IS IT TRUE November 17, 2010


IS IT TRUE November 17, 2010

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Councilman Tom Shetler Jr. has requested that the proposed Robert’s Stadium little league baseball/softball field project be added to the November 24th Agenda for the Vanderburgh County Council?…that Councilman Shetler’s request will have to be deferred until December 1st because this proposal entails a bond issue and has to be advertised as a public meeting?….that Mole #3 says that if the vote was taken today that the vote would look something like the following: Nay, Russ Lloyd Jr., Stephanie Terry, and Ed Bassemeir, Yea;Tom Shetler Jr., Joe Kiefer, and Mike Goebel?….that only Jim Raben has not yet let his intentions be known to any CCO Mole?…that our money grows on other peoples trees Mayor Weinzapfel is quietly committing the money to demolish Robert’s Stadium if the County Council approves this previously proposed $18M ball fields project?….that the costs are being spread around to reduce the amount of the bond issue that the CVB would need to do?….that some City of Evansville department head may see his or her budget shrink by $1.5M to pay for this demolition?….that the City County Observer thought that this cat only had nine lives?….that only Gregory Rasputin had more lives than a cat?….that if built these ball fields should be named Rasputin Park to commemorate the number of presentations it took to get built?….that the CCO is greatly disappointed in County Councilman Tom Shetler Jr. for not manning up and bringing this to a vote before the 2010 general election?…..that the City County Observer is shocked and amazed that any of the innkeepers tax would even be considered as on the table for ball fields when a binding contract is not in place for a Downtown Convention Hotel to complement the County owned Centre?

IS IT TRUE that creative minds like Mole #3 has explore many possibilities in search of solutions?….that in an editorial that the City County Observer proposed as one of four options that a parking lot could go right over the top of Walnut Street to accommodate for the insufficient building footprint remaining for a parking lot when the dilapidated Executive Inn is demolished?….that there is another solution to this great oversight that involves one hungry backhoe and a whole lot of concrete?….that with good design that an underground parking garage completely under the block where the new Downtown Convention Hotel is proposed could replace all of the spaces lost when the Executive Inn parking garage is demolished?….that this solution would provide the spaces needed, preserve an area for an overlooked loading dock, and add to the ambiance of Downtown Evansville?…that to have simultaneous opening of the Arena and the Downtown Convention Hotel that the hotel would have to be under construction right now.

IS IT TRUE that we were expecting to hear the sounds of demolition coming from the pigeon filled halls and Indiana brown bat guano covered floors of the McCurdy Hotel by now?….that this project has been one signature from commencing construction since last Spring?….that whoever that signature is coming from must be learning their letters because they sure aren’t signing off on the official loan documents?….that a single person with a passing interest in a restaurant made headlines last month?….that we are concerned that the McCurdy is closer to becoming the next Riverhouse than it was ever dreamed it could be?….that neglect has caused the entire structure to look its age?


  1. Isn’t it true that the Robert’s Stadium little league baseball/softball field project cannot be added to the Vanderburgh County Council agenda, for action, until the Area Plan Commission first passes a resolution declaring the project comports with the Comprehensive Plan for the community.

    Isn’t it true that the project was withdrawn from the November 10, 2010 Area Plan Commission meeting specificallly because the ECVB did not desire the project to advance to the Vanderburgh County Council agenda at this time do to apparent lack of sufficient votes for passage?

    • We are amazed at how many ways this ball field thing keeps raising its head. There are many things as you have pointed out that are technically “true”, yet they do not seem to matter. Is it true that the powers behind this waste of money may have persuaded some formerly opposing member of the Vanderburgh County Council to change his vote?

  2. Weinzapfel has to demolish Roberts Stadium. He wants to accomplish that a soon as he can, after his new arena opens. He will pull out all the stops in order to achieve that demolition. Anyone in his area of influence who is not on board with his wishes will suffer the consequences. Its the way he operates.

  3. You would expect that given the uproar over the Ballparks, their Expense, the assault on Wesselman’s Park, and the results of this past election would have the three “yeas” giving pause to reflect on what the Voters expressed.

    One can only assume that’s not happening and the “Strings have been Pulled” or maybe “The Chits called in”.
    It is the only rational for Shetler, and the others, and the continued “Push/Force” this weary scheme is visiting upon the Citizenry.

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