IS IT TRUE November 21, 2014


IS IT TRUE that it is now 2 days beyond the latest promised date that the construction of the downtown convention hotel was to start?…sure, it snowed on the latest scheduled start date and now the Mayor’s office put out a press release using the word “cusp” to describe how close the hotel is to being started?…cusp is an interesting tern to use because mathematically it is an instantaneous occurrence between two parts of a curve that are very far from the cusp?…think about standing on the head of a pin or on the top of the tallest spire on a suspension bridge and that would put you on a cusp?…the ingredients for a sustainable start remains a check from Old National Bank for $14 million, a bond issue form the City of Evansville for $20 Million, and $37.5 million from HCW in cash and final loan approvals?…sticking a shovel in the ground and calling it construction would be nothing be theatrics just like the ones we have been treated to since 2008?

IS IT TRUE a headline yesterday claimed that “violent crime is down. In Evansville”?… This was certainly good news for a city that needs some good news so the CCO dug into the reality of the claim and found it to be technically true but very misleading?…the reality of the good news is that in 2013 there were exactly 4 out of 373 less violent crimes committed for each 100,000 members of the population?…the number for 2013 was also the third highest violent crime in the last 10 years and is higher than both the 5 and 10 year trailing averages for violent crime?..the reality is that violent crime in Evansville has been wavering in the 350 per 100,000 per year rate for over 20 years?…the reality is that violent crime in Evansville is at steady state and has not changed substantially since most of us were kids?…the latest news is neither a reason to celebrate nor is it a reason to pack your bags for safer places?

IS IT TRUE City Council members Jonathan Weaver and Missy Mosby are leading an effort to commit the Evansville Sewer and Water Utility to pay for the repairs needed to install the Johnson Controls water meters?…this seems like a very practical way to move forward without putting a financial monkey on the back of some of our citizens right now?…the proposal essentially makes the City of Evansville a revolving credit account for affected homeowners as they are expected to pay it back with their property taxes over then next few years?…in many cases this proposal really kicks the can down the road?…at the end of the day the City will have shoved an expensive repair down the throats of some homeowners and attached payment to their homes?…the short term affects of this proposal are fine but the long term reality is not?…a day will come when someone will lose their home because of Weinzapfel’s last folly?

IS IT TRUE President Obama has moved forward with a deferral of deportations of roughly 5 million people who are in the United States illegally?…while we understand the humanitarian and practical reality of this situation, the way the country got to this point is an amateurish comedy of nonsense?…the President opined time and time again when his party was in power that doing what he just did would be a violation of the constitution?…we are not constitutional lawyers so we will not even attempt to opine on the legality of the President’s executive order, but HE is a constitutional lawyer and just contradicted his own assertion?…this could have been done during Obama’s first two years the right way but it wasn’t?…he could have pulled the executive order out of his hat during the last four years or anytime in the next two years?…there is only one time period when President Obama could make an aggressive action in the face of the newly elected Republican majority and that time ends on December 31?…this writer coined the term “Ellis Desert” in 2007 to describe a legal system of processing brown people into the United States just as white people were processed in at Ellis Island?…this writer welcomes all people from all nations who come to our shores yearning for a better life and the freedom we Americans take for granted?…I just wish our President would have allowed the new congress an opportunity to do this the right way without flaming up the populace by an executive order that he himself is on record calling illegal?

IS IT TRUE all of that aside this writer had the privilege of speaking at an award ceremony for Latino entrepreneurs in Coachella, CA last night?…two of the winners are my clients, and both are immigrants?…the winners are the kind of people who have made America great and will continue to do so?…one my business counselors is one of the people who has had deportation hanging over his head every day for many years?…he is also an educated person with talent and energy?…this person makes me better and is instrumental in mentoring Latino entrepreneurs?…it was a festive night that I shall never ever forget as the joy of the day outweighed the rotten behavior of our congress and our President?


  1. ?…the reality of the good news is that in 2013 there were exactly 4 out of 373 less violent crimes committed for each 100,000 members of the population?
    2014 is not over yet.

    • I would venture a guess that the drop of 4 violent crimes can probably be accounted for by the probable drop in population. It’s been awhile since the census, and we all know what the population trends are.

  2. As for the meter deal. You are still making people pay for something that was not broke before the city’s contractor touched it. In the pits I have examined personally the only thing I have found was galvanized pipe, not rusted or leaking. Apparently if you have galvanized pipe they are saying it is faulty even if it is not rusty or leaking. I live in a 100 year old house. I have replaced the galvanized pipes with copper. This was my choice to do on my schedule an budget. If you are careful an use two wrenches for equal pressure a real plumber should have no problems with galvanized pipes. I have changed thousands an have only broke a couple. You people are being duped.

    • I had changed all of mine as well. To be fair, mine was in a basement/crawl space which is likely what you had as well. When galvanized pipes are in contact with dirt/moisture 24/7, those external pipe threads are not always favorable!

    • Forgot to mention that I had heard that in the older sections of town that the meters were attached in a direct line instead of the “yoke?” style that is common today which may be causing some issues. Without doing that work ourselves, are we just “armchair” plumbers?

      • Yes this is true. Setters with shut offs in the pit were not common till the late seventies. A lot of the older ones can an have been retrofitted with a resetter. I was in a safety meeting in the early 2000s where the water supt told the meter dept head to put resetters in pits that did not have them for safety reasons. We had had several employees injured turning off street shut offs.
        While I may be a arm chair plumber now I was a real one for several decades. I smell a rat.

        • I see I’m the only “arm chair” plumber now! I had been “around” it for 38 years while those “pipers” did their thing!

  3. Hotel: Do we really need this? Would it not serve the same purposed to transform that block into a “gated” lot where the elite can pull into, with valet parking? They then could take the new elevator up to the new Walnut Street crossover to their own skybox/wet bar floor? This would allow the elite not to rub elbows with us peasants. (This would support the have and have not mentality, unlike in 1956 when Robert Stadium was “we all” set as a community” instead of being “divided”!

    Water meters: When the first 40% were installed with no cost to home owners, the other 60% must be installed the same!

    Executive Order: Looks to be tactics are being played out that is similar to opposing managers (president and congress) in a World Series game! We can be “arm chair” analyst all day, our voice will not be heard in “DC”! The questions to wonder. 1986 created a clean slate on illegals at that time. 2014 appears to be slowly heading that way again. Nothing appear to had been fixed in 1986, and the same appears in 2014. I see in another 28 years and this may be played out again! Is this cycle never ending?

  4. Oh, you mean wait and let the Republicans do it and take all the credit for it…. Got ya. They had an opportunity to do it now with a huge house majority but chose the partisan road once again.

  5. Editor Quote: ……..just as “white people” were processed in at Ellis Island. Care to “rephrase” that? Note that you praised the ones that fits your business ventures that came thru “Dessert Island”, but not the white one!

  6. When your Poll numbers are as Low as dirt, the Voting Citizens have just pounded you at the Ballot box, Your “ObamaCare legacy” is exposed as based on Lies, –What’s to lose in thumbing your nose at the Constitution, and the Oath you swore to the American People?
    History will not be kind to Obama’s Imperial Presidency, but –he is now looking at the long game,–the Latinos, and the Liberals will worship him,– and vote as Democrats.
    .—Obama with his EO, sees he has “lost” the battle for “today”, but expects his actions will in time, will bring Victory for Socialism.
    Obiviously, The Constitution be Damned, — He still considers his Primary goal a possibility.

    • …Crash, you’re whining. Just hollering’ and panting and double-pumping your fists on your highchair!

      “Obama is a dictator! I hate oatmeal!”

      The Republican Party intends to do very little about Obama’s moves on immigration last night, because they AGREE.

      It IS good policy. Latinos are the ideal upcoming American citizen – they work hard, they have a strong family unit, they are great supporters of churches and schools and they want a better life for their children. THAT is family values, and the GOP is right to embrace this start to citizenship for millions of Latino families.

      I know the Tea Party hates the idea. They need to MOVE ON.

      • Shem. You have just described hundreds of millions of people from around the world. Open the gates (wait a minute, there are no gates) and let them all in? Amnesty for millions is good policy only if the goal of your policy is the destruction of The United States Of America for strictly political reasons.
        BTW. Your family values description is a perfect description of “tea party” members.

        • COMMONSENSE……which is PRECISELY why you would think Tea Party “members” would support it.

          But let’s stop the pretense C-S. No more bullshit.

          You are right. The Latino communities characteristics of hard-working, family-values, strong family units, not to mention church-going members of the community…are ALL what you agree are excellent characteristics.

          SO, the Tea Party “members” can tell lies that they believe “in the rule of the law”…but WE BOTH KNOW…

          …it is because the Latino community’s skin is brown and they have an hispanic accent when they speak (for now anyway, once full Americans, that goes away).

          And Tea Party members prefer their community stay white and don’t want to have to deal with that. Now you don’t want to cop to that, even though it pisses you off you have to do it.

          But it is accurate.

          • River, you have a good head on your shoulders and I have seen many insightful comments by you, but the tea party phobia you have ruins you. I am not a tea party member. I attended one rally because I wanted to meet Kristi Risk Wonderful person. I have several friends who are more involved with the tea party, and while a few are off the wall, most are by far just average Americans venting their grievances as the constitution guarantees their right to do so. I have been far more disenfranchised by the RINOs who are foolish enough to believe republicans need to become more like democrats.

            Seriously Shem, the tea party I know is not the xenophobes you claim, and the democrats and RINOs are not pro-minority. They see minorities as a useful voting block as long as they are a dependent class. However, minority groups are beginning to wake up to that.

            What we need is enforcement of our immigration laws. Otherwise, why have any laws? Obama’s EO has signaled the opening of a side door to immigration that is going to result in another rush on our borders. That is not saying anything about the upsetting of the balance of powers his action is causing. And don’t tell me Reagan and Bush did the same thing. They didn’t.

          • IE, Yes to the enforcement of our immigration laws! If not, lets take law enforcement off the streets for we have no need for the enforcement of any traffic laws. Do away with drug enforcement, let looting be allowed! No enforcement of paying taxes. The list goes on! When amnesty was granted in the 80’s, it did allow “illegal” migration to happen again without known repercussion! Had the 1980’s amnesty worked, would we be discussing this today?

      • I like Oatmeal.
        I’m just on the side lines watching, as Obama continues to self destruct for the good of the Party.
        It’s all a matter of perspective I guess, on how you want to “call” the “Game”.
        –Obama’s actions are a long way from Checkmate.

      • What POTUS did is not a “start to citizenship” for undocumented workers. All he did was call a slow down on the most vigorous deportations in the history of this country. He’s already deported more Latinos than W did in his entire eight years. The President’s actions are, however, morally right AND political genius. He has put the immigration ball in the right wing’s court and that will be a huge “wedge issue” between the mainstream Republicans and the far right’s “shining stars”. I predict that it is going to get really ugly between the two factions, but the money is on the side of the extremists. It is karma for the backers of Citizens United, IMO.
        I am pleased that the threat of deportation has been lifted from the shoulders of Joe’s employee and many others like him. The reality is that many undocumented workers are a needed, integral part of this country, and the rise of the Tealiban and groups that are even worse is proof that we need an infusion of “new blood” in this nation’s gene pool.

        • …with respect, YES they are on their way to citizenship. And that is a fantastic thing. The Latino community represents the best of American values of hard work and strong stable employees who want a better life for your family. And the Republican Party knows that.

        • As far as “deported more Latinos than W did in his entire eight years,” isn’t that like praising someone for bailing harder after they made the hole in the boat? By ignoring our border security, this country has been endangered and to allow 5 million people, who broke the law, concessions and benefits will only encourage others to do likewise. Since I live in the Huntingburg/Dale area, we have many wonderful families of Hispanic origin and, I suspect, there are a few who skirted the immigration laws but most are warm, friendly and hard-working. I am not against those who want to become citizens (even though, Shem, I haven’t noticed that those who do instantly lose their accent). I agree that POTUS’ advisers came up with a plan of “political genius” that will reflect badly on the Republican Party even if they try to defend America; it will become another case of political correctness run amok.

          • I think you will find that POTUS doubled the number of guards on the border. I think you will also find that fewer undocumented workers came across the border than came in through our airports and ports. They then overstayed their visas and/or work permits.

      • Lost in the debate is the fact that these 5 million people, I will say it again so the number sinks in, 5 million people, chose not to apply for entrance to our country through the proper legal channels. They thumbed their noses at our immigration laws and simply crossed our borders illegally.

        Evidently Homeland Security can do nothing about 5 million people in the country illegally. I see today though that Homeland Security has offered deportation protection to Ebola patients entering our country.

        This country has been turned on its head. Black is white and left is right and our enemies are really our friends.

        • P-A-K,

          Are you delirious? Are you under some impression your ancestors and 99% of Evansville’s ancestors applied for citizenship BEFORE they came to the USA?

          They did NOT. YOUR ancestors, and MY ancestors all crossed the border with all of their belongings and CAME IN to the country. And they asked to be a citizen.

          • Are YOU delirious? My ancestors came to America as British subjects who were subject to British taxes in this country. Have you ever heard of the Mecklenburg Declaration? Would that declaration have been necessary if those who signed it were not living under British rule?

            You may thank my ancestors who served in the Revolution for the fact that YOU have a country to call your own.

          • PAK, Thanks for my history lesson of the day. Interesting history from the two different sites I went to on this. Seems there is a little controversy on this which made it more interesting! My ancestors came from what is now Germany around 1830-40’s so we had to come through “check point charley”! Many of the original settlers out my way came from the colonies as you had mention. We kraut heads that came took this area over which was once English people. A person would be surprised of the percentage of people here from whom their ancestors were subject to the British. Go across the Ohio River and the percentage higher be yet!

        • ” They thumbed their noses at our immigration laws and simply crossed our borders illegally.”

          That is simply untrue, Press. A good many of them came here legally and built a life here that they could not bring themselves to abandon. You normally present well-researched facts, but apparently emotion ( a rather ugly one) ruled here.

          • When it comes to illegal aliens, you don’t. He’s right. those who come here legally do not need amnesty.

          • LKB:

            I think it is your emotions that cause you to make allowances for changing facts in your own mind in order to suit your world view, when that view does not comport with the facts.

            The older I get the less tolerant I become of the political correctness that is killing this country. Sooner or later, some cataclysmic event in this country will force citizens to line up on one side or the other. When that line in the sand is finally drawn, the people who currently control the media will find out that there propaganda was not subscribed to by nearly as many citizens as they thought.

            An analogy would be our local yellow printed rag that has not even made a pretense of hiding the fact they have bought completely into the liberal socialist agenda. The people of this region however, by their own admission in polls, claim to be conservative respecters of the documents that formed our constitutional republic. If a visitor to our city was reading the paper, they might form one opinion about the local populace. But if a line were drawn in the sand, local polls on conservative values versus liberal values indicate that the conservative line would be larger. That in spite of the daily barrage of propaganda from the local media.

          • @ Press Any Key:
            “But if a line were drawn in the sand, local polls on conservative values versus liberal values indicate that the conservative line would be larger. ”

            You are absolutely right about “local” polls probable outcome. Why would anyone expect better of such a backward place, with such an uneducated populace? The last time I looked, mob rule was not the order of the day, but if it was, I don’t think the locals are representative of this country.
            I really don’t believe that conservatives respect the Constitution as much as they claim. That is just a “excuse” to try to uphold a status quo, rather than looking at the evolution of human rights.

          • LKB:

            Perhaps you would be happier in Hamilton county. The percentage of college grads for Vanderburgh county aged 24+ is 22%, while the percentage for the entire of state of Indiana is 28%. But in the rarefied air of Hamilton county, 55% of the population 24+ has a college degree.


          • Sorry LKB:

            Make that 23% for the entire state of Indiana. that is 1% above Vanderburgh. Didn’t mean to slight my fellow citizens.

        • There are at least 12 million illegal here, which includes expired vista’s. I recall 8-10 years ago that there was congressional talk of signing all the illegals in one day’s time! Anyone remember that? This many illegals creates that many unemployed. Think about it, if a certain number of them are working, that same number of legal residents can not be employed and becomes a liability to the government! This becomes 12 million on the government dime, no matter which way you twist it! As far as the legal immigration, we have been averaging about a million a year on that for close to ten years. And our jobs keep getting outsourced!

    • I guess dirt is not to bad, another 10-15 percentage points drop and he can be at the “bottom” of the barrel and join GWB!

    • he had the authority to do what he is doing. He is not doing anything unconstitutional. He has the authority as POTUS to do what he did yesterday. He is not a kin g at all. Stop calling him crazy names and start respecting the office. If you don’t like the way we elected our President then move to Mexico or Canada.

      The GOP congress poll numbers are not that good to be gloating about them. And there was no mandate for the GOP to do any thing. Lowest voter turn out since the 1930’s does not equal any mandates.

      If congress doesn’t like the way that Obama is doing things with Immigration then they should get their act together and pass some legislation. They are all talk and no action. They blame everyone else for their lack of taking care of the American Peoples business. They could have passed legislation dealing with immigration a long time ago and failed to act on the Senate’s bi patrician bill. All this current house has done it to try to stop anything and everything that Obama tired to do.

      These clowns in the Congress are in need of a thorough change over.

      • So why is it that the POTUS himself who taught constitutional law said for years that it would be illegal for him to do this? This president is all politics all the time with no respect for the rule of law and no use for honesty. It wouldn’t be nearly so insulting if Obama hadn’t hidden behind the illegality card for 6 years. He is nothing but a master manipulator.

        • He said it would have been unconstitutional for him to issue an EO that did the things he was being urged to do by some in the Latino community, and what he wants to see done. Therefore, he issued an EO that was not as far-reaching as was hoped for, but it was within the purview of his powers.
          I am always amazed at the bright people who seize on such dumb arguments and refuse to see the truth.

          • Another mindless puppet of the White House talking points has spoken. I guess you think he never said “if you like your doctor and your insurance you can keep it period” either. For a party that seems to think they have the market cornered on brains you are sounding pretty damn stupid.

          • BS, You can get your point across on this site without those “school yard” words!
            It’s fair to “attack/add to” the post made, but not personally attacking the poster!

          • @BS Detector: Or, in the alternative, YOU may be the mindless puppet of the far-right talking points, etc. Just sayin’……..

      • An amazingly exciting change is coming in January!

        Btw kiddies, has anyone heard yet tonight about the IRS IG discovering some 30,000 emails from Lois Lerners ten year ? Can you say Pucker Factor? I think ya can ! LOL !!

    • …..I think that was a “different” Editor. LKB, reading today’s IIT and it’s more mature tone, you agree with that now?

    • Editor: please correct the bit from yesterday when you said the Mayor did NOT lie re: the Bonds. Several posters noted that the S&P negative trend on Waterworks Bond was in Sept. 2013. When Mayor stepped to microphone in May 2014 to defend the changed audit opinion and said the bonds were strong, he had a case of forked-tongue.

      Please set the record straight.

  7. It figures that Messy and the Beav would try to “lead” citizens into a costly shell game. They’re not going to mess with JCI, because the company has great potential for campaign donations and there is an election coming up.
    I think the Editor has hit on a very interesting concept in the idea of a “sustainable start” on the construction of the useless convention hotel. I wonder if Hizzoner may slip another couple of million dollars to HCW in order to finance a “Potemkin village” construction start, and hope that some really dumb investor comes along and saves him the embarrassment of admitting another, rather spectacular “fail”.

    • Are these loans like contractor liens? How will they affect selling and getting loans on these homes? You will be paying for something that was not broke before the city decided to fix it. That should not be the citys choice.

      • I am referring to the financing of the convention hotel that Carol and her husband say we need to make the Ford Center successful. I don’t happen to believe that the hotel will help correct the folly of the Ford Center.
        The Mayor apparently has some discretion about the release of the City’s share of the funding, as he has already “upped” nearly $1 million to HCW. If you recall, Earthcare got $200,000 of the funding that they conned the city into giving them. I can surely see the possibility of sliding a little more cash their way to make it look like construction is underway, before the whole thing folds because of failure to secure the portion of financing for the project that is to come from the private sector. We’ll have a couple of big holes in the ground and maybe some concrete to show for the money.

        • “We’ll have a couple of big holes in the ground and maybe some concrete to show for the money”.

          Per Jed Clampett: ” cement pond”.

          Hope to see Ellie May out there taking a dip real soon !

    • Wow, you must really be a huge fan of Sec. Clinton and/or Sen. Warren! You’re already counting the days until they take over.

  8. “and hope that some really dumb investor comes along” Geez, you can say that again.
    The actual usability cost “cusp” of the sites environmental balance of utility infrastructure has only worsened with time, as well. (Predictable)

    r/. 1. a pointed end where two curves meet, in particular.
    ARCHITECTURE a projecting point between small arcs in Gothic tracery.
    a cone-shaped prominence on the surface of a tooth, especially of a molar or premolar.
    ANATOMY a pocket or fold in the wall of the heart or a major blood vessel that fills and distends if the blood flows backward, so forming part of a valve.

    MATHEMATICS a point at which the direction of a curve is abruptly reversed.
    each of the pointed ends of a crescent, especially of the moon.

    r/. 2. ASTROLOGY the initial point of an astrological sign or house.
    “he was Aries on the cusp with Taurus”

  9. Obama has outmoved the obstructionists again. Again they show their impotence by stomping their clubfeet and doubling down on their idle threats. Any false equivalency between the president and the truly worthless congress is, as its name implies, false.

    What’s that hotel for again? We are not a convention city anymore, nor will we be again. Raw sewage abounds, stinking up the place and fouling the river. Winnecke does not seem to understand that, or the circumstances of his election. He has no mandate to blow money on downtown like he has. He does have a mandate to fix the sewer system. He should devote the rest of his tenure to addressing that very important problem, rather than leaving it to his successor.

    • Here’s more bad news for the obstructionists:…

      They can’t defund the President’s EO on immigration, according to the House Appropriations Committee.

      • If you thinkem that government is good for the people, just lookem at how things are on the reservation. How Indians live and how they are treated is all directly traceable to the US government. Me thinkem that Obama is no better than yellow hair Custer for native peoples.

      • I just went to that site. Sessions says no to impeachment. Can not defund something, that runs on fees. Herbert Hoover in 1930 had made the farthest reach EO pertaining to immigration.

    • Obama has the Mother of all Butt Clinches going on right now. They found Lois Lerner’s emails! LOL !!

    • Actually, IE, you’re way off base. The lawsuit Dr. Turley is handling has to do with the postponing of the employer mandate in ACA. The Department of Health and Human Services and the Treasury Dept., along with their directors are the ONLY defendants named in the suit. It does NOT EVEN name the President.

  10. You have to laugh at the frantic antics of the mom’s-basement-dwelling liberals like poor little Toad and Dan Bana. These same temper tantrum tykes used to pitch hissysissy fits over at the C&P about Dubya’s alleged illegalities. Now, after all that sobbing and wailing, and their clueless claims that Soros’ minion, Emperor No-Hopey, would “restore the rule of law,” they rush to defend their god-emperor’s trampling of the law. “Pass a bill,” says our petulant Fuhrer–sorry, Emperor Dopey No-Hopey–Congress has already passed a bunch of bills that clearly establish the criminality of the actions you now want to enable. Emperor Empty-Suit has now removed whatever doubt any sane person might have had about his low intelligence, his desire to be a dictator, and his contempt for the rule of law.

    • There’s something bad wrong with you. You should concern yourself more with your own mom’s foul basement, maybe even offer to muck it out for the old girl. Such florid crap and you never manage to get a cognizant thought out before going back underground. Typical sissy.

      • Hey don’t respond to those lil’ d’s . Not worth a burnt tenth of a UTC. The basements a good thing for ’em considering the priority involved with the office those boneheads attack on line……. geez. Scored and prioritized by value, let’em howl or sport being a whacko-equine.

        The wacko equine, that is “special”.

  11. Actually, the sissies are those liberals who like to make big talk about spying on their fellow Americans and threaten to denounce them to the IRS for, well, something, and then…send a clueless harridan to do their dirty work, while they themselves huddle in their moms’ basements.

    While Emperor No-Hopey preens and struts, and his dim-bulb Demo-dhimmis spew their idiocy, what they fail to note is that the really big losers in the imperial decree of Emperor Illegal are not the 1-percenters, but poor, unskilled Americans, especially African-Americans, who will now be turfed in order to hire illegally-legalized illegals. Not even in the racist dreams of that well-known Democrat organization, the Klan, is there a measure that will hurt poor blacks as badly as what No-Hopey has now done.

  12. damns barry just put the screws to mys liberal black brothers and sisters with all these illegals its times to votes for the GOP………..

  13. serious it is not love and compassion if you have a life boat for 10 and 30 get on it is destruction for everyone they all drown………same on barrys latest executive order we have over 92 million Americans not in the work force over 42 million Americans on food stamps…… barry is without a doubt overwhelming the system to bring this country down without a doubt…..barry hussein obama the Manchurian president…………………………………………..

  14. Again, in a low whisper so all lean in close to hear ……………….. They found Lois Lener’s emails.

    Film at 11:00 !


    • I guess you’re trying to draw attention away from the fact that the BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI! investigation is OVER. It is official. Not even nutjobs Trey Gowdy and Darrel Issa could come up with any “dirt” on POTUS or Sec. Clinton. Word is that there was NO WRONG-DOING (Stand-Down Order or Conspiracy). That made the Friday News Dump.
      Don’t get too happy over some emails, there won’t be anything in them.

  15. LERNER, before too many choose to be spelling cops to distract from another delightful failing of Barack (Barry) Hussein Obama (Soetoro).

    • No! @move on focus to the source, procedure specifies its just some kind of “horse shit” leave the bovine connection outta this one. Pound for pound, horse shit, is less palatable than bullshit. When objectively broken down by elemental balance…….. “Good tomatoes, or over bent ones.” 🙂

      (of food or drink) pleasant to taste.
      “a very palatable local red wine”
      synonyms: edible, eatable, digestible, tasty, appetizing, flavorful; formalcomestible
      “palatable meals”
      antonyms: tasteless, insipid
      (of an action or proposal) acceptable or satisfactory.
      “a device that made increased taxation more palatable”
      synonyms: pleasant, acceptable, pleasing, agreeable, to one’s liking
      “the truth is not always palatable”

  16. Appears that this issue with the IRS and this Lerner person is being done through a “bi-partisan” committee.
    That is all that a person can ask for in this case!

    • Yes, it is, just like the Benghazi tragedy was. I don’t see any of the far right accusers of POTUS and Sec. Clinton apologizing for false allegations, though. The investigations are all completed and there was no conspiracy or stand down order, but not one person who yelled there was will acknowledge that they were wrong.

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