IS IT TRUE? November 2, 2011 McCurdy hits Another Fowl Ball: Pigeons Safe for 30 More Days


IS IT TRUE? November 2, 2011 McCurdy hits Another Fowl Ball: Pigeons Safe for 30 More Days

IS IT TRUE that The Evansville Redevelopment Commission pretty much just rolled over an capitulated to all future extensions that will be needed for City Centre Properties LLC to have a perpetual extension?…that it does not matter whether the extensions are granted in 30 day increments, 60 day increments, or even full year increments, because given the total circumstance facing the ERC of the bitter pill of losing the building and the $1.4 Million of taxpayer money that has been sunk into it they literally have no choice?…that for the 4th time it has been concluded that the financing is solid and that it is just taking too long so as the song says let’s just “Let it Ride”?…that the City County Observer would like to dedicate the following song by Bachman Turner Overdrive to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?

IS IT TRUE that in all honesty between the four year building up this project as though it were the resurrection of downtown Evansville and the SNEGAL financing where an out of town developer that makes healthy contributions to the Weinzapfel for Mayor campaign is getting a cash out nothing down deal with not a dime of private money in the deal the ERC is as they say between a rock and a hard place?…that at this point any prudent group would have to grant extensions so let’s just make these extensions renew automatically every 30 days unless of course these people come up with some money?

IS IT TRUE that taxes are due in 8 days in the amount of $10,268 on the McCurdy?…that we shall really see how weak the ERC is in this situation if City Centre Properties just lets this tax bill lapse intentionally?…that they can slip one more tax installment perpetually without fear of the taxman stepping in with an auctioneers gavel?…that believe it or not if the financing is not rock solid and assured of happening very soon the right business decision for City Centre Properties may just be to let the taxes lapse?…that by giving a 30 day extension that the ERC even laid that one weapon that they have down before offering their belly in an up position?

IS IT TRUE that we wonder if the Office of the Mayor of Evansville comes with an annual annuity from City Centre Properties LLC?…that this Indianapolis based company, its shareholders, and its associated businesses have all been very generous to Mayor Weinzapfel’s various campaign funds over the years?…that we wonder if a Mayor Winnecke or even a Mayor Davis can count on this little money party continuing its tradition of enriching the Mayor of Evansville while not paying taxes?

IS IT TRUE that another consideration with respect to the McCurdy Project is if there will be sufficient cash available to do the job?…that the numbers are still based on estimates made in the 2007 – 2008 timeframe?…that construction costs have risen during that time and that some materials have been reported to have increased by over 50%?…that a design audit or dare we say a vetting process of the sufficiency of the funds being sought to do the job being proposed is in order?…that if you think errantly dropping $1.4 Million of taxpayer dollars into this project is problematic just wait until the developer has spent all of his $12 Million and needs another $8 Million to finish the job?…that then Evansville will have a real problem?


  1. I see where someone in the city attorney’s office called to verify financing according to the paper. That the office got some sort of comfort answer seems strange. I don’t see how this could happen unless Center City gave permission for the city to talk to the lender. Irregardless, unless you have it in writing, it is meaningless. The only way the financing could be determined as “solid” is if Salmon saw a commitment letter and verified that its terms and conditions were met. If that is the case, why is this not stated in plain English in the newspaper instead of referring to additional due diligence as being the issue to not closing? You either have a commitment letter or you don’t.

  2. Here’s a little experiment that would be a lot of fun!

    Think of someone you haven’t talked to in a long time.
    Call them up and try to explain to them what is happening in Evansville lately.

    Time it.

    I’d be interested in your results.

  3. I said it before and I’ll sat it again: This is the most bizarre election I have ever witnessed. Weird doesn’t come close to describe this mess.

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