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IS IT TRUE? May 19, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? May 19, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer will be back on the speaking tour today making a presentation at the downtown Kiwanis Club about its unique way of focusing attention on situations in need of improvement and how IS IT TRUE is promoting better public policy in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that the Freedom of Information Act requests with respect to the correspondence between the Evansville Redevelopment Commission/City of Evansville and Woodruff Hospitality LLC/Kunkel Group regarding the downtown convention hotel were finalized yesterday afternoon and will hand served upon the information officer of the City of Evansville by Mole #2.5 this very morning?…that similar requests with respect to the dealings with VenuWorks and the recent trip that Mayor Weinzapfel made to Germany are also being made this morning?…that tomorrow there will be a statement to the affect of “it has been 24 hours since the CCO made three FOIA requests to the City of Evansville”?…that there will be daily updates until we have the documents in our hands?…that we will be posting the requests later today?

IS IT TRUE that “CCO MOLE # 3” personally visited the vacant McCurdy Hotel property on the Evansville water front last evening?…that the weeds in the front are waist deep and that if the McCurdy was a rental house owned by some so called “slumlord” that the weed enforcement group would have already put them on warning or even mowed the property and billed the owner an exorbitant rate to do so …that after walking around the exterior of this once Grand Hotel that “CCO MOLE # 3” realizes that this historical property should be immediately put on the State of Indiana Historical endangered property list? …that we wonder how many more years and additional investment of our hard earned tax dollars will continue to be spent on this seemly “not to happen millions of dollars condo project”? …that it is time for Evansville Redevelopment Commission Chairman, Bob Goldman, Mayor Weinzapfel and DMD Director, Tom Barnett to call a news conference and publically declare that the proposed McCurdy Condo project is hereby declared dead? …that we can’t wait for the public debate to begin between candidates for Evansville Mayor and City Council concerning the real future of the once Grand but now vacant McCurdy Hotel?

IS IT TRUE that there is another end of the world prediction that has been made by Mr. Harold Camping of Oakland, CA?…that this same guy made a calculation that 1994 was rapture time and that didn’t work out for him so he refined his algorithm and has returned with a solid date of Saturday May 21, 2011?…that he still has a few followers who tune into his radio show to follow their final days on earth?…that there are also plenty of mocking sites including one Facebook page touting a morning after party that has 175,000 followers?…that this sort of bull seems to come around about every ten or so years?…that the last memorable one was Heaven’s Gate in San Diego when the group was all going to hitch a ride to paradise on the Hale Bopp Comet?…that they really just bought new shoes and celebrated with vodka and narcotics in a mass suicide?…that before that Jim Jones lead a flock of his followers to South America where that gave “drinking the Kool-Aid” a new meaning?…that if people who fall for these lunatics would occupy their time picking up litter or cleaning parks in Evansville instead of helping make the Kool-Aid that the world would be a better place?


  1. “so he refined his algorithm and has returned with a solid date of Saturday May 21, 2011?”

    Can we reschedule? I’m playing golf that day. Surely, “the good Lord would never disrupt [what could be] the greatest game of my life”?

  2. IS IT TRUE that 1 Thessalonians 5:2 states, “For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night”? … that thieves generally don’t announce when they’re going to break in? … that Matthew 24:36-37 states, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah”? … that Harold Camping is not God and thus cannot accurately predict Jesus’ return? … that Mr. Camping is able to profit by being a false prophet? … that anyone who knowingly follows a false prophet should not be surprised when subsequent prophecies are not fulfilled?

    • The time of the day of reckoning has been recalculated to be 6:00 p.m., May 21, 2011.

      Presumeably this is 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time Zone (California), so we have at least three hours of happy hour to celebrate our accomplishments and time on this earth.

      Then again, it is 5:00 o’clock somewhere so cheers all who make a difference!

      End of the World Party Time!

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