City Is Responsible For Thunderbolts Financial Losses For The 2016-2017 Hockey Season?

City Is  Responsible ForThunderbolts Financial Losses For The 2016-2017 Hockey Season
City Is Also Paying All The Utilities Bills A t The Ford Center
Attached below is the e-mail that Scott A Schoenike the Executive Director of the Ford Center sent Pastor Steve Ary concerning the utilities at the Ford Center and acquisition contracts between VenuWorks and the City of Evansville.  Mr. Schoenike answered the questions that we have been asking concerning the Ford Center utilities and Thunderbolts acquisition contracts between VenuWorks and the City of Evansville.
We are puzzled why this information wasn’t provided to Pastor Steve Ary, City County Observer or the general public by City Council Finance Chairman Dan McGinn (R), or by City Controller Russ Lloyd  Jr.
We wonder if our friends with the local main stream media will inform their readers and viewers that the taxpayers of Evansville are responsible for all theThunderbolts financial losses for the 2016-2017 hockey season?  We also wonder if they will report that the City of Evansville are paying all the utilities bills at the Ford Center?  We predict that they won’t touch this story because they will consider this to be “FAKE NEWS”!
Mr. Ary,
Please find the information below in response to your questions from Monday night.  These answers are provided by Scott Schoenike.
Thank you,
Ashten Stenftenagel
Deputy City Clerk
Office of the City Clerk, City of Evansville
Utilities 2015:    $610,828.14
Utilities 2016      $614,363.52
The City ultimately ends of paying the utility bill.  The process is a little complex but this is the way Harding Shymanski recommended after our annual audit for the city in all years of operation (2011-2016).  Since we don’t control the maintenance or operation of the utilities at the Ford Center by contract utilities are not suppose to be paid by VenuWorks. For simplicity VenuWorks pays the utility bills throughout the year, at the end of the year we bill back the city the annual total paid for utilities and then give the city the cash to pay us back.  On the line item city budget Fund 0474 and 0408 Arena this adjustment is taken into account and includes utilities being paid in the approximate $1million paid to the city.
In regards to the question if the hockey team loses money who pays.  It would be paid out of the Ford Center Operating budget which is city funds.  The big picture would be the loss of hockey would negatively affect the bottom line of the Ford Center.  So the way I look at it is the $1 million operating revenue budgeted for VenuWorks in the City Budget does not change even though hockey operations are now indirectly part of the Ford Center budget.  Without hockey at the Ford Center the budgeted $1 million operating revenue would not be possible.
Scott A Schoenike
Executive Director
Managed by VenuWorks of Evansville, LLC
FOOTNOTE: todays “READERS POLL” question is :Do you feel that the majority of our elected officials knowingly withheld information about who is paying the utilities bills at the Ford Center?



      Your Correct. This issue has been corrected.

      Thanks for reading the City County Observer.


  1. The Ford Center has become a black hole. The CCO truly is the Tri-State financial watchdog. Thank you for your great work.

  2. For the public to understand this, they need to know what 474 and 408 means. Will, 474 comes from our local income taxes (COIT). Generally, one half of the COIT approximately 15 million per year is allocated to capital projects, i.e. firetrucks, squad cars, etc. etc etc. the other half is allocated mostly to the General Fund, Payroll and Benefits. Since the GF is for overall operations, it is not surprising that the utilities are paid from 474, however, what is puzzling is why is 408 involved. 408 is the Master TIF which was implemented plaining for capital improvements. If anyone recalls, the Dept of Gov Local Finance ruled that cities and towns can not use TIF funds for operations, only for Capital Improvements. So, any use of the Master TIF funds to pay for utilities would be considered a direct violation of the DLGF rulings. Not exactly sure if this originally came from a court decision.

    Apparently, just another example of Russ Lloyds’ masters in manipulations. Example, do we really thing the city’s beginning General Fund balance is 1.1 million? Try NEGATIVE 21.1 million. Do we thing that the Hospitalization fund is NEGATIVE 5 million at January 1, 2017 while the first postings to the State Board of Accounts was 7.5 million NEGATIVE and then 30 days later re-posted at the 5 million NEGATIVE number. We must have the Marx brothers running this joint!!! And were in the hell is McGinn, our Finance Chairman. He should know these things. Of course, we should be wondering were in hell our lone CPA Ms Hargis is on the issue. We differently must have a Clowncil not Council!!!

    • Perhaps this is nothing more then an extension of the lunacy we have witnessed concerning the downtown motel were the taxpayers have to pay for 20 million in bonds and do not be deceived by thinking it stops there. Old Russ the manipulator, second to none, has performed masterfully to hide the 12 million in extra’s i.e. the ancillaries overruns. Of course, with two fifths McGinn, the head clown on the Clowncil not knowing his ass from a hole in the ground, this will never come to light. By the way, the taxpayers own NOTHING.

      • Hey Gratefull

        What about the Med School? Here we have the taxpayers kicking in 57 million while the State was to match the hard money cost of 50 mil but renig giving only 25 mil and of course we do not back off by 25 mil to readjust to 50\50 and the amazing thing about this like the motel the taxpayers own nothing except the debt.

    • Don’t except any answers coming from Council especially Butterfly McGinn. The only thing we will hear is crickets. So, when will we hear from Anna Hargis, CPA, the lone regarded financial wizard on this Clowncil as Meter Maid labeled. More importantly, why didn’t Stan Wheeler and the slum lord that Weaver the Weasel placed on the ERC, come forth to inform the Clowncil that the City has inked such a ridiculous deal with VenuWorks. Wheeler kinda reminds me of that dog in the back of my car that continually nods his head up and down.

  3. “In regards to the question if the hockey team loses money who pays. It would be paid out of the Ford Center Operating budget which is city funds. The big picture would be the loss of hockey would negatively affect the bottom line of the Ford Center. ”
    But, but, but, isn’t covering the team’s losses a “loss” for the Fraud Center?? It sure doesn’t work that way in the private sector.
    Maybe we just need a larger arena so we can have larger loses and positively affect the bottom line of the fraud center.
    Or maybe we need to double down and get two hockey teams.
    I can not believe someone would put that flawed logic into writing.

    Shut it down!

  4. At least there was a team. In the beginning the entire town wanted to make sure we still had a hockey team. This is to be expected considering, this is the first year, switched leagues, new team and poor advertising. Evansville became loyal to the Iceman, bought iceman jerseys, hats and everything else. What would you expect to happen with loyal fans. The thunderbolts should have exchanged every peice of Iceman apparel with their own free of charge to insure a smooth transfer to retain as many fans as the could. Free tickets to the games in the beginning. Get as many ppl hooked as they could and then go along with business like usual. Expensive ?? Yes of course, but in the long run it would have been worth it. I personally would hate to see Evansville have nothing at all..

    • Of course, every city the size of Evansville should promote interesting events, etc ..but not necessity at all costs. This mayor enabled by this Council of apparently fools lack any form of financial intelligence. Consequently, expect more and more of these forms of financial nitwittery. We could only hope that this town would fail under control of a Frank McDonald and his financial attitude. What a bunch of bozos!!!

      • Wow, how short people’s memories truly are. Remember the first bozo thing that Santa Lloyd brought to the totally inept council? Remember? Oh, it was Earthcare where Santa Lloyd Winnecke was going to hand over 5 million to this totally un-vetted group of pirates. And only four members on that Council was able to smell the oder of fish. Let’s see, who was it, first of all, McGinn, the only smart thing he ever did on Council, then there was Brinkhoff-Riley, a little crazy but on point with this ..than came Al Lindsey, we know he had some issues, but dead-on with Earthcare, and then there was Friend. Of course, what wisdom came from Mosby, she said, “we need jobs and I have heard with my constituents”, apparently the only four syllable word in her vocabulary. Hats off to Brinkerhoff-Riley for her research regarding these shysters. But nevertheless, this City loaned these pirates $200,000 and never received or will receive another penny on the loan. Why would anybody from the outside not consider Evansville a “Mark” ..need $$$, go see Mayor Winnecke and his sidekick Messy Nosby!!!

  5. If anyone hasn’t noticed, Evansville is not a hockey hotbed. It is not in Minnesota or Wisconsin.

  6. I dialed up the White House to ask President Trump what he thought after reading today’s comments.
    Here is the transcript of what he said:

    “Why listen to these anti-Ford Center and anti-hockey people? What have they done to Evansville? They’ve given us crime in the streets. They’ve given us drive by shootings. They’ve destroyed our great city. No one wants to build here with them in charge. They don’t want to make Evansville Great Again!! Their answer is to always raise taxes. They want Evansville to fail!

    The Ford Center is the best thing ever folks. It is success! It’s a shining new city on the hill! We are winners folks! The Ford Center is a massive success! It’s the finest entertainment establishment in the United States! It hosts the best hockey entertainment in the country! Best in Class! It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to Evansville! It’s a huge success! The Ford Center is the finest establishment in Evansville! Big success! Big win! Huge win for Evansville!! It’s a massive success!! A world class entertainment destination! We deserve the best!!”


    • Latest ‘private lake on the Westside outing bro’.

      You had any luck? Other than catching and releasing bottom feeders on here?

      Wouldn’t have gotten involved on this thread but after reading some others leading up to this one I realized I needed to warn you. The Wall Street Journal has officially been deemed “fake news” by our disaffected president.

      PressAnyRT is the only official news source left to save our Democracy.

      And you can take that to al sharpie’s bank.

      Believe me….

  7. The Ford Center was probably necessary, but like any fine instrument, the people playing the instrument must be talented as well. In regards to the Thunderbolts, well let’s see, the managing organizations needs to renew the management contract so they agree, without any risk, to purchase a semi-pro hockey team in the hopes to renew their contract and to the detriment of the Evansville taxpayers. Why do we keep putting up with this BS. Is the electorate that stupid in this town????

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