she wasn’t fair! It ain’t fair!”… disgusting, small, pathetic, looks like a loser, and worse, it MAKES YOU A JOKE.

    • …you need more votes Pressanykey.
      You have a problem.
      Your guy ain’t gonna win.
      It doesn’t matter what you think. It only matters whether you have enough votes.

      You need more votes Press.
      Are you preparing to change ALL of your posts to WHINING Pressanykey?

        • ..” For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear .. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths ..”

  2. Melcher has been low keyed? I must be the only one to have seen his ads against Musgrave, then? Maybe low keyed for a Democrat. The Right to Life and Winnecke endorsements should be enough to warn voters.

  3. The latest decision by FBI Director James Comey is just another installment in the comedy of errors issuing from his office. The Justice Department, and the FBI have been compromised by the Clinton cartel, as evidenced by the exposure of Bill Clinton’s private meeting with Loretta Lynch aboard Lynch’s plane in Phoenix Arizona in advance of James Comey’s first announcement that Hillary had violated the law, but would not be indicted.

    What follows is more background on the matter by former Clinton insider Dick Morris:

    • (….this is just more whining. You’re mad cause you’re losing. Win next time. This whining is OLD Press. Get new material.)

  4. What an opportunity we have tomorrow! We can get rid of the smelly mess currently emanating from the White House, reclaim our United States Department of Justice, reclaim the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reclaim the Internal Revenue Service, all while stopping the greatest threat to this country we have ever faced. The only choice in tomorrows election is Donald Trump if you want to restore government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

    • The smelly mess in Washington are those good for nothing Congressional members like Mitch McConnell saying his only job was to make Obama’s presidency go down bad in the history books. He called this “one of the proudest moments” of his political career, a moment of complete intransigence and thumbing his nose at America’s democratic traditions by denying a sitting U.S. President’s nominee to the Supreme Court or even a hearing. A stark reminder of the practiced by Mitch McConnell, and fitting that he should cite this as one of proudest moments.

      People like Jason Chaffetz, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, saying he will waste years of taxpayers money investigating Clinton if she becomes President. Literally threatening her.

      These Republicans have sat on their asses collecting pay and benefits while they did NOTHING. That my friends is the problem with the political system today. Trump has put a considerable fracture in the Republican party and they deserve every single bit of the backlash coming their way. The most fitting of which would be the loss of the slim hold the have as the majority.
      No sitting President has ever endured the lack of respect and complete disregard of the Democratic system that they have dished out to Obama. Pure racism is a large part of this treatment. They did not want the first African American President to be a success. They will not want the first female to be a success either. It is a threat to the good old boys. Trump may be an extreme version of “good old boys” but better to them than that woman or a minority because they are so threatened by their success.

      The RNC, Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz have all jumped on board the Crazy Trump Train because they realized their jobs and the control of Congress were being threatened.

      When you look forward to the future and “the change” we need to remember it is not going to happen with no working Congress. Without bipartisan working across the aisle. We need to look at who has really been holding the Democracy of this country hostage.

      • Normally, this sort of pap you’ve posted is saved for after an election has been lost, ralph. But, then, you are under the misunderstanding that we live in a national democracy when it’s actually a republic, so it is easy to overlook you’re errors. But, when you play the racist card as you have done, it’s obvious you aren’t merely ignorant of about your government, you’re also a brick thrower hoping to incite.

        The Founders’ warning about folks like you should be heeded by all.

        • ……disaffected, you throw stones like a child.

          Your writing is a mile wide and an inch deep, and totally insignificant. (Like….NOT ONCE did you indicate how…what he wrote…is incorrect.) This post – is typical and tedious of everything you write here disaffected.

          Ole Ralph is DEAD-ON…….your problem is that what he wrote is accurate, and even more, the people you vote for, they lose a lot.

          • (….btw, “Yawn” = agree.)

            I will give you credit, such an answer is wholly consistent with every other thing you write here, tedious and typical – white cotton ball answers – disaffected.

          • BTW what happened to no LKB no B4H? Just remember, we have to share this country after you lose, and either way ou lose.

        • Agreed disaffected. I wish these leftest would number their points so we wouldn’t have to read through a whole post to see what we are being called. Yeah Yeah, we hate Obama because he is black and Hillary because she is a woman. zzzzzzzz

          • …..and I-E chimes in, again, finding himself defending the same old tired naked bigotry accusations. Trump is a bigot guys. This quality and character deficiency is leading to his loss….because if it were not true, he would win in a landslide.

            Please enjoy your last day having to defend this wholly obvious and accurate problem.

          • Indiana Enoch:
            Laughable. And what is it that is laughable?
            That you have REDEFINED that “being conservative means you must support bigotry.”

            “So Mr. Enoch, your point is that a pro-business, low taxes, small government voter is a LIBERAL unless he embraces that the USA is a ‘white Christian country?”

            Indiana Enoch: “Yes. That’s exactly right. They’re all liberals.”

            We will find out, TODAY, if you are right……on your redefining “liberal” Indiana Enoch.
            (….like I said, I think your audacious change to what it means to be “a liberal these days” is a bad joke.)

          • Wrong as always B4H. we will find out who is our next president today. who was right will be at a future date.

            Right to life and religious protection are also conservative issues, but like most liberals and RINOs you are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. In fact, you have become so socially liberal that you will aid the election of a fiscal liberal at the risk of your grandchildren’s future.

            But go on, squawk bigot some more. That’s just who you have become.

    • As has been quoted” ..”Nations receive rulers that is desiring of deed ..”

  5. There are all kinds of articles describing how Senator Harry Reid from Nevada outgunned, outwitted and outsmarted Donald Trump dealing the Trump campaign a death blow.

    And even more news articles about how after Donald Trump fails in the Election, Trump TV will never be a network because the average viewer is uneducated, 75+ year old men – a disaster for all advertisers:

  6. Fox News is now reporting
    that Hillary Clinton is now pulling away from Donald Trump in all of the final Polls.

    Fox is also saying that Trump said Mitt Romney choked in 2012, but that Trump is a failure, and is gonna lose by even more than Romney. They’re saying Trump is a bigger choker.

    McCain is now tweeting that Trump is choking, and he’s gonna lose.
    McCain said:
    “I like winners. I don’t like people who lose and who choke.”

    • Donald Swallowed The Apple. Choke-Boy Extraordinaire. After tomorrow he’ll never be able to hurt America again. People will still smile and nod, but only for as long as it takes to move past him.

    • I’m with you JoeBiden. This is ALL about hope. And…
      WILDCAT, UNABASHED, INTELLIGENT, WISE and CELEBRATED REJECTION OF THE FAKE, REALITY TV STAR TRUMP…… Americans, gives me hope Joe. There’s real hope there Joe…you are 100% right.

      • Mr. Becker, I guess you didn’t bother to watch the video. It’s full of real Americans.

        • Hey Joe:

          Real Americans? Joe….It has to be the most frustrating thing in the world for you to support and vote for Donald Trump, when you know…..KNOW….he’s a NYC progressive liberal. It has to drive you NUTS to disagree with every policy Trump advocates……but put up with that…..and be quiet about it…..without ever getting the chance to just freakin’ COP TO THE FACT YOU LOVE IT, that Trump is a bigot.

          For you to sit on that all election Joe, it’s gotta make your blood boil not to just be able to cop to being a bigot and say out loud: “Your G-Dam right I am! And I am a REAL white American.”

    • …..there are some people in here with some MASSIVE credit card bills due. Press and JoeBiden.

      They’re gonna blame everyone is sight for maxing out Daddy’s credit line too. You watch.

  7. Caddell: Voters See DNC/CNN-Type Collusion as ‘Threat to Democracy’

    “Breitbart News reported the revelation on Monday: “A new WikiLeaks dump of Democratic Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails shows CNN asked the party’s political operatives to draft questions for anchors Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper to interview Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.”

    Caddell said Monday, “That’s why [CNN] did not want to have an investigation about Donna Brazile–because they know what they’ve all been doing. The media has been blatant.””

  8. Required reading:

    The real story behind Hillary’s reckless failure to protect classified information

    “Mrs. Clinton had a habit of traipsing around the backyards of our adversaries with her now notorious unencrypted smartphone in hand. The notion that a foreign government can hack our entire security clearance database, but did not or could not hack the Secretary of State’s personal server while it was pinging off their own country’s wireless network, is preposterous. Mrs. Clinton was informed by Diplomatic Security agents that she should leave her device on her official plane and turned off – she simply ignored them. It’s no wonder that the FBI recently announced with a 99 percent certainty that Mrs. Clinton’s server was hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies.”

  9. The time has come to make a decision and vote. If you are feeling a little dirty about casting a vote for either of the major candidates, I have an alternative to write in.

    Karen Wallace for President

    Lesa Bodnar for Vice President

    No lies, No Cheat, No Steal, Maybe a Little Cussing.

    • For Christ sakes…..BENGHAZI links. Really. BENGHAZI links.

      Press, that dumpster you are sitting in, it’s in flames, Sir.

    • That is the Hillary Clinton run State Department for you. She got 4 good men killed and one of them was her Ambassador! I shudder to think that she might be put in charge of the armed forces of our Country, and how many more good Americans might die because of novice mistakes like not vetting contractors. Trump is right, all of her so called “experience” has been BAD experience!


    Your famous LA Times?
    They’ve made their final forecast……and it is not pretty for you:

    LA TIMES election forecast:

    Hillary Clinton – 352 Electoral College Votes
    Donald Trump – 186


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