IS IT TRUE May 7, 2012


Is Evansville becoming "never never land"

IS IT TRUE May 7, 2012

IS IT TRUE that a hacker intent on corrupting the ipetition that Councilwoman Stephanie Riley put up to legitimately seek signatures of people who want to support her efforts to rescind the loan approval to Earthcare Energy?…that a signer that calls himself Kris Kringle made a smart aleck comment regarding the legitimacy of online petitions?…that Kringle’s post came right after signatures for Russ Lloyd Jr., the owner of the City County Observer, and some person named Joseph Wallace were recorded?…that neither of those three signatures plus the fictional Kris Kringle’s were not legitimate?…that online petitions like real paper petitions can be corrupted but only by corrupt people?…that whomever put those three names and Mr. Kris Kringle are indeed corrupt for what they have done?…that the very small number of people in favor of going forward and writing a check to Earthcare Energy must be getting desperate if they have to resort to corrupting an online petition to make their point?…Mr. Kringle that there are people who do believe in Santa and that they are children?…that to believe in Earthcare Energy based on the vetting that was done prior to the coerced vote makes about as much sense as believing in Santa and the Easter Bunny?…that since it seems as though some of the material information presented to the Evansville City Council is allegedly false that those who go to the trouble to intentionally corrupt an ipetition will find some kindred spirits among the residents of Evansville at some point in the future if Councilwoman Riley fails in her courageous effort to inject a bit of sanity into the asylum known as the Government of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that there are several old sayings to describe very well the shenanigans that have been going on in Evansville in the last couple of years?…that one is “the monkeys are running the zoo”?…that another is that “the patients are running the asylum”?…that another that may come to bear some truth if some of the allegations turn out to be true is “the inmates are running the jail”?

IS IT TRUE that we are shocked and amazed today to see that the Courier Press actually published an article about Councilwoman Riley’s 6 page article that the CCO published in its entirety on Friday?…that there are rumors being floated that the CCO was the only news outlet to have gotten the 6 pages?…that we KNOW THOSE RUMORS TO BE FALSE BECAUSE THE CCO SENT HER 6 PAGES OF FINDINGS TO THE TV STATIONS AND THE COURIER OURSELVES?…that even having the documents the Courier chose to discuss what was in them in a single paragraph and neglected to include a link to her article?…that the CP posted their article less than an hour after the CCO’s Sunday IS IT TRUE was posted calling on the CP and other media sources to “DO THEIR JOB AND REPORT NEWS THAT IS MATERIAL TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT”?

IS IT TRUE that the poll results on the Courier are currently running almost identical to the polls that the CCO has been running?…that as of this hour the CP poll indicates that 88% of the respondents think the Earthcare Energy loan is a mistake?…that another 6% think that the City Council bargained in good faith and that we should have to honor the vote they made?…that only 5% are fully supportive and say the architects of this deal are worthy of praise?…that 25 years after the death of Elvis Presley a poll was taken and 8% of the people polled thought that Elvis was alive?…that 81% thought that anyone who thought that Elvis was alive are crazy?…that we find it quite interesting that a higher percentage of people believe that Elvis lives than Evansvillians believe that the loan to Earthcare is a good and worthy investment?…that adult belief in Santa, the Easter Bunny, leprechauns, and the bogey man will have similar statistics to those who believe this is a good deal?

“Take for example, leprechauns. Many people have sincerely believed in them in the past, but no matter how much I may want to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, I can’t make myself believe that leprechauns actually exist.” Jeff Lewis


  1. Yep, and the Courier place the most supportive answer at the top of their poll. Everyone knows that the first answer in any poll gets some positive bias. It still floated below the level of every other answer.

  2. Hey CCO!

    If the Courier and Press actually did investigative reporting, the CCO would no longer be needed. The Courier and Press gives you reasons every day of why the CCO is needed.

    Thanks for being there!

    Doubting Debbie Dewey!

  3. “…that Kringle’s post came right after signatures for Russ Lloyd Jr., the owner of the City County Observer, and some person named Joseph Wallace were recorded?…that neither of those three signatures plus the fictional Kris Kringle’s were not legitimate?”

    Please observe the rules of proper English in your editor’s posts. In the sentance I cited, you list three names and then say that “…neither of these….”

    But your point was well made that those who disagree will often resort to whatever “tool” is available.

    • Don’t change that sentence. I like the part where Russ Lloyd, Jr. owns the City County Observer!

    • Mr. Holmes, sentence is spelled without an a, and when you write something such as you did, the reader is reading in the here and now, so what you publish exists in the here and now.

      Therefore you should say “in the sentence that I cite, you list three names” rather than “in the sentance (sic) that I cited (sic) you list three names.”

    • Quite often that I have to read sentences/paragraphs two or three times to decipher what the author “really” meant to write vs. what was actually written here on the CCO. It’s not just because I’m dense, it’s mostly because no one appears to be proof reading the articles before they are put on-line.

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