Home Community News Four more Democrats Come Out for Winnecke

Four more Democrats Come Out for Winnecke


In what is increasingly becoming what is taking on the appearance of orchestrated defections four more Vanderburgh Democratic Party lifers have joined City Council members Curt John and Connie Robinson in taking a supportive stance for Republican Lloyd Winnecke.

Today’s list includes 2nd Ward Precinct Committeeman Aaron Calbert, 2nd Ward Leader Chris Cooke, 4th Ward Leader Louise Williams and 4th Ward Committeeman Wilbert Robinson bringing the number of prominent Democrats endorsing Winnecke to Six.

In their statement the new four to break ranks stating a desire to see the work of outgoing Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel continued.


  1. Of course this is orchestrated and should not be given media attention.

    These four would rather eat a satan sandwich than go against the machine.

  2. Chris Cooke, former republican, is in charge of Oak Hill cemetery. He got that job from Weinzapfel, democrat. He has been telling people that Winnecke, republican, has promised to leave him in that postition if he is elected. Cooke clearly takes on the party that will take him on. Maybe it’s time for a public sector job.
    Chris Cooke’s girlfriend is Weinzapfel’s former communications director, Aubra Levy. She now has some job connected to the arena.
    Most people on here know her as “DELLA”.
    Louise Williams is a Robinson hack that “works” for DMD and has so many skeletons in her closet that it’s no wonder a “cemetery guy” likes her.
    Robinson’s record is so SHADY that Eminem calls HER Slim.
    If these people for one minute think that we believe they are endorsing Winnecke because he is the best choice for all of us, they are SEVERELY mistaken.
    This is the best example yet of the status quo!! They are telling us that they know they will get to keep what they have now if Winnecke wins!!
    The fact is, some jobs are appointed by the mayor. Those jobs have changed hands when the mayor changes. That is the just the nature of the beast. They are telling us RIGHT now that Winnecke will not remove them from their jobs. Has Winnecke already promised them things to get them to send in this letter? It would seem so.

    • Chris Cooke was actually the head of the Young Republicans at one point. He told everyone that he switched over the Democrats because Steve Bagby promised him a job.

      No surprise that he would sell his endorsement to the highest bidder.

    • Thanks for this info…all the pieces fit together so nicely. Winnecke CANNOT be trusted, period.

      • Why is it that Winnecke can’t be trusted?

        It’s not like he’s going to these people and asking for their support… They are taking it upon themselves to back him.

        • LOL. Please.

          Do you think these kinds of things just happen by accident? There is a high level of “collaboration” going on behind the scenes, bro.

  3. I would think that the fact they say “they desire to see the work of outgoing Mayor Jonathon Weinzapfel continued” would hurt Winnecke more than it would help.

  4. The New York Times is reporting these additional endorsements of Winnecke:
    Astronaut Neil Armstrong; Hall-of-Fame catcher Johnny Bench; Comedian Phyllis Diller;
    Former Great Britain Prime Minister Tony Blair; and the rapper Fifty Cent.

    • Beerguy, you forgot to mention 2Pac and Notorious B.I.G. both were mentioned in the follow up in the WSJ. 😉

      • Poor Rick, though, all he’s racked up for endorsements are anonymous bloggers, the Democrat state party machine, and two flip-flopping has-been politicians.

        • LOL……endorsements do not equal votes, and has more to do with CYA and making beds, looking for favors…and keeping political jobs…..or in this case making a political statement.

          As a FOP member stated their PAC is what 10 members, and the union body is how many?


    • As left-wing as Winnecke’s endorsements are getting, I fully expect Chairman Mao, Vladamir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin to rise from the graves (along with many other “absentee” voters) and endorse Winnecke as well.

      • The endorsements by Connie Robinson and Louise Williams should be declined by Mr. Winnecke. In football you can decline penalties that hurt your team, why not here?

  5. Oh, let’s add a few more details. Aaron Calbert? Does he even have a job? Sure looks to me like all he does is play Cafe World on Facebook.
    Oh yeah, one more question – how many illegitimate kids does he have?
    He sure thinks he’s something – just ask him. But, he’s not.

    The fact that they are share the same views as Weasy should scare anyone.

  6. Your question to us is what is going on…look between the lines.

    These “Democrats” are scared to death of a honest, loyal, politician.

    Something none of these people are!


    • By “honest, loyal, politician” do you mean the type that would have someone arrested because he didn’t support him enough? Have you ever considered that perhaps there’s good reason for these Democrats to be scared?

      • There is EVERY reason for these Democrats to be scared. Rick won’t continue to cover their sins and cut deals to protect them!

      • LOL…FTA warrant, police officer, detained, released,……not arrested.

        You missed the key facts of Floatgate.


        • LOL, key facts like Hubbard had not made an arrest in 7 years (and he didn’t hang around for this one even though he called it in)? Facts that over 7,400 minor traffic warrants exist, and this kind of arrest in the middle of a busy parade is certainly unusual?

          Key facts like Hubbard claims not to have targeted the critic and was merely tipped off to the warrant by “an unknown subject,” yet Hubbard knew enough to refer to him by a “derogatory term”? Key facts like one of Davis’s family members even filmed the entire episode, knowing just the right moment and place it would occur?

          • Key fact that Chief Hill cleared Hubbard of any wrong doings.

            “derogatory term”…perp? Police officers are trained to take control of a situation, part of that control is physical the other is verbally, have never been questioned by a LEO?

            I’d love to see this video…is it posted somewhere? Doesn’t seem all that uncommon to video a parade being setup or running in this day and age…you forgot to mention the flying cell phones from the people calling in favors while it was going down also….hopefully that was captured in the video.


      • If you didn’t hear, Rick had nothing to do with Jarvis’ detainment. And for the record, if Mr. Jarvis was a good citizen, he would have a driver’s license. How would you feel if Mr. Jarvis was driving without a license and wrecked into you or your family member. You would be thinking totally different now wouldn’t you?

  7. Strong rumor has it that City Councilman Curt John held a PLUSH
    political fundraiser GALA for 5th Ward Councilman John Friend at his home recently.

    We hear that the alledged policital connected Curt John raised a unimpression $2,500 at this event.

    Also, we understand that all his political followers (Seventeen people) attended this event.

    • Does that $2500 go toward paying off the $3500 small claims case to the Bauerhaus for the local Dem Party?

  8. Being new to Evansville, all this garbage of party trading right and left leaves me fearful of what has been going on in this city. I always vote and I will vote in this election. But I will not vote for someone being promoted by such activity as I see here. It is too suspect. What I am having trouble with is all of the city council candidates. Now I see that Mr. Friend (my ward) has taken help from one of the other people who changed party support. Sorry Mr. Friend. I can’t support you because I don’t know the history of all this. Now the at-large group has me puzzled.

    • Let me say…Welcome To Evansville….and to the party, it’s guaranteed to be interesting and we are glad to have you aboard.


    • Another office on the ballot is City Clerk. I’m the Republican candidate for Evansville City Clerk, and I would appreciate your consideration and vote. My 3-point vision for the office of City Clerk: 1) Work to ensure the City Council considers what it needs to consider during its meetings; 2) Put a City Council meeting summary on the Internet the morning after each meeting; and 3) Explain to people what issues the City Council decided or plans to discuss.

      I think my education, experience, organization skills, and attention to detail qualify me to be your next City Clerk. Please check out my website at http://www.JDStrouth.com/ and/or Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/J.D.Strouth. Let me know if you have any questions for me.

      J.D. Strouth

  9. Rick Davis got an education, sought a newspaper job, overcame an illness
    and shyness only to find there were no opportunities in the journalism field, so instead of playing the “poor me” card, he changed course, got a position in the Recorders office, did excellent work there, and then without any party support, ran for County Treasurer and was elected. Along the way he got an additional degree in Public administration so that, unlike many officeholders, he actually had some knowledge. He then took the courageous step to run for mayor not even knowing if he would have to go up against the incumbent mayor in a primary. He has done everything the right way and without malice toward those who oppose him at every turn. Not being endorsed by these hacks is the best thing that could happen to him. If he wins, Evansville will have a mayor that will listen and consider all positions before making a decision and will work hard for all the people. If he loses, he will have nothing to be ashamed of, and can hold his head high knowing he tried his best for people and the community that he loves.

    • Thanks for warm and fuzzy autobiography Rick. You left out the part abot chopping down the cherry tree.

      • Hey Vototemprano!

        You left out the “U” in about….And I think “u” are all about the machine that we are trying to get rid of.

  10. This is getting truly pathetic. We will be lucky to have a 12% voter turnout next Tuesday. Of that 12% I would guess 6% of us read this publication. I think that we can all clearly see that there seems to be more controversy on the Winnecke side of this election than the Davis side. Please people, if you truly like Winnecke then by all means give him your vote. But don’t vote for him based on these ridiculous endorsements. Use your own brain to form your own opinion about the candidates’ political positions and vote for the candidates that you think will work for you the hardest. This election should make EVERYONE and Independent. We democrats should be absolutely ashamed of the way our leaders are portraying themselves. For Jonathan Weaver to make a public statement that he will not be able to “work” with Davis if he is elected is a total disgrace. Thanks for the heads up Mr. Weaver, you just lost this democrat’s vote. Curt John is a lame duck and has no fear of repercussions. Same can be said for Connie as she is running unopposed, and probably for the last time. And as far as these four clowns you’re kidding yourself if you think they actually have any clout. If you are not educated in local politics you’ve probably never even heard their names. In the end, you stand with the party that best represents your overall political views. The shadow that has been cast over the Democrat party is due to a few, but very large, blowhards that will have no say in public affairs once Davis is in office. The party WILL re-unite in time. Democrats, think what you will about the other candidates in the other races. But now is not the time to abandon your party’s mayoral candidate. Most importantly, Democrat or Republican, GO VOTE ON TUESDAY! Let’s see more than 12%!

  11. Since Connie Robinson is now a Republican does that mean that she has to run against herself in the fall? Also is she the first Republican councilman to serve in the 4th Ward? One more question since her and her brother who retired from a union support Winnecke, a supporter of right to work (a union busting legislation) does that mean that they are anti-union also? So many questions so few answers.

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