IS IT TRUE? May 26, 2011
IS IT TRUE that the Democratic candidates for the City of Evansville offices will be meeting tonight at Democratic Party Headquarters in the old Welborn Hospital to discuss the current state of affairs within the local party?…that the current rift in the Democratic Party became public last year when the BOOTHGATE incident at the Fall Festival happened?…that the rift within the party was magnified during the primary when the Democratic Central Committee openly backed Troy Tornatta and several other members of Team Weinzapfel over the candidates that aligned themselves with Rick Davis?…that the post primary landscape has only two Democratic candidates that were visible members of Team Weinzapfel that have not made peace with the Davis Campaign?…that candidates Friend and Robinson attended the Davis victory celebration and have made peace?…that candidates Lindsey and Adams were in the Davis camp all along?…that candidates Riley and O’Daniel are new to the political scene and somehow managed to avoid taking sides in a visible way?…that candidates Missy Mosby and Jonathan Weaver are still solidly not at peace with Team Davis?…that sources tell us that a good fireworks show may be happening at the Democratic Headquarters tonight in an attempt to calm the long running feud within the party?
IS IT TRUE that it will be quite interesting to learn whether tonight is a true healing event that results in the Democratic candidates mending fences or if Evansville will be treated to a Team Davis that has a couple of Republican candidates ideologically aligned with it RUNNING AGAINST a Republican team that is essentially a reincarnation of Team Weinzapfel cloaked in red?…that at least three of the ward based seats and one of the at large seats can take the high road and espouse confident independence?…that four independent thinkers on the Evansville City Council will be an asset to the community?
IS IT TRUE we want to thank Evansville-Henderson TV Channel 25 for the excellent follow up report concerning the major weed problems now confronting the once grand McCurdy Hotel on the Evansville riverfront? …the people of Evansville are tired of seeing, hearing and reading remarks made by several key Mayoral appointed spoke persons (Evansville DMD Department Head, Hotel Project Manager and Chairman of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission) about the McCurdy Hotel and the new Downtown Hotel? …it’s time for the Mayor of Evansville to call a press conference to address and explain why he announced years ago during the 2007 election that he believed these capital development projects where etched in economic stone? …that the citizens and voters of this community demand that the Mayor of Evansville stop having his media spin doctors talking on his behalf and step forward to explain the real the real status of both projects? …it would also be nice that DMD Director Tom Barnett, Hotel Project Manager, John Kish and Evansville Redevelopment Chairman, Bob Goldman would also be available at this news conference to answer questions from the media about their role in downtown Hotel and McCurdy projects?
IS IT TRUE that many City of Evansville Department heads are starting to pass their professional resumes not only to the public but also the private sector? …that “CCO Mole # 3” also realizes that it’s time for him to do similar? …chances are that he shall quickly land a new job with the State of Indiana? …we bet that the Mayor must wonder who is the “CCO Mole # 3”? …that maybe “CCO Mole # 3” just might just tell him on January 2, 2012 who he is and why he did what he did?
I wonder who will win the discussion, the “guilty” Democrats, or the “shameless” Democrats?
Will any of those “good” Democrats in the meeting attendance stop to think… You know what, for the price of the beverages for this meeting, a guy could have bought this entire facility if he only had the inside track!
While the “shameless”, “good” Democrats might be thinking to themselves… Why are we paying money to rent this place when we likely could use a McCurdy conference room for free? (Oh, the weeds, nevermind!)
Where is the weenie wagon that Mr. Owen had towed from the Fall Festival?
Gone…but apparently not forgotten!!
If the mowing crew that did a job on the McCurdy are the same folks that contract with the city to mow abandoned/foreclosed properties in the 2nd ward then it’s understandable why it looks the way it does after being cut. I have watched this crew cut a few properties around the 2nd ward and a job that takes a homeowner several hours to complete correctly these people can do in just a few minuets….and it looks like it. So the question is just how much does the city pay for this service, and just how much is levied against the property by the city for the service, then the question does anyone from the city check up on these people to see if the city is getting what they pay for?
I would love to be a goat on the wall at the meeting tonight. I really can’t wait for the awards dinner with Rick and Weinzapel in the same room.
See, you’re just wanting more fighting. Obvious from your comment you thrive on fights. You must be like a WWF type spectator of politics. Typical of certain Tea Party type supporters of the so-called “reform” Democrats.
Will there ever be an investigation of pay, perks and pensions of township trustees and other govt. positions? Non govt. taxpayers need to see what they are paying for that they are not getting from the private sector !
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