IS IT TRUE May 22, 2012
at 4:43 on Monday afternoon the Evansville Courier posted a story on their website announcing that the vote to rescind the loan approval for Earthcare Energy had been postponed until June 25th because two members of the City Council were not able to attend the meeting?…the Evansville City Council was not called to order until 17 minutes later at 5 o’clock and that the discussion regarding Earthcare did not come up until about 5:25?…for a newspaper to report news that has not happened yet when it comes to a vote of a city council either implies that someone in the know and in power told them what is going to happen?…that to post such an article even if a high ranking city official had gone out and solicited the votes undermines the purpose for the City Council to even exist?…that it is things like this that caused State legislatures across America to pass OPEN DOOR LAWS many years ago when vote buying and bid rigging was the standard operating procedure of city governments?…that we have to wonder just how such a thing could be reported as fact before a vote had taken place?…that the only other possibility is that the Courier reporting staff has Nostradamus or Prometheus on staff looking into the future?
IS IT TRUE that Brenda Bergwitz stood up during the public comments part of the Evansville City Council meeting last night to thank and congratulate Councilwoman Stephanie Riley on the courage and 100 hours of hard work that she had spent doing the private vetting of Earthcare Energy?…that upon hearing that City Council President Connie Robinson made a snide comment about how most of the members of the City Council don’t have 100 hours available to spend doing such things?…that such a condescending statement makes it clear that President Robinson does not respect her elected position enough to do what it takes to get her job done?…that Councilwoman Riley did her vetting over a 5 week period and that 100 hours over 5 weeks while a Herculean effort for a person with a job really is only 20 hours per week?…that Councilwoman Riley also has a job and 4 young children at home?…that if President Robinson can’t find 20 hours per week for 5 weeks to investigate a $5 Million loan underwritten by the taxpayers of Evansville that she has no business sitting on the City Council?…President Robinsons dismissive words and demeanor are an insult to every taxpayer in Evansville?
IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville website has finally posted a link so that people can see the March 26, 2012 meeting where the loan to Earthcare was approved?…claims regarding the DOD waiving testing and expecting an installation in San Diego in the summer of 2012 and that the phase out of 2 nuclear plants in New York will make a $1.3 Billion deal available to Earthcare Energy are right there for all the world to see?…it is also there to see and hear GAGE president Debbie Dewey admit that she had not actually seen any memorandums of understanding for orders, that not one of the Langson devices has been installed anywhere in a real world situation, and that of the alleged six loan applications that had been turned down she had only seen one?…that looking at that video after the events of the last 8 weeks really raises some serious questions about the judgment of anyone who supported the Earthcare deal at that time?
IS IT TRUE that both letters from the Chicago law firm representing Earthcare Energy read substantially identical to an article published in the City County Observer two days before the first letter was written?…we wonder if these guys are reading our so called blog to formulate their legal strategies?…that the language used in the latest letter elevated the dialog?…it is clear from reading these letters that Earthcare and their attorneys are not taking any prisoners and are looking to the City of Evansville to honor the contract as it was written and signed?
is it true that these stories have lasted less then 12 hours on the front page of the electroniic version of the C&P. That closing of a bridge across the Wabash has recieved more attention from them?
Step down City Council President Connie Robinson – PLEASE!!
The Courier Press story says the City Council rescheduled a vote to rescind a $4.8 million loan for Earthcare. That action takes a motion, a second, and 5 yes votes. I think I heard on WFIE at 10:00 p.m. the vote was 7 – 0 because the council wanted more time to study Earthcare’s letters. All of this could have been leaked to the Courier Press reporter before the meeting or a little could have leaked and the reporter uncovered the rest. All in all it looks like a case of phone call caucus plus a reporter suffering from premature illumination. Whattup with that?
Was Dan McGinn really the only member of the city council who comprehends that he serves ALL of the people of Evansville, or were some on the council last night just pandering to a certain subgroup?
A particular member of council, in whom I had placed high hopes, seems to have, in my personal opinion, tarnished here tiara a bit by not understanding what came instinctively to Dan McGinn.
The whole episode of the 6 to 1 vote for the resolution has shaken my optimism that we were headed in a new direction.
Imagine a City Council where all members had the good judgment of Mr. McGinn. None of this silliness would have ever happened.
The Gang of cronies still see a way to make a buck off the City of Evansville. Same old song and dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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