IS IT TRUE? May 19, 2011 Evening Bonus Edition
IS IT TRUE that the EVSC made a press release yesterday that told of many awards that they have won for programs that promote healthy lifestyles and nutritious eating habits among their students?…that programs can sometimes win lots of awards based on being cute or innovative in the eyes of the judges only?…that this announcement comes on the heels of the Evansville MSA being awarded the distinction of being the most obese MSA in the United States by a Gallup survey?…that while the programs at EVSC may be cute or impress judges that they most certainly should not have won these awards for effectivity?…that it is good to acknowledge the problem of being too fat as a community and to do something about it?…that gold medals are reserved for results and not for attempts?…that we are wondering if Rosanne, Fat Albert, and Baby Huey were the judges in this contest?…that we encourage the EVSC to evaluate the effectivity of their programs by the percentage of obese children in our schools as opposed to whether or not Fat Albert & Co. hands them a prize?…that maybe the school system of Boulder, Colorado that is one of the leanest in American does not have programs that impress Fat Albert et al as much as Evansville does but that when it comes to effectivity they are way out in front?
IS IT TRUE that when the City County Observer went to the Civic Center to serve Freedom of Information Act requests for three different sets of documents that as we had been warned the City of Evansville would deny our requests because they were not accompanied by “official†City of Evansville request forms?…that the State of Indiana under I. C. 5-14-3-1 governs the requests for public records in the State of Indiana and that the City of Evansville has no authority or basis for being persnickety with the forms?…that our letters were prepared by an online service that does FOIA letters for people in the State of Indiana?…that we knew that we would be denied going in and that as soon as we get the official written notice of denial that we will post it and file a complaint with the appropriate higher jurisdiction?…that we may just fill out the persnickety little delay tactic form to expedite getting what we requested or we may let the higher authority put an end to the City of Evansville’s “form without basisâ€?
maybe we could get them a goat to go with the pigeons and bats
A display of pettyness by the Administration, or running scared of the CCO?
One wonders.
Is it insensitive to ask if the obesity study details EVSC staff & administration vs the rest of the population?
I only ask because it seems somewhat ironic that they are handing out awards for what they are instructing their KIDS to do. Doesn’t that open the door to ask if these gold medal winners are also walking the walk, so to speak?
Somehow collecting and publishing our MSA data, seems to be legal… But I’m somewhat positive isolating the teaching establishments would be a criminal offense of the first order. (Seeing how the powers that be seem to operate.)
How are they doing this by the way, has the Google van been re-tooled to scan waist sizes? Do our OnStar system tire gauges back into passenger weight? Or is the new electronic medical record mandate a little more “porous” than the old paper system…?
Obesity, like soooo many other of Evansville’s problems, can be traced back to urban sprawl.
Oh, gimme me a freakin’ break!
Um… It’s pretty common knowledge…
Even wikipedia has it as common knowledge…
This right here speaks volumes about why we shouldn’t take anything thing you post on here worth more than a grain of salt. It also tells us why our local county and city gov’ts never do anything right (like merge and be done with it). We need different people in office who understand these basic fundamentals.
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