“IS IT TRUE” MAY 18, 2020

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
Footnote: City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE as of today the City of Evansville Employees Hospitalization fund has a disappointing negative balance of exactly $2,662,411?
IS IT TRUE if the Evansville City Council approves ordinance G-2020 at tonights meeting it will permit the City of Evansville to borrow $26,600,000 from the Indiana Bond Fund of which $23,000,000 would be allocated to the General Fund and $3,600,000 to the Park and Recreation Fund?  …that the collateral for these loans will be the City’s portion of property tax collected in 2020 that was assessed in 2019?  …that City Controller Russ Lloyd, Jr. has always requested that the Vanderburgh County Treasurer provide advances on future City’s property tax collection received in June of every year?
IS IT TRUE over the years City Controller Russ Lloyd, Jr. has been requesting and receiving advance payments from the Water and Sewer Department for in lieu of Property Taxes due from the Utility?
IS IT TRUE we been told that Evansville City Council members should be inquiring about the level of advancements received this April and May from the Vanderburgh County Treasurer we are told that the answer will surprise them? ….perhaps the same question should be asked regarding the level of advancement received from the Water and Sewer Utility Department?
IS IT TRUE that the annual interest on Indiana Bond Fund loans will be approximately $1.2 million dollars? …it would make better business sense if members of the Evansville City Council would consider transferring the Riverboat, Special LIT, and Rainy Day fund balances to the General Fund and Park Funds, i.e. and borrow the City own money at almost no interest?
IS IT TRUE that all of the financial wheeling and dealing of the City Of Evansville seems like a “borrow money from Peter to pay Paul” scheme?
IS IT TRUE the infamous Rev Wright once said, “looks like the chickens have finally come home to roost”?
IS IT TRUE it’s obvious that the Indiana Gaming Commission will approve a Terre Haute Casino License request today? …it’s alleged that Governor Holcomb played an important role in moving two Gary casinos to more lucrative locations”?  …we have attached a link to an INDY STAR article that a friend sent us we feel that you may find interesting?   http://bit.ly/2FHbJ2G
IS IT TRUE that the Coranvius doesn’t discriminate against natural origin, race, color, creed, educational background, gender, blue or white-collar workers, religion, political affiliation, age, sexual preference, rich or poor, type of neighborhood you live in, or mental or physical challenges?
IS IT TRUE against the advice of renowned researchers and scientists some politicians have taken control of the decision-making process of how and when to reopen businesses in the very near future? ..many people are praying that they are making the right decisions?
IS IT TRUE the decisions about reopening the economy may break down along party lines, perhaps the polarization has less to do with party affiliation per se, and more to do with geographic and class conflict, which is often one and the same?
IS IT TRUE looking through the prism of class conflict, it’s clear why Americans are so divided about whether or not we should reopen the economy? …for the sake of the country, a class compromise would be far superior to a protracted culture war?
IS IT TRUE one would expect that the individuals responsible for implementing the “Mayor’s Re-Open Evansville Task Force” would make sure that all area TV and Newspapers outlets, social media, civic and religious organizations are provided with the current data concerning their plan of action? …it’s important to stress that everything this “Task Force” decides to do henceforth will not only affect people’s stations in life (health, social and economic) but will also determine if our local businesses will survive? …we look forward to the City of Evansville media relations guy sending us future news releases on how the above “Task Force” is planning to open Evansville in a safe and orderly manner?
IS IT TRUE we commend Vanderburgh County Commissioners Jeff Hatfield, Ben Shoulders, and Cheryl Musgrave for providing us with constant and accurate updates concerning the COVID -19 virus?  …this is the type of servant leadership that will help get us through the COVID-19 pandemic?

IS IT TRUE  that City-County Observer conducted a non-scientific but trendy ” Readers Poll” last week? …the poll was for Vanderburgh County Commissioner (District One)?  …the poll question was “If the election for District one (1) Vanderburgh County Commission race who would you vote for? …there were 369 votes casts? … the breakdown of the votes was as follows: Ben Shoulders (D) = 200 votes (54%).  Zac Rascher (R)  = 70 votes (19%).  No Idea = 53 votes (14%). Neither = 46 votes (13%)?

IS IT TRUE when a Chairman of a political party sweeps an election he takes total credit for this accomplishment?  …when a Chairman of political party loses he blames everyone else for the loss?
IS IT TRUE during times like these we ask everyone to “PEACE OUT”?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank Bailey Davis, Administrative Assistant for the Vanderburgh County Commissioners for sending us important news and agendas in a timely manner?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank Kristin Comer for keeping us informed about the happenings at the Vanderburgh County Civic Center?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty?

IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?

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Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.




  1. Actually you are incorrect, the coronavirus does discriminate. It has been shown, both locally and nationally, to disproportionately affect people of color and people living in poverty. This was a very tone-deaf statement for CCO to make in light of extensive coverage of this issue.

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