IS IT TRUE? May 25, 2011 Evening Bonus Edition


IS IT TRUE? May 25, 2011 Evening Bonus Edition

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville did their job and laid a weed enforcement citation and a mow order onto Centre City Properties LLC today?…that if they actually charged anything for the job they did then someone was overcharged?…that when the mowing was done the yard may comply with the weed ordinance but that it looks horrible?…that the beanstalk to the 2nd floor was not touched at all and that the clipping around the edges was ignored?…that we commend the attempt but cannot approve the job that this batch of workmen did?…that the rats and snakes will be back before nightfall if this is the end of the job?

IS IT TRUE that DMD Director Tom Barnett was on News 25 last night stating that he speaks with Centre City Properties LLC about the McCurdy project every couple of months?…that the City of Evansville has already given Centre City Properties LLC $1.403 Million and that CCP has not performed?…that anyone who is handing out a sack of money with $1.403 Million in it that will only call to check on it every couple of months is a pretty trusting individual and that lots of people would like to know where the LINE STARTS to get such a deal?…that if a bank handed someone $1.403 Million four years ago and that the loan was not performing that the bank or their collection lawyers would be calling daily and even visiting unannounced to check on their money?…that it is time to hold Centre City Properties LLC’s feet to the fire for more than just cutting the grass and leaving the windows open?…that CCP has been a non performing partner and should have this opportunity taken away from them so Evansville can get on about the business of finding a developer that can deliver?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #168 tells us that the City of Evansville is about to issue a purchase order for a Cisco Systems 7613 switch that will be a necessary part of the hardware required to enable wireless communication to occur inside the new Evansville Arena?…that this device is going to cost in the neighborhood of $500,000?…that just two weeks ago during the Friend-Quisition that John Kish, Arena project manager stood before the Evansville City Council and clearly stated that the cellular service for the Arena would be done at no cost to the Evansville taxpayers?…the he cited Louisville’s much publicized $2 Million faux pas as precedent for all of the cost being paid for by private parties?…that our column on May 10, 2011 included the following verbatim?

“IS IT TRUE that Mr. Kish responded to the question that originated from the City County Observer regarding cell phone service in the Arena?…that Mr. Kish said that the City of Louisville did not have to pay for the $2M oversight at YUM Center and that the City of Evansville will not have to pay for the cellular solution in the Arena?…that Kish said all of this will be private money?…that we will not forget what was said regarding this FREE SOLUTION?”

IS IT TRUE it has been 15 days and it is now time to remember what was said?…Mr. Kish that all of this approximately $500,000 partial solution to the bandwidth problem in the Arena being paid for by outside sources?…that if you were telling the truth that night that it is time to prove it and let us all know just what private companies are picking up this tab and how they are justifying this expenditure to their shareholders?…that Mr. Kish artfully and correctly stated that when the arena started there was no 3G and now there is 4G and that new technology must be accommodated?….that we agree with Mr. Kish but that we want reassurances that either the Arena budget will cover these costs or that outside private dollars will do so?


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