We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 

IS IT TRUE during the recent midterm election that 58,973 votes were cast?  …the voter turnout of more than 51 percent was a new record for the county in midterm elections?  …we would like to thank Vanderburgh County Clerk, Carla Hayden, her staff and the poll workers for doing an outstanding job in conducting a fair and honest midterm election?  …we also would like to thank all the fine individuals who decided to run for public office?

IS IT TRUE that the political coattails of Mike Braun and Congressman Dr. Larry Bucshon helped County Prosecutor Nick Hermann, State Representatives Wendy McNamara and Ron Beacon and County Commission candidate Mike Duckworth, campaigns?

IS IT TRUE  the most interesting statement made during the midterm campaign was made by Stan Levco?  …that Mr. Levco publically stated; “if Mr. Hermanns Chief Deputy Gary Schutte would have run for Vanderburgh County Prosecutor he wouldn’t be a candidate for this position”?

IS IT TRUE the trouncing of 8th District Congressional candidate Willaim Tanoos (D) at the hands of incumbent Congressman Larry Bucshon (R) was very much expected?  …we won’t be surprised to see past supporters of the former Mayor of Evansville Jonathon Weinzapfel to start a low key campaign to replace Congressmen Dr. Larry Bucshon if he decides to retire at the end of his new term?  …we predict if Mr. Weinzapfel decides to run for United States Congress he will he will make one heck of a candidate for the Democrats?

IS IT TRUE after the United States Senator Joe Donnelly’s crushing defeat by challenger Mike Braun of Jasper, there are only two Indiana Democrats left on the Federal level, Representatives Pete Visclosky and André Carson?

IS IT TRUE after the midterm election the Democrats failed to take control of the Indiana Senate and House of Representative? …that the Republicans now have a solid Super Majority in the Indiana Senate and House of Representative and now Indiana has officially become a one-party State?

IS IT TRUE the Republicans continue to control the Vanderburgh County Council?  …because of the major upset victory by Democrat Jeff Hatfield over Republican Mike Duckworth, the County Commission is now controlled by the Democrats?  …the Evansville City Council is currently controlled by the Democrats by a 6-3 margin?  …that could change because the Mayor of Evansville is expected to personally sponsor a slate of well qualified Republicans to challenge the majority of Democrats running for City Council in the 2019 City election?  …we expect that the local Democratic party will rely heavily on Party Chairman, Scott Danks; County Commissioners Ben Shoulders and Jeff Hatfield to assist them on raising the needed funds to help the Democrats running in the 2019 City election?

IS IT TRUE because there are no credible Democratic candidates in the horizon considering a run for Mayor of Evansville it’s expected that Mayor Winnecke will run for re-election and will be elected to an unprecedented third term?  …it obvious that the only way the Democrats can retake control of City Hall is to have a candidate with a strong name recognition such as former US Congressman and County Sheriff Brad Ellsworth, former Evansville Mayor Jonathon Weinzapfel, State Reperseentive Ryan Hatfield or County Commissioner Ben Shoulders?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that several local attorneys are vying to replace the current City Council attorney Josh Claybourn who lives in Newburgh?

IS IT TRUE that In the Republican-controlled Warrick County, Democrat Allyson Claybourn won a seat on the Newburgh town council by an impressive vote? …the Republicans swept all other Warrick County and Newburgh seats with more than 60 percent of the vote in every race?

IS IT TRUE  that we are pleased that the Honorable Vanderburgh County Circuit Court Judge for Vanderburgh County David D. Kiely received an impressive complimentary vote?  …that Judge Kiely ran unopposed for re-election and we are glad that the Vanderburgh County voters acknowledged he has done an outstanding job as the Circuit Court Judge for Vanderburgh County?

IS IT TRUE that the following Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judges also run for re-election as an unopposed candidate?  …they are the Honorable-Margaret Lloyd (Chief Judge), Honorable-Brett Neimeier, Honorable Robert J. Tornatta, and the Honorable Wayne S. Trockman? …we are extremely pleased that the voter of Vanderburgh County also gave them impressive complimentary vote?  …it’s obvious that voters of Vanderburgh County understood that the above judges are doing a great job for the citizens of this community?

Footnote: City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers



  1. “…strong name recognition such as former US Congressman and County Sheriff Brad Ellsworth, former Evansville Mayor Jonathon Weinzapfel, …”

    Using Brad Ellsworth’s name in the same context as Jonathon Weinzapfel, is that an oxymoron or a dichotomy? Weinzapfel left a very bad taste in the mouths of local residents. You do remember Weinzapfel was the ding-dong responsible for the demolition of Roberts Stadium and the construction of a poorly funded, undersized replacement located in the wrong location and with inadequate parking now named the Ford Center?
    You should, because somebody on your staff of contributors has continuously pointed out those flaws.

  2. City Council should re-hire party chair Scott Danks, who doesn’t live in Evansville, to help out the Democrat party.

  3. Michael shows up to try and advocate for censorship and this is what I had to say to his judgmental comments yesterday.

    I have seen you call for the CCO to take down posts that you do not resonate with on a number of occasions. Where is that line between censorship and freedom of speech? I think you are on the wrong side of that line Mikail. Very few others advocate taking away one’s first amendment rights to free speech. Your attitude is dangerous in a free country too.”

    FOOTNOTE: We found several comments in YODA post to be insulting and unfounded and decided to take them down. We will continue to review future comments posted by YODA.

    If he continues posting demeaning and insulting remarks we shall ban him from posting in the CCO.


    • Yoda, well said. As we learn from Antifa and the liberal left, only they have freedom to express whatever they want, and all other views must be suppressed by censorship or, unfortunately worse. I post source documents, so information can be verified. Facts are problematic for the liberal left, so they ignore them and respond with labels like “denier”, “racist”, “white privilege”, etc. The CCO, unlike most media outlets, still allows the free flow of civil discourse so that its readers can make their own judgments. Very rare and very refreshing. Kudos to the CCO for this valuable service to its ever expanding readership.

        • Yoda, here it is in black and white:

          “Democrats can apparently tolerate anything except for Republicans.

          A stunning 61 percent of Democrats labeled Republicans as “racist/bigoted/sexist” when asked which words they would use to describe the other party, while 31 percent of Republicans said the same thing about Democrats, according to a poll released this week….

          Nick Troiano, executive director of Unite America, which promotes third-party candidates, pointed to a recent event in his own life.

          “I had a personal experience on a date last week with someone who expressed to me that it wouldn’t work out because they would only date someone who also identified as a liberal Democrat,” he said. “And I’m an independent. And that’s never happened to me in my life before.”

          Why? “I think that has a lot to do with the resistance, quote unquote,” he said. “The party that is supposed to be more open-minded and tolerant is also the party that is more close-minded about associating people who identify differently than them.”…

          The Axios poll had sobering news for any Democrat planning to bring home a Republican to Mom and Dad: 41 percent of Democrats said they would be “extremely/very” or “somewhat” bothered if a close family member married a member of a different political party.

          Republicans were more open-minded about interparty marriage, with 26 percent saying they would be bothered by a Democrat marrying into the family. Only 17 percent of independents said it would bother them….

          “Both parties are being redefined around the extreme emotions shaping extremely ugly views of each other,” said the Axios analysis. “That means that, as the midterm elections proved, there’s less room for moderates or centrists in the current political environment — a dynamic that’s likely to get worse before it gets better.”

          Democrats and liberal commentators routinely refer to Mr. Trump as racist and sexist. They point to his comments and stances on issues such as the border wall, the Central American caravan and Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

          Shortly before the midterms, Sen. Bernard Sanders, Vermont independent, called Mr. Trump “the most racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted president in history” at a campaign stop in Maryland.


  4. One of the most ignorant anti-Trump Stories yet
    “A lot of commentators are slamming President Trump for not attending a commemoration ceremony in France for the end of World War 1 at the American cemetery at Aisne-Marnes. There’s a lot snark, typified by this from James Fallows of The Atlantic:

    What I do know is that one hypothesis that has shown up in many stories about his no-show—that Marine One, the presidential helicopter, “can’t fly” in the rain—doesn’t make sense.”…

    As a Naval Aviator, Marine Pilot I have ejected from an exploding Navy Jet at 500 feet and after walking out of the ground fire continued to fly two days later….

    “Those Marine “Helo-Bubbas” were some of the most courageous Marine officers I ever served with. The informal “price of admission” to that Squadron was numerous Air Medals, many Purple Hearts, unlike fast movers where a single Purple Heart was usually posthumously awarded, and many had Distinguished Flying Crosses and a few Silver Stars. To a man they were incredibly modest and just loved flying Marine Helicopters.

    In late November I was in a UH-1E flying over Boston Harbor when a cold rain storm moved in. The pilot in command was a Vietnam combat legend, he had all of the above, a Purple Heart, many Air Medals, a Distinguished Flying Cross and a Silver Star.

    He was fearless, in fact after taking fire and almost being shot down in Vietnam he expended his 2.75 rockets in that engagement and then returned to base to personally loaded by hand his 2.75 rocket pod in order to go back. At that moment he felt that the VC had made it very personal against him so he went back and killed them.

    Our flight, in unexpected cold rain that November day, was one of the nastiest and most dangerous moments in my military flying career, I have over 3000 hours in Fighters and attack aircraft in addition to my modest 200 hours in the UH-1E….

    So If the Marines in HMX-1 take a weather abort, especially with the safety of the most important person in the world and perhaps his family as precious cargo, believe and trust them. There is always a very good reason if they chose not to fly and anyone who challenges their integrity judgment is just flat out wrong and insulting.”

    Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/11/one_of_the_most_ignorant_antitrump_stories_yet.html#ixzz5WrEeQG8V
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/11/one_of_the_most_ignorant_antitrump_stories_yet.html#ixzz5WrEM2lKf
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/11/one_of_the_most_ignorant_antitrump_stories_yet.html#ixzz5WrE1kGMs
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/11/one_of_the_most_ignorant_antitrump_stories_yet.html#ixzz5WrDfQ7QZ
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  5. I don’t know who in their right mind would run for public office.
    The scrutiny that the candidates face is unimaginable. I believe that every one has a secret or an incident in their lives that they would not broadcasted to the world. No matter how minor it is. But with social media a simple rumor can explode into a major incident. Bankruptcy or a minor arrest or medical condition would be front page news or lead the nightly news for days or weeks.
    We (the people) are looking for a candidate with our values and/or same way of thinking.
    I wish everyone that runs for office a sincere thanks for doing it.

    • Possibly the finest comment of the year.

      The only thing you left out was death threats. They get plenty.

      If I had my choice, I would like to cancel Mop Head’s Space Force and devote that money to following “EVERY” death threat made in America.

      If that isn’t non-partisan, we are screwed Soul.

      Anybody heard from shar pie lately?….

  6. 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate hopeful, aka Creepy Porn Lawyer, said “she hit me first”.
    “TMZ is reporting that Michael Avenatti, the lawyer who became notorious for representing former porn star Stormy Daniels in her quabble with President Trump, has been arrested for felony domestic violence.

    The report cites its law enforcement sources that say the atorney was arrested after his wife filed a felony domestic violence report. TMZ said his estranged wife’s face was “swollen and bruised.”

    The TMZ report states Avenatti and his wife were married in 2011, and that he filed for divorce in 2017.

    Although the report says an incident occured Tuesday, a confrontation between Avenatti and his wife happened Wednesday at an apartment building in the Century City area of Los Angeles. The wife reportedly ran out of the apartment building with sunglasses covering her eyes and yelling from the sidewalk, “I can’t believe you did this to me.”

    Authorities say security brought the woman inside the building, and that Michael Avenatti appeared about five minutes later. He ran into the building and repeatedly screamed, “She hit me first.”…

    Avenatti is reportedly in custody.


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